ITT: discount celebrities

ITT: discount celebrities

discount Christian Bale

discount Matt Damon

discount Amanda Seyfried

Just because someone looks likes another actor doesn't make them a discount version.

A discount version is like, what Rob Schneider is to Adam Sandler.

>"We want Matt Damon but we need the meth audience"

Discount Brad Pitt

Dane Cook when he was acting always felt like a discount ben stiller to me, and I don't even like ben stiller. Ben Stiller is like a discount version of a good actor who doesn't even exist.

Budget Big Guy

fucking THIS also her voice and darlenes one are fucking ANNOYING AS FUCK



I find her eyebrows and general face shape annoying

Budget Logan Marshall Green

Jessica Chastain now 50% off


Isn't it vice versa? I actually like Chastain more, but Bryce is more traditionally beautiful.

she's a solid 9.65/10

discount our guy

Discount Shailene Woodley

Discount Evangeline Lilly

>discount Zach Braff

Discount Johnny Depp

Discount Edward Norton

kat dennings

wot, I thought she was Amanda Seyfried

so much this

John Travolta 5% Discount

hes the madman though

*affirmative action brad pitt

Our guy 4 me

Discount Tom Hanks x Barry Obama

that guy is such a good actor too he just decided to do a bunch of dumb shit and fuck his career up