Post artists you respect for their talents, influence etc but don't enjoy listening to

Post artists you respect for their talents, influence etc but don't enjoy listening to.



Lou reed


This guy

Kendrick Lamar
David Bowie


No one can.



George Clinton, Parliament/Funkadelic and funk music in general



have one on me is god tier pleb

who is this

google image search didn't help

Gordon Ramsay

John Lennon, Ian Curtis, Joe Strummer.

yeah i really like her lower talent.

respect is for the dogs.

> how to google image

idk if he counts since Akuma no Uta is my favourite Boris album and from what I understand he contributed some noise

>inb4 talent

Growing up, I got on well with kids who listened to Tool. The band seem like smart, reasonable human beings, I've seen a video or three and they're usually cool, good costumes too. All-around good band I guess.

But I just could never ever care about the music itself. I gave it like two-three honest shots and it just fell flat for me.