More like this?

More like this?

I wish there was, user

>there will never be an album so unique as Murmuure


Haven't listened to the album but that cover is dope, is the art original and if not does anyone know where it's from? I swear I've seen a guitar pedal with a very similar graphic on it if not the exact same one


grateful dead used the same design im p sure

Right on, thanks. Also here's the pedal I was thinking of in case anyone cares

Image didn't post, oops

Listen to it.

Mamaleek , yoga , botanist all bm with the same style and rithm.

The pedal is the obscura delay
I have it its dank af

take a pick, OP

I really need to know too please someone help


Faggot poster but this chart really is accurate. I recommend picking a few from here OP

Nothing from there sounds anything like Murmuure

No, but it's in the same vein
most Murmuure listeners might like garbage from this chart as well

>any album by boris

top bait, memer.

Nothing on this chart is garbage, it was made by faggots on /metal/ to fuck with people

>nu-male opinions