Need some non English avant folk/neo folk with female vocals pls

Need some non English avant folk/neo folk with female vocals pls

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is it weird to think that they are hot.


No, why would it be

>when you lose at the Slender video game and the playable character is a woman and he forcibly has sex with no consent and the woman gets pregnant with multiple children at once and they are born and grow up to be very lanky just like the Slender Man


I think this is what you meant to post
>When you lose at the free downloadable Slender: The Eight Pages video game and the playable character is a woman and the Slender Man has sex with her without her consent and the woman gets pregnant with triplets and when they are born they look normal but they grow up to be tall and very slender just like the Slender Man

Get off this board.


its rare to see pictures of real human beings like this. most of the pics you see on jailbait websites are edited or probably taken with a very good camera. it's weird to think there are so many people but such a small percentage of porn is organic let alone with actual young people that are attractive.

wew lad

Tfw no qt recs


What kind of derranged human would be physically attracted to such emaciated mtf transgender people

Stop. Castrate yourself or something, just stop.

Those are teenage girls with Marfan syndrome.

Oh so that makes them healthy? Fuck off they look sickening

Really tall women are good for manlets to fix their genes

No that makes them not transgenders.

They won't really fix their genes with a hereditary syndrome which causes heart defects

They still look like lanky boys

That's fine, as long as you realize they aren't transgenders.

Transgenders are disgusting I just think giving anything a label as disgusting as transgender is insulting. Like if I go up to a black Jewish downie midget with Marfan syndrome (yes you can have both) and call it a transgender I'd practically be making transgenders look less disgusting.

You're disgusting

Oh no! Right in the feelings!!!

How shall I ever recover?

Fix your relationship with your parents. Or if they don't love you, which I suspect is the case, you can speak to childline. Also I would recommend joining a club at school where you could make some friends

just making an observation, most "amateur" porn is disproportionally black guys having sex with chubby white girls who are into "bdsm"

Maybe get a girlfriend?

No thank you I prefer isolation

women are for faggots desu senpai

why would you photoshop those grils

I'm sincere when I say this. Go back to tumblr.

That's only what you tell yourself

>pic related
Nuf said.

They really aren't.

32 replies and not a single one is about music.

It'd be like fucking a pile of sticks mate

Neofolk is shit

then dont post such an obviously derailing pic you spaz

I feel the same way for degenerates attracted to fat girls

here you go


would smash

Anywhere within the healthy BMI range isn't fat. You're either a closeted pedo who can't stand any signs of female fertility, or you're just so emotionally illiterate that you don't realise women are humans who don't deserve to starve themselves to please you

t. fat chick

skinny girls will always be the patricians choice. keep your negroid standards of beauty to yourself.

I don't see any scrawny women in national portrait gallerys. You're weak. Just castrate yourself

Strong independent whale detected

loooool. lose weight pig, you're gross. notice how rich men get with models. they have their choice of any woman and they pick skinny girls because that's the apex of femininity. keep lying to yourself about "healthy bmi" cow

>Anywhere within the healthy BMI range isn't fat
Yes, but he explicitly said fat, so your post is irrelevant

All the rich men I personally know have wives that are healthy or fat. The only rich people who get with models are plebeian celebrities

He implied I was attracted to fat girls, when my post explicitly ~didn't say that~
so his post was irrelevant. Retard

>He implied I was attracted to fat girls
He didn't, really - your delicate personality just freaked at that interpretation. Chill out a bit, man.

He quite obviously implied that. You're wrong. Have a good day

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