You have half an hour to name 3 albums

you have half an hour to name 3 albums
go ahead, take your time, I'll wait

In the areoplane over the sea
In the areoplane over the- dam I messed up. Good thing I have more time...

Radiohead - Ok Computer
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation

The Fragile
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Pokémon 2.B.A Master

We accomplished nothing.

Come on this is pretty easy, I could name 3 albums in 15 minutes easily because I watch TheNeedleDrop, and am therefore a music buff.

uuhhh uhh... UUHh the dark sideof thr moon uhhhhhh FUCK

Master of puppets

Alien vs Predator: Requiem
Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban
Pokemon Sun & Moon

The Down-

damn no i can't, half an hour? that's unfair

I Salute - To Nothing But You
Sevish - Rhythm and Xen
The Hirsch Effekt - Holon: Agnosie

The joys of losing weight
The final fantasy VIII piano collection
Kiss eachother clean

Americ - An Footbal
The Swans - Seer
Whole Milk Motel - The Plane On The Sea

I've been trying for ages but I really can't think of any. Why did you pick such a niche genre.

grimes - art angels
kendrick lamar - damn
uhh jackie chan

Tin - String Bean Casserole
Tellyface - Rodrigo Sugar
Twixt - The Crustacean

next question?

Tago Mago
Future Days
Jackie Chan

Just looked online and apparently only like 5 or so albums exist and they're all really obscure. Don't beat yourselves up over not being able to guys.

Annoying Ringtone - Hypertone
Diabarha - Cyberpunk Machine
Distonn - Nightclub Annihilator

Bull of Heaven - 257: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71)
The Queen - Greatest Hits
Exuma - Exuma

Run the Jewels 1
Run the Jewels 2
uhhm... uhhhhhh


Greatest Hits
Greatest Hits
Greatest Hits

The Joy Division shirt album
The Pink Floyd shirt album
Crazy Frog - Crazy Hits

I just think of my top three albums
You're Living All Over Me
Red Medicine

Earth - Earth
Earth - Earth 2
Earth - Earth 3

Young Rich Niggers


Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer

Abbey Road
Since I Left You

Nu Bop
Harmony and Abyss