/tru/ thread

>ITT: We pretend the Truman Show is a real show airing on TV right now.

So can we all agree that college arc was the best arc?

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>Fucking newfags who weren't even there during the teenage years

>it's another truman accidentally turns on "the truman show" episode
gets my heart racing every time!

He has done nothing but fapping to trap threads on Sup Forums for the past two weeks.

I really hope it's getting better again next season.


Would you watch this if they made an american version?

> Nasubi (なすび?, "Eggplant"), is a Japanese comedian who was challenged to stay alone unclothed in an apartment for Susunu! Denpa Shōnen (January 1998 — March 2002), a Japanese reality television show on Nippon Television, after winning a lottery for a "show business related job." He was challenged to enter mail-in sweepstakes until he won ¥1 million (about US$10,000) in total. He started with nothing (including no clothes), was cut off from outside communication and broadcasting, and had nothing to keep him company except the magazines he combed through for sweepstakes entry forms. After spending 335 days to reach his target, he set the Guinness world record for the "longest time survived on competition winnings.

>It's his day off from work
>Unplugs his phone
>Faps all day
>Orders a whole pizza and finishes it all while marathoning the history channel
>Falls asleep

This show has really gone downhill. This whole depression arc is boring.

who has the complete series box set? im waiting for it to drop in price a little

>So can we all agree that college arc was the best arc?

Was I seriously the ONLY one watching when Truman raped that girl after the dorm party? It's like it never happened

Obama era Truman show sucks desu.
Bush and Clinton years were so much better now they're just trying to force their agendas into the show. The drop in quality since Christof was replaced is quite noticeable.

>unplugs his phone

>still using wired phones

Reboot featuring his daughter when?

Why did they even bother airing the pre-teen arc? All he did was masturbate, it was funny the first 2 or 3 times but it got out of hand pretty quickly

>Obama era Truman show
you incompetent buffoon

>24 hour show about a teenage white girl

I'm not prepared to see that many black dicks

>got out of hand


No one would get intimate with her, really. Everyone except for truman and the girl would know they're being filmed.

Oh please
They had some porn star fucking Truman on screen last season just for the shock value.
Implying they're not below doing blacked these days.

Remember when this show used to be good and had a positive message in every episode?
I miss old Truman show.

That was retconned later on when it turned out it was just a guy that dressed like a girl.

>Truman, I found your piss bottles

What did she mean by this?

I still think the piss bottle was a fake.
I mean we never see Truman fill it or use one before or after.

>All these people thinking the Truman Dome is actually where the Truman Show takes place
Holy fuck wake up sheeple the Truman Dome is actually a FEMA experiment death camp, the Truman Show is faker than the fucking moon landing

Post yfw Truman discovers the truth

Would get suck.
It's the only good show airing right now.