*jumps around*

Other urls found in this thread:

>another female oriented comedy written and directed by men

so progressive
women can drink and shit themselves too :)

>Being a bad mother is not only acceptable but a source of entertainment

You can make a whole bunch of money by pandering to single moms who are post-wall.

i think i want to see this

being a bad father has been that for quite some time though

This is why those Bachelorette programs exist. It doesn't make sense for quality alpha males to chase around some 30-year old woman who sluts around with a dozen other guys, but it reminds these imminent spinsters of that time in their lives.

But it's about LOVE, user. How could you be so ignorant? They're making real connections here.

This isn't pandering to single moms. It's pandering to people with a MILF thing.

>What if he has foreskin?
>Scream and run away

Fuck you

The bad father in a sitcom was stupid, fat, uninspired and lazy.

The bad mom is a suppressed woman who finds sexual and emotional liberation while shirking her familial servitude.

i may watch this only because Christina Applegate is in it.Since i watched shit ton of Married with Children episodes would be interesting to see how she look like all grown up,but other than that pretty sure the movie will be shit.



I want Kristen Bell to be my mommy

People with a milf thing will stay home and watch porn.

The SJW won't praise this movie because they know it's a guaranteed flop.
It'll be quietly forgotten like that western movie with Natalie Portman.
Though, I will give this movie credit: they weren't stupid enough to give it an over-inflated budget.

Is that Bruce Jenner?

No just a normal white woman

>jews going wild: the kinoenciclopedia

>white woman
No, thats a kike

found shills

>male escapist fantasy
>superheros, fantasy, action films, impossible things

>female escapist fantasy
>just be allowed to do what men can, without shame

Really makes you think

No, an armenian or greek woman

>>female escapist fantasy
as envisioned by two men

That's exactly what I was thinking. She is fucking ugly and my god it doesn't help she's doing that duck lips shit in the main photo.

>"Being a single mom is haaaaaard; time to be a whore!"

Fuck you

>female escapist fantasy
>do what men like to do while constantly boasting about it and receiving praise for it

>male escapist fantasy
>do what men like to do without any outside interference

okay armenian i get, but greek?

Wat... is that in a trailer...

Wat is wrong with people.

>but it reminds these imminent spinsters of that time in their lives.
lel those women will always find a man loving to provide for them

>neglect your kids!
>drink hard liquor excessively!
>be promiscuous!



I thought this was a joke on Sup Forums or upcoming meme until I saw one of the trailers yesterday.
>tfw its real
>tfw I'll never know who is behind the screenplay

>Impossible things that strive to inspire the great potential of men
>Possible things that encourage hedonism, irresponsibility, and "ugogrrl" singe motherhood

Yeah those are totally comparable, I definely remember all those studies correlating superheros with criminality, low social mobility, and emotional disorders.


pls no

Fuck you, Kathryn Hahn is my milf-fu

I had a "bad mom" in real life, want to know what happened? I was put up for adoption at age 6.
It's absolutely detestable that they would see this as something to be PROUD of. Being a mom means leaving behind your collage years. get over it you dumb sluts.

>butthurt uncutfags

I hope this movie fucking flops. So sick of having this blatant cock of misandry shoved down my throat

That's in the film? I wonder if that will be removed in the non-cucked rest of the world.

This physically hurts to watch.

Clappyfats all have their "dicks" cut up as babies and their jewish run media constantly reinforces that a normal dick is bad. It's really interesting to observe.

>yes mohel, mutilate my genitals for g-d

>mutilated by jewish propaganda
So are you an American or a literal shit eating nigger in Africa because those are the two countries that commonly perform circumcision

I would ask how it feels to be an incomplete man, but we both know you don't feel anything at all.

>hosting a house party and getting drunk
child services should be called

The dick mutilation line raises an interesting question, with all of the China pandering and increasing importance of the international box office, why risk alienating them with a line like that?

Is being uncut such a bad thing in the USA?

it's funny because Jokes like that only really go over in America. the rest of the world shakes their head at it. actually something like 70% of the worlds males are uncut and it's only really Yanks, kikes, niggers and mudslimes(aka subhuman filth) that practice it.

I'm in the US and uncut. Has never prevented me from getting any.
>Anecdotal evidence

just like lle stoopid racis ignorant whiteman newscaster x^D
haha VERONICA U SEXY LADY stay classy new york

its just a money laundering movie dont think too much about it

Meant for here

Why can't women be funny? How are they just so unfunny?

I live in Canada and am uncut and can say I've never ever experienced or heard anything close to what cutfags and movies like this say. it's a complete non issue and I think those bearing the mark of the Jew simply make this stuff up to convince themselves that they are somehow better off without those millions of nerve endings and a less sensitive callused glans. even girls never complain, I've only ever heard that they don't really care or that they think uncut feels better in their pussy without a condom. most of the hysteria is girls who sucked off a guy with abysmal personal hygiene and blamed the foreskin rather than his inability to wash himself more than once a month. it's the same logic as eating out a chick with a yeast infection and then declaring all vaginas disgusting.

at the end of the day cut or uncut, they look about the same when they are hard anyways.

The circumcision rates are down to 50%. Ignore that faggot, soon it will be dead in America too.

>if you see a gun in the street, run!

>not clearing it
>not running the serial number
>not giving it a second shot at life
>not cleaning it
>not taking it innawwods
>not cuddling it while you sleep
>not taking it to detroit
>not giving it one last hurrah
>not holding it in your arms as you die

Women face no adversity in life which is required to understand comedy.

Yeah same here, only feedback Ive ever had about having forskin was positive. Its absurd how much it gets made fun of in the media.

It is a mystery why the (((media))) is so circumcision.

The few times I've heard a negative opinion on foreskin it's from women and cut guys. They think it's some big, disgusting sleeve with dick cheese.

I blame the Jews and their obsession with butchered dicks.

The skin is a massive money maker in the cosmetics industry.

This actually looks kinda funny and makes me want to see it