Oh shit

oh shit
oh shit
oh shit
it's out

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Is CIA in it?

he should be there

>Oh shit
Yeah, it is shit.


we've already said all there is to say about it in a previous thread, if you were late, that does not give you an excuse to clog up the board with worthless threads. take some personal responsibility and delete this

>What I thought I was getting
A pretty good adaptation of a great comic and great voice acting, expertly stylised
>What I got
Subpar animation, 1/2 of TKJ with 75% filler scenes to branch out the story, coupled with some good voice acting from Hamill, a phoned in performance from Conroy, and Tara fucking Strong thrown in for no reason


If I have read the comic, what's the point of seeing a movie that just animate it with worst drawings?

a narration by mark hamill?

is the animation as embarrassing as the trailer showcased?

First half was good, second half was horrible. Not even trolling, Batgirl's story was more interesting then le edgy carnival.

btw why is mark hamill in this? I thought he quit a few years back cause the joker was giving him throat cancer

Yes, the movie itself is not that bad but the animation looks cheap as fuck.

Because you get to see Batman and Batgirl have sex.

it's fine

Please end yourself.

>Tara fucking Strong thrown in for no reason
She was Barbara in TAS, it makes sense to bring her back if they're doing so for Conroy and Hamill.

You'll appreciate seeing TKJ animated but it's nothing special.

Because there has never been a good super hero film. It's all mindless action with shit dialogue and no character development.
I've never cared about one character in these shitflicks.

wut da fug

any shitty western animated tiddies

Please, Young Justice had better animation, fighting choreography AND simulated camera work. And Young Justice was shit.

this lesbionic episode is a scar on DC animation
fuck you


Why even watch the movie then? It's like watching Superman for the Daily Planet scenes.

Nice delusions.

Flashpoint Paradox
TDKR 1&2
Batman Begins
and on top of that

>inb4 raimi's spiderman
le faggy orange movie doesn't count

>List all the shit
>le Raimis Spiderman doesn't count

End yourself

>he's a fan of Tobey McFaggot, Drooling Jane Wattson and Doc Fag.
only redeeming thing was JJ Jameson

AMS was fucking better than that

which is nonsense because he's in the new Justice League cartoon

Why was this rated R? It wasn't very violent or edgy, maybe for an 80's comic book it might have been but for a 2016 movie it's as mild as a rated PG movie is these days.

sex, you see some body parts after the boat explosion, some blood. they could've made it pg-13 pretty easily and not lost anything significant probably

He said an adaption of The Killing Joke would be his only exception.
Which one?

can't find a stream, clips are up at this point on youtube and still I can't find shit


he's also voicing Swamp Thing

torrents faggot

It was pretty damn good.

Worth it just for Leland Palmer playing Gordon.

Yeah, it was pretty underwhelming
There's no gravity to the actions and events
batgirl becomes crippled and becomes oracle
joker escapes arkham and then gets caught
gordon proves he's not weak-willed

It was like a really long, edgy episode of the cartoon series. The animation wasn't even any better
And batman's speech to barbara about the abyss was cringey as fuck

It was a really uninspired adaptation. Everything that was good about it was from the comic.

You'd think they'd put more effort into adapting The Killing Joke.

well shit i feel bad for him that it came out so mediocre then. at least he was good in it.

>It was like a really long, edgy episode of the cartoon series.
would watch

watch it then
just don't expect anything more

yeah that's kind of the vibe I got from the previews, the animation and all of that. uninspired is the perfect word for it.

30min in
isn 't bad

It's an ok adaption but the animation and artstyle is really disappointing

The fuck it's still in preorder on Amazon.

why doesn't batman just kill the joker?

>if i kill him i'll be just like him hurr

meanwhile the jokester escapes all the time and kills even more people, including batman's friends

this is why comics are terrible, specifically ones that run for decades

Yes its shit.

it isn't perfect but it isn't that bad either

Its the worst DC adaption I've seen so far.

Yep, it's pretty shit. Just read the comic instead.

you haven't watched the New 52 films then

but he does

batwoman was shit
this one is much better

Nah see those were at least faithful, just nu52 blew ass

The first half was shitty SJW storytelling. It became a Barbara Gordon soapbox piece. Hell, she even raped Batman.

The second half was a pretty decent, perhaps even great adaptation of the Killing Joke.

But the Barbara Gordon first half leaves a really bad taste on the mouth. If they needed filler, they should have focused on Commish Gordon.

hour in
it still isn't bad

you twats know shit

Have you read the comic?

How did they even make this over an hour long? The comic is like 30 pages.

compared to the comic it's underwhelming.
direction and art design are shit.

the dialogue is also shortened and rushed wait until the final confrontation. it's disappointing overall

well that was ok
7/10 due to weak animation

yes and i didn't like it that much

shouldn't be a prerequisite f a m

It isn't.

Because only the second half of the movie is an adaption. Watch the fucking thing before asking dumb questions.