Le Rallizes Denudes is so much better than The Velvet Underground and Sup Forumss taste is basically shit

Le Rallizes Denudes is so much better than The Velvet Underground and Sup Forumss taste is basically shit

I like their music but they're far-left leaning so I try to stay clear to maybe once a month.

You just like them because the frontman was a legitimately autistic homosexual and they're Japanese just like your favorite cartoons.

Source? It's all just rumor and speculation

And what does it matter if its far-left?

frontman was a radical leftist who tried to take part in a coup

anyone complaining about that is an idiot though since he didn't actually do much or kill anyone like Varg.

anyway, they're really good but not much like TVU beyond taking the ideas of Heroin and Sister Ray to their logical conclusion

most overrated rymcore band

back to /daily/, poseur

Yeah, LRD shirts are so much more #SWAG than that Andy Warhol banana shit. Just got a LRD cover for my iPhone 8. Catch you on the RYM!

fuck off back to Sup Forums

I don't understand why people compare the two. Sure LRD was influenced by TVU but I just can't see any similar sounds.

I think it's fair to see the extended haze of Heroin and the raw recording of Sister Ray as both integral parts of a Denudes sound

Pretty good memecore music. It's my go-to band to namedrop at parties to look intelligent.

Yeah I guess. Maybe the folk stuff LRD did was also similar to the more mellow songs TVU did.

Does anybody have a download for 77 Live or Double Heads?

>double heads
Fucking why?

care to share a vocaroo of how you pronounce it?

It's bolded on RYM so I wanted to check it out. Is it not very good?

TVU's live shows are closer to the LRD sound than any of their studio work

To me it sort of seemed long and boring. Isn't it like 5 hours long?

we know literslly nothing at all about Mizutani

the bassist was responsible for a hijacking, however there have been a metric fuckton of bassists in LRD and it's literally only Mizutani running the show however