... fuck

Rip Gas

inb4 3.4

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Is it out? Has it leaked?

what the heck

I'd like to point out maybe I spammed this a bit much

where the fuck have you been the past week?

Narkopop is good but I expected a little more texture and background movement that I came to love in Pop and Konigsforst

Still top tier ambient though


anyone got a dl link?


got taken down, my man

That's the link they gave me
I just used it to


ay thanks buddy.

Still not many ratings, it will probably go down once the Kendrick and weeb soundtrack internet defense forces mobilize to defend their albums.
Then some bad prog metal album will appear out of nowhere and take the top spot, thanks RYM

I thought the textures here were the most interesting of his career, some sections were straight-up soft noise, others were totally different than the "disembodied classical loops" sound he normally has. A lot denser.

>weeb soundtrack internet defense forces
Do these people even care about rym?

to be fair I haven't listened to it nearly as much as Pop yet so I need to keep combing it over

It's called Königsforst, not Konigsforst.


Noooo the Gas album is so good

most don't but the ones that do REALLY care.

It's the same community that puts Flow over Thaw
Why the fuck should I care?

It's okay, Pitchfork will give it a 8.3 BNM, causing all the hip kids to listen to it. Then they'll hate, it and rate it half a star on rym.

>caring about butt techno

God I hope they'll hate it. I don't want Voigt to be the next "hip" thing.

Too late

"ambient music to study to" has been a meme for a while.

muh secret club

Why do you care? why would anyone care?

all these handicap algorithms to make rap albums higher and kendrick still can't get to the top

RYM mods wiped the ratings since it hasn't been released yet officially :^(

Are you serious Gas is already a meme

>posting RYM shit on Sup Forums

stop and go back to plebbit

The last track is amazing

>every Kendrick album is now bold
truly the greatest rapper alive

kys hipster faggot


really stoked for this album! zauberberg is my fave gas and this looks to be a bit more minimal techno?

ive listened to so much ambient but very few do it right and do it well. Gas, RDJ, early hecker. none of that stars of the lid bullshit please!

>he'll never top GKMC

Feels bad man

it'll be very hard to top. that said, I'm more than satisfied with DAMN.