ITT Celebrities with small penis's

ITT Celebrities with small penis's

>Dicaprio, not even dick or balls visible at this angle.

Or you know, he is wearing flesh coloured briefs which push his balls and cock up and the ass is CGI'd in.

all of the white ones

Or he could be a grower.

I don't think you know how genitalia works.

Wouldn't it be easier just to show your ass?

Most white men are

are you niggers waking up for your saturday job LMAO?

>white men have small-to-average penises
also on the news today, water is wet.

Easier? Yeah but some actors might be uncomfortable being nude on the set and it might impact their acting performance.

Leo's supposed to be hung though.
They probably strapped it all out of the way so it wasn't in view

>Nude in front of about 50 people with cameras all pointing at you while standing with your junk visible to the world

I'd blame shrinkage

Their paycheck should be incentive enough to make them do anything
That includes giving up the booty to the producer and giving the director an occasional BJ

>leave Vegas to me

>not realizing he was in the pool

>he bought the brainwash propaganda created by porn industry kikes that every nigger has a foot long baton to fend off police officers with
Wew lad!

What time do you think it is?

>falling for the 'grower' meme

post some more images from your blacked collection plz

Eeny weeny detected

Magneto guy was well dicked

except liam neeson, kevin bacon and willem dafoe to name a few are very well known to be packing serious heat down there

Word is Leo has a huge dick

>implying it isn't real

t. grower

Does anyone here have a little white dick? Is life hard?

Yeah, it's true. It's always been small. Weakest part of his ego is being small cocked, but he actually is a really cool guy so people over look that. Bitches over look it because he us Leo fucking DiCaprio, but yeah, he is small.

You know who is hung and white though?
Not the obvious ones but...
Tobey McGuire, Ewan Mcgregor too.

Tom Hardy has a painfully small penis


Manlets look hung with regular dicks. It's their one blessing.

>medical fact
Ok Dr. user.

don't worry, you can still use your fingers and tongue ;^)

He's average height, not 5 feet tall

A small penis that has went through more women than any hungfag on Sup Forums.

Why do people even care about penis size so long as you are fucking women?
Where does it say that the point of fucking is only for the woman to feel pleasure? Some Feminist Manifesto?
What are you people, genuine cucks?
If you want to please women so much, why not ask them to strap-on fuck you?

Im sorry.

Regular sized penis looks big on skinny 5'8 full grown boys.

Most nude male actors are wearing a pouch or similar over their junk.

Jared Leto is reportedly 11"

fully erect


There is merit in the fact that you can satisfy a woman and shake in the fact you cannot.

While the conquest of pussy is admirable, there are many more men than can merely get to the pussy than those who will have it come back for more of that cock.

It would be a shame that some chick bragging about fucking Leo has to shrug when asked how it was. Or worse, scale the member with her fingers in one hand.


>If you want to please women so much, why not ask them to strap-on fuck you?
Yeah give me a reason to not do that!

>There is merit in the fact that you can satisfy a woman
No. There is no merit in being a submissive cuck. Only selfish people have merit. You are just playing the "nice-guy" sham and trying to convince yourself that being submissive to a woman makes you manly.
If you want to satisfy a woman, having her dildo fuck you with a strapon is more "empowering" and "pleasing" than any fuck she could ever have. So do that if you are truly adamant about "pleasing" women.
There is no middle-line.

Can't say life is hard since it never gets any use.

>white people are growers but often average
>black people are showers but lack an erection

are these memes correct?

>There is no middle-line.
What about a finger?

No, it's just that you don't know how to satisfy a nigger

What are you even implying you retard

Which one are we talking about? Thumb or pinkie or middle finger?

Really big cocks have trouble actually being hard. They just swell, and it takes a while for that too.

It's weird. Saw this Real sex on hbo with humongous dicked strippers and they had to work hard just to get it big for the show. Their wives were big fat black ladies

It's obviously CGI, user. They cgi'd out his dangler.

Whole fist?

My dick is so large I get lightheaded every time I get an erection

I get lighthearted.