What does Sup Forums think of this masterpiece?

What does Sup Forums think of this masterpiece?

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Love this

This has become more popular, recently. Have the tumblr and Instagram girls found out about it?

It's a great album.
I hope so. I wanna have a MooGF one day.

it's great

No, it's just spring.

This seems to be the only album on here that never gets hate. It's just too comfy to have any negative emotions towards it.

Amazing and comfy album desu

I've seen this on Sup Forums before but never sought it out to listen to. Now I'm playing it and the first track sounds eerily familiar. Was this in a movie or a popular video or something?

The more I listen to it the more I think it was in a flash I saw on /f/ probably three or four years ago.

Didn't like it at first, but it really grew on me

I love it

Apparently it was in this movie en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lil_Bub_&_Friendz
>The song "Plantasia" from the album "Mother Earth's Plantasia" is used in the documentary Lil Bub & Friendz.

But I'm sure I've never seen that movie. Somehow a song I thought was a meme turned out to be in a movie about memes, but I can't place that connection.

Its a good one

5/5 no lie

MailChimp used it in this, I actually really enjoy their ads desu. youtube.com/watch?v=rO4pwJjM56Q

it's youtube suggested tier


this is true, but it's still good and I keep coming back to it so it must be doing something right

Hmm, I must've seen that ad, because that's exactly the part of the song that sounded familiar. I don't remember watching dogs made of kale though. Maybe I was half asleep when it came on and I heard it but didn't see it or something.

>youtube suggested tier
so which user's gonna make the chart?

I listened to Songs: Ohia just one time, and for the past month it has been in my suggested videos every time I follow a link to youtube.

Youtube is unironically patrician as fuck though.

>it's getting reissued in May

my dick is ready


comfy as fuck desu. 7/10


Anyone interested in this album who wants more music that sounds like that would be interested in this band I saw shared in a sharethread a while back named Plone
They made an EP, an official album and a bootleg 2nd album before dropping off the radar
Plock EP Sample:
For Beginner Piano Album Sample:
Unreleased 2nd Album Sample:
Fun fact: Plone's bootleg 2nd album has 4.13 stars on RYM and comes in at #9 on its "Top Bootlegs/Unauthorized Albums of 2006" list.
You'd better not be fucking lying

It has been reissued before in a colored vinyl version, but that was limited to 500 copies and didn't have anything like the original packaging.
I can't find anything about an upcoming reissue besides an Amazon page with no further information.

Reminds me of some unreleased BOC stuff on 35 tracks tape and old tunes v1 & v2

Dayum, sounds like Boards of Canada with acoustic instruments and chiptunes. Good stuff!

Love that but like this one more