Who else here loves Alessia Cara

She's qt as fuck

You're right she is cute but i can't find her sexually attractive... idk

she looks like she is very stupid, if that makes sense. like sometimes you'll meet someone and look into their eyes and it's like you're staring at a brick wall, and they are just really dull. that's her

She's the sam hyde of pop music.

She can't fucking stop getting away with awful music

"Here" is amazing

Is she italian?

She seems nice and funny, i would marry her

indeed she is
just too bad shes canuck

had a chance to see her for free in an audience of 150 but was like "fuck that"

What's the matter with that?

She's only 5'3", no waifu material

Why does she need to be sexually attractive?

I mean... to bang her

how long until she becomes a slut like ariana grande and selena gomez

She seems like she has a nice ass if sexual appeal in things really have that much of a pull on your opinion.

I dont think so, she keeps a low profile

She really got a nice one

Damn i forgot the picture


Some rumours says that she used to post on Sup Forums... so, she's one of us

Damn I would marry her

I really like her as a person, so I'm avoiding her music because I'm pretty sure I won't like it

damn i thought she was like half black or something but she's just Italian. them moor rape genes are strong

You sound like a pseudo intellectual virginal prick, if that makes sense. Like you say things to try and sound pretentious as a defense mechanism so people won't see how insecure you are about actually being completely unsophisticated, uneducated, and not terribly bright. And this defensiveness drives everyone away from you. That's you. If that makes sense.

She looks like she smells bad... so my type of woman

Not him but this is some grade A projecting


Sure thing, kiddo


She looks like a troglodyte

To me she sounds like an angel

There's no way you can get that descriptive from his short post without subconsciously being critical of yourself

Have you seen her boyfriend? The girl is going white

I want her to fart in my face

she looks gross