Has there ever been a more terrifying scene than this?

Has there ever been a more terrifying scene than this?
I had legit nightmares from this, being 12 at the time.

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shit was great in the cinema but the cornfield /foot scene scared me even more


What made it so scary?
Was it because there wasn't many ayy lmao movies, or it wasn't a very widespread topic at the time?

to be honest no one expected aliens to be in the movie more like fakers trolling mel and his family but then shit got real

I didn't see it like that.
Probably would have made it better desu.
I guess it was just my first real introduction to hostile ayy lmao's invading.

what movie?

We were also younger. It terrified me as a kid but got me into ayy lmaos

Signs. Deff worth a watch

>be brazilian
>kids starts shouting with a ridiculous accent
I will never be scared by this scene. It's just too funny for me.

childhood is when you think they're aliens
adulthood is when you realize demons makes more sense

Why was an alien just randomly hanging around a kid's party?

So deep dude

Just where they landed you dumb cunt.
It's not like they showed up to party with primates.

"It's behind" is a running joke with my friends and family

Pretty sure it was a homage to the infamous Varginha UFO Incident, happened in the 90s in Brazil, where a bunch of kids saw some ayy lmaos and the entire town tried to capture it, only for the government to show up and take them away or something. It was pretty famous and gained notoriety both in Brazil at the time and in Ufology circles around the world, who still studies the case to this day.

t. a user who listened to a bunch of Ufology podcasts


Really? Was there like a scene of something falling from the sky or a nearby explosion signaling they landed?

I'm not trying to be cheeky. I haven't seen the movie in years so all I remember is the alien running by during the party. Forgive my ignorance.

Me too.
Couldn't go into dark places for at least the year after I saw it. Nothing comes to mind.

Shit man, this scene scared me for life

is this garbage parnormal activity meme tier jump scare horror or proper "the feeling of everything being so slightly wrong until your trapped in a world of torment that will haunt you for years to come" horror?

People don't realize how much of a masterpiece Alien is



Yes they do.

what's this from?

The latter. It's by le what a twist meme man, but when he was still good. Expect a dumb twist by the end, but he does horror very well, building lots of tension. One of the few ayy lmaos movies that are actually scary.

Well no, but it's the only logical explanation.
The party thing just happened to be going on at the time they went aggro, and they were nearby.
Pure coincidence from a logical standpoint.

ok word, just finished stranger things so im looking for that Cthulhu like proper horror. any other recommendations?

what movie?

I feel like the only one that likes that devil elevator movie. Thatshit was tense the whole time.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The village was shit though.

The fuck?

Read the thread you silver spoon up the ass gimme that cunt

This. The whole movie was scarier than most horror movies I've seen

Legit unexpected and well timed / revealed.

ffs whats the movie?

Mulholland Dr.

I don´t get it

Try reverse image search and then click on the video section and watch the scene like I did you stupid fucking nigger.
Jesus fuck how do you faggots even manage to breathe?



>otherwise decent movies ruined by AYY LMAO endings


This movie had great potential but was kinda underwhelming when I finally saw it


This movie was fucking terrible, no wonder I don't remember this shit.


It's good for the most part, but the moment Howard goes over the edge and kills Emmet, the movie just gives up and collapses entirely. Instantly all tension evaporates and it's just a short bit of slasher horror with no actual slashing or horror, followed by a short bit of completely out of place sci-fi action that doesn't serve any purpose other than to make the main character look badass and the aliens look incompetent. Which would even have been ok if it was just a sci-fi action movie, but they way they did it just clashed so hard with the tone of the movie that it deflates the whole thing and makes it ridiculous.

The scene from the grinch where he turns around and stares at Cindy Lou is scary?

This was always worse imo

It's just a kappa guys, calm down


The timing was great.


Fuck off weeb
You have multiple weeb boards to shitpost on

Why so angry, buddy?

>implying they were ayy lmaos and not demons

Yeah, demons are known for making crop circles.

I'm not your buddy, guy.

i'm dumbfounded that you think because there are crop circles that aliens were doing them

I'm dumbfounded that you can't connect aliens to crop circles which is objectively linked to extra terrestrials.
They're made so they can be seen from above, for navigation and whatnot, which is where ayy lmao's come from.
Demons are not from this plane of existence, and crop circles would serve no purpose to them whatsoever.

Why are you so angry?

Because idiots piss me off
Go fuck yourself

Any other good ayy lmaos movies? I'm terrified of them tbqh

So how many crop circles out there that you know were made by ayy lmaos?

They were demons, right?

