Finally saw Drive. Gosling's portrayal of a psychopath was utterly flawless

Finally saw Drive. Gosling's portrayal of a psychopath was utterly flawless.

>halfway through realize he is a complete psychopath
>understand the symbolism of the scorpion
>he references the scorpion and the frog

Seriously, if you don't understand what a psychopath is or the difference between one and a sociopath, watch it.

Other urls found in this thread:

nah he was just autistic

can a psychopath be a real human being and a real hero?

>that image

Oh god how fucking disgustingly over-explained story.
Fucking americans.

Scorpion stinger vs. turtle shell...


This. op you dun goofed

Niggers are just genetically more aggressive and violent.

It's their Nature.

You dumb white people handicap yourself when you try to rationalize nigger actions with logic.

this story makes no sense, if the scorpion just had to sting the turtle, why didn't he do it when they first talked? or wait until getting to the other side? why wait to sting him only when you're in a position of killing yourself too. Why didn't the turtle think of the scorion stinging him when they made it across for that matter? its bullshit, never happened

lol this board is a joke

He wasn't a psychopath because he helped other people selflessly. A psychopath helps others only to exploit them in some way later. Also the distinction between sociopath and psychopath are medically outdated and incorrect today and only remain in common language.

Elaborate on your last point please.

Psychopathy and sociopathy are now the same thing according to scientists. It's not that guy A who just runs around killing people like the Joker is a "psychopath" and guy B who's a well-adjusted businessman that just has no compassion and ruthlessly fucks everyone over to benefit himself is a "sociopath". They're both underlying psychopaths but the rest of their condition is different.

You make good points but

>according to scientists

[citation needed]

I read a book by the guy who wrote the men who stare at goats (hes a journalist), and it was him investigating what psychopathy is, he asks a few people and they say a sociopath and a psychopath are the same thing it's called The Psychopath Test and it's fucking fascinating

Came here to learn more about sociopathy

Is the scorpion the origin of
>pssh..nothing personnell, kid

The 20 traits of a psychopath/ sociopath from the Hare Psychopathy checklist which is the longstanding mainstream test. Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2 based on how well it applies to the subject being tested. It has to be administered by a professional to be valid, but how would you score yourself?

• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity
• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility
A prototypical psychopath would receive a maximum score of 40, while someone with absolutely no psychopathic traits or tendencies would receive a score of zero.

A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy.

People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5.

Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.

^the test itself

He wasn't a psychopath. He was actually a really hypersensitive man who was constantly trying to hide his emotions because he has to work with robbers. A lot micro-expressions betray his feelings. He built his hyper-real persona - based on characters you'd see in a Micheal Mann or John Woo flick - because he also works for the film industry and he lives in Los Angeles.

too many pajeets and slavs lately

He may be kind of a psychopath, but my interpretation was he was autistic, and just lashed out when he felt cornered and endangered

These together are the perfect explanation for his character

Just google it. The medical community doesn't use the term "psychopath" anymore, like the other user said, it's an outdated term. That's it.

The differences are more prevalent in the criminal justice system. Sociopath's can have people in their lives they actively try to protect and can have emotional ties to. Psychopaths do not and are 100% void of empathy.

Everyone thinks they're a super cool sociopath, it's the adult version of pretending to be Sasuke or Vegeta

Let me correct you there, psychopathy isn't something that you have or don't have, it's a spectrum.
Psychopathy involves traits like lack of empathy and resistance to stress and fear, but emotionlessness isn't entirely valid.
Because the people on right side of the spectrum don't feel fear they're likely to ignore the dangers of a situation and are driven by the thought of reward instead, this can be handy in multiple roles in society (firemen and surgeons have some of the highest percentages of psychopathic people.)

Sociopaths on the other hand cannot identify other people's emotions and may not realize other people even have them, so they're less likely to function well in society as opposed to psychopaths, who can fake empathic emotions. I will grant you though, the ones on the extreme right end of the spectrum often don't have them, or are at least so tuned down as to be imperceptible.

There's a good book about this called The Wisdom of Psychopaths, which oddly enough isn't nearly as edgy as it sounds.

You asked so I answered. Not going to spoonfeed you.

there is no difference between sociopaths and psychopaths, all the same


I'm perfectly normal, right?