Tfw finally grew out of rap

>tfw finally grew out of rap
It's been a year now, am I free?

Yes, now you can listen to REAL music

one second, let me just get my- Ah ha! Found it!

Hope so.

You classical fan now ?

Same desu

nice one reddit


>tfw finally grew out of ambient drone field recordings

After you "grow out of" rap you have to post a bunch of jazz threads where you casually drop that you know what Blue Note Records is


Or you know, listen to some real music.

What are you going to listen to now?

Recently I've been checking out neofolk and it's pretty nice


get over yourself

I remember when I grew out of music.
>literally listening to vibrations through a medium as a hobby


>having hobbies
>literally exerting ridiculous amounts of effort to induce pleasureful chemical reactions in your brain

talk to me when you transcend faggot

this desu

Shoegaze is top tier.

It was pretty much the opposite for me. Got exposed to awful hipster music at first, then got on Sup Forums and started branching out and developing my own tastes and found stuff I loved. Stayed away from generic pop/classic rock/ rap music. Now I recently started listening to fucking gangster 90's rap because I was wondering why there are videos of dancing old school gangster lookin niggers with 25+ million views and its fucking infectious. The aggressive lyrics and beats are irresistible. I'm finding I grab my genitals a lot more recently and I do weird hand gestures trying to dance or move to the beats. Phat beats dawg.