Which one is better...?

Which one is better...?

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akira has great visuals but it's kind of a shitty movie

>watching cartoons


Spirited Away is animekino.

>Female lead
Guess again

Kanye West


I love both. Im gonna have to go with Spirited Away. Its just too comfy.
Fuck it Im watching it right now

How about you ask the board that's made for anime discussion?

Castle in the Sky

you tell em user!



god damn that looks like it was made by severely upset newfag

eazy rider

is that the same guy that made it possible for newfrog meme parasites like you to post here after being laughed out of Sup Forums?


Whisper of the Heart or Kiki

so comfy

Porco Rosso

Spirited away
Akira is great, but it's also kind of a mess, plus spirited away has feels.

>disliking baneposting

Why do you people always start whining about cartoons when nobody has even brought them up?

Didn't you already make this thread with a kanye tweet, Sup Forumsedditor?

Why don't you post it on Sup Forums or are you scared of them?


theyre incomparable other than the fact that the same woman animated them... aesthetic-wise spirited away had more focus on the setting and its feel, Akira had highly detailed settings but the focus was more on the characters and their interactions

Spirited Away's sound track wins

The sequence where they travel to second witch is so fucking comfy.

Anime can be serious Kino.



It's my favorite scene of the movie. It's also an example of something that to my knowledge can't be found in any Disney movie. It's just several minutes of the characters silently, calmly riding a train.

Japan has television, there is no jtv board. this board was originally about talking about japanese tv and movies. If u don't like it reddit may be more your speed

Akira is GOAT. It could only be surpassed by a better Akira.

akira and mononoke is in my top movies but i dunno about SA, might just remain in top /animated/ movies. it's a lovely family adventure, but there's something about the hyper real 90s anime style with gore that is so fucking pleasing on the eyes. it only furthers my distaste for how far japanese animation quality has fallen, generally. not to even mention the largely vocal and percussive score.

The quality of TV anime has gone up tremendously, though it has probably cannibalized the movie market to some extent (stuff that would have become movies in the past are now more likely to become shows).

I've only seen Akira out of those two, so I'll have to go with that. Speaking as someone who doesn't like much animu, Akira is fucking fantastic.

You'd probably like The Illusionist, if you haven't seen it already.


there's just so much of it and its barely distinguishable, every season is 10 series' of moe slice of life about a loser guy who suddenly has his life turned upside down when ______!

>literally too scared to post on Sup Forums


Ah, so you're one of those people who doesn't even watch modern anime and doesn't know anything about it but still complains about it a lot.

"Moe slice of life about a loser guy..." is nonsense because moe slice of life shows are about girls and there is no male protagonist and rarely even male characters. The number of moe SoL shows per season is somewhere around 0-3, not 10. It's also just a meme that all male protagonists are losers.

i check the season guides and they are full of it

moe doesn't mean necessarily mean cute girls, either, so you are mistaken, anime expert.

>CTRL+F "school"
>wow nothing but moeshit this season what happened to all the good anime
You are not checking shit.

>moe doesn't mean necessarily mean cute girls
That's exactly what the "moe slice of life" shows you're talking about mean.

Spirited away is better than akira as a movie, but I love cyberpunk desu, so akira it is

Venus Wars

Akira manga > Spirited Away > Akira film

they are all great though