Well we don'tknow anything for certain, so you can speculate all you want.
Most of them now are hoaxes, which were probably seen by the ayy's so the might have stopped making them period, because we got in the way and started fucking everything up with our shitty copycats

>species has the technology to traverse the galaxy
>has to navigate by putting symbols in crops


honestly there are throwaway x-files episodes scarier than signs.

It's just easy recognition like landmarks.
Easier to just look down than going through whatever theyhave to do to navigate.
It's all speculation though.
Nobody can prove anything yet.



Not a movie, but the Duane Barry episodes of x-files are worth a watch

hell is returning to this board time and again and seeing the same damn trolls reposting the same damn memes and threads. this isn't clever, witty, or original. it's basically herd mentality. for some reason i continue to return hoping some kind of cleverness or originality will return to this board. woe is me.

Make me faggot, clip looks dumb as hell anyway. Why'd a mighty boosh character appear at the end of that?

Contribute instead of crying, maybe you can change things

>Está ali, está ali, it's behind!
good thing i watched it dubbed back then

You really need to off yourself, or go to reddit

Fuck off monkey man
Go hack something with a machete

i often do. remember the abortion? it did have one good thread, though. i've also recently posted threads about The Last Panthers, Peter Greenaway, and Hap & Leonard. what i don't do is repost stupid shit.


No, I don't remember

I bet you say front page as well

see what i mean? fucking lemmings. never an original thought or clever put down. always the same reiterated juvenile nonsense.

well, it was pretty damn good thread discussing all manner of films excluding the usual superhero and mainstream culprits that stain this board.

Fire in the Sky
The Fourth Kind
Intruders, the 1980s TV scene
Alien Abduction Incident in Lake Country (it's a made for TV special)

Well then fuck off from here.
Nobody is forcing you to come here.
Get a fucking grip you autistic.
You can't go somewhere and expect everything to conform to your expectations.
Just fuck off. It's not hard

You see I think him getting killed was a nice change of pace, came at a good time, sort of solidified your thinking he was bullshitting about everything to just basically molest MEW forever. It got stupid when she went outside and the fucking aliens turned up and she had to flee from the dog one and then molotov the ship's mouth.

I would've been okay if she had just escaped and then she drove off and then a spotlight appeared on her car and she looks up and is all "oh shit!" and then it cuts and you're left thinking was it russian helo? Was it UFO? Who knows? Or even fucking cut to black when she notices the ship in the distance when she leaves, just cut out the fucking retarded action sequences.

Was a fantastic film until the last 15 minutes honestly.

>trying to rationlize how I think that beings who have the technology to traverse possibly millions of miles through space would then waste time with macaroni modern art made out of corn

Stop being retarded, all crop circles are hoaxes, to say otherwise is to be a gullible retard

Well, the idea came from somewhere.
I'm just being open minded.
We just simply don't know, and speculation is fun.

You know what else is probably something aliens have? Radar...or basic flight instruments...

Sort of need complex navigational systems to travel through space. Why then would they go full autism and then need to lay a breadcrumb trail around earth?

You realize how stupid this whole concept is when you ask logical questions, right?

I'm afraid I have to agree. The cretins on here are so painfully unfunny and desperate for attention.

The ones that came around here might be in a primitive state compared to the rest of the universe.
We have no idea what their technology is or how it works.
You're arguing like anything in this conversation is fact.h

You can speculate about tangible and rational things, sure: like the concept of other intelligent lifeforms, space travel and possible first contact because all these things are exceptionlly plausible

But this whole "aliens made crop circles" (crop circles that can be made by any art student with time on his hands mind you) is not being open minded...

The only slightly scary scene in this movie is the rooftop alien you see during the night near the start of the movie.

I don't think anyone saw it at the cinema when I saw this turd back then.

it honestly irks me that they revel in their own slippery stew of mediocrity yet claim normies as the other when they themselves exhibit and practice similar traits including admiration for drivel, unoriginal thought, and unclever put downs. yeah, i think i'll bid this place adieu for another few months.

I'm sorry, that just doesnt make any sense to me. Why would you assume they dont have adequate flight instruments after they jave successfully flown their spaceship THROUGH space from fuck knows where? How can you call that primitive tech?

They could have just made one for some unknown reason and then bam, hoaxes out the ass. I do agree that 99% are man made, but the 1% is still possible.
There's no way to prove otherwise.
Stop arguing like you have facts.


They might have that technology, it could seen like nothing to them. They could live with it everyday, and it's just a part of life.
On the flip side they could still be lacking on other technology that we see as simple.