Ok everyone his having a go at the chicks

but nobody is having a go at thor for acting in ghostbusters?

>male patriarchy much?

He did nothing wrong

I don't remember anyone hailing this actor for being a good actor

He literally just read his market-researched quips as Thor and looked Nordic, that's all anyone expected and that's what they got

>Mike Hat

Because seeing Chris Hemsworth's shitty acting is like finding out there's shit in a toilet.

he was the funniest part, his character legit made me laugh.

>Oh no this noise is so loud
>Better cover my eyes

I'd pretend to be retarded for a big pay cheque.
I do it now for free.

In Australia anyone viewing YouTube without Adblock or going to the cinema or turning on the tv currently need to watch this smug cunt doing sponsored ads for a cable tv service.

They have him watching his own Thor movies because even here they know people might not recognise him

>*inner monologue* "whatcha doin Hemsy? Watching urself huh? Classic Hemsy!"

I don't think there's any other member of the Avengers cast who's career relies so entirely on his continued involvement in them.

>In Australia
Well, there's your problem.

>even Australian commercials are shitposting

What a fascinating country.

>hugely popular as Thor
>all his other movies flop and evenwhenhe's the lead in them people forget about his involvement

Interesting. What causes this?

Oh you're right as fucking rain about that.

One time CNN posted a link to a story about the mother of a child with down syndrome on Twitter, and I replied with "nobody cares about this woman's diseased cunt" and an Australian anchor for the network followed me. She's fucking fine, too.

>Thor is hugely popular
>all his other movies flop and evenwhenhe's the lead in them people forget about his involvement

There. That's why.

lol what why'd she do that? thats strange as fuck?

because she found it funny. Australians fucking LOVE shitposting. She only follows like 4K people compared to her 14K followers. Haven't had the nerve to DM her yet, though.

Probably views everything as a "networking opportunity"

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(Note: No I'm not shilling, I was just informing you.)

lol she was probably thought your comment was disgusting and was just following you to see if she can dig up some dirt on you and make a story about you

I'm not sure what networking she thought she could get out of following some shitter with a fake name and an avatar made in mspaint who has less than thousand followers. She just appreciated my shitposting, as all Australians do.

I want to believe she just loves shit posting.

fuck off

I don't know, and I don't really care. She's pretty.

no, you fuck off

nuke australia pls, only filled with disrespect and spiders as far as I can tell

we can only dream

What are you talking about? Feminists are butthurt because hes getting the most praise out of anyone in the movie, when he was supposed to be made an example of.

You mean the gamergate numale faggot on Sup Forums?


I laughed a couple times but he's hardly the comedic genius people are claiming.

what about in comparison to everything else in the film?

The delivery guy "You know they make smaller headphones now right?" made me laugh and then they destroyed this minority male's livelihood by destroying his motorcycle, which they could have replaced with their own.

The community college dean's various finger gestures would have made me laugh hysterically when I was 12.

He was funny. No one else thought he was great and the only good part of the movie?