Eternal /got/ general

nobody else made one

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First for Maisie

Azor Jon!


Sophie Turner drunk as fuck @ 6:30

Sophie is OUR BOY

>Reddit is shitting all over Sophie though

of course they do, she talked against their shit husbando.

just like they tried to get Youtube to remove Preston's video where he says Jon Snow wasn't 'the one' or anything special like that because it's not fucking Harry Potter.

cute couple

at least you tried

nice link faggot

I wanted to believe she was just a troll, but I had no idea she was just genuinely retarded and a massive Sansafag

>Westeros discusses JonSa

You fucked up.

I want it

Damnit. Don't know how that happened.

why does sophie thinks sansa is good at politics? without LF she is powerless. so if they killed him off then there's no reason for her to be alive. i don't want to see her alive in season 8.

Why is Isaac so beautiful?

She's dead by the end of the season guaranteed.

She'll turn on Jon one way or another and probably try and get him killed.

Get caught

Get hanged


Because she's as dumb as D&D or their general target audience.

I would like to give kisses to the one on the right.

fucking hell
I thought it was just funny at first but that's seriously embarrassing.

seen people making more sense/talking better than that right before they fucking fell asleep dead drunk.

So why is everyone on got a complete bran

all the major archetypes in one picture?

Proof that Sansafags are cancer

I doubt she'll be dead. What may happen if she turns against Jon is that he takes it like the stabbing and rides south saying she can keep Winterfell. Only hickup is that the Lords will rather follow Jon to exile like the Blackfyres than follow Sansa.

Why do the call her the button lady?

sansa is twin? (wussatmean)
bran is slag?

Like fuck find some better boi pussy

It's the offseason and all of the normie posters are gone so the cockroaches (Branfags and Sansafags) come out of the little shitholes they hide in.

we're not.
it's like 2 guys who post enough to make it look like they're 0.


We make it look like more than zero.

There are three of us, regularly.

Jon's not gonna leave Winterfell and ride South.

There's nothing South he wants.

And leaving Sansa in Winterfell alone means we'll have to keep following her character in some sense.

She'll go down with Littlefinger cause she'll be the lone wolf while Jon's trying to act like a pack, and in winter, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.




people in are genuinely retarded and mainly ships sansan. so.. they generally don't like jonsa too.

Damn thats pretty trashy

Also why do fucking shots when you could just mix it with whatever you are drinking

Because Bran is awesome and beautiful and everything that's good in the world. You got some kind of disability, senpai?

Holy shit! Did anyone take advantage of her? She is all over based Conelith. You can tell he is embarrassed for her but still who wouldn't try to get in her asshole.

Were you talking to anyone in particular, or is this just a lonely bit of autism drifting through the abyss?

>who wouldn't try to get in her asshole.

>Jon's not gonna leave Winterfell and ride South.
Not the same user, but I can definitely see reasons for him to go to The Riverlands. He might feel morally obligated to kick out the Lannisters and Freys since they're in their present state because they swore to Robb, and Jon is all honor. They also might provide more food in the winter. Plus they're kind blocking the way of a land route between The North and The Vale depending on what map you look at.

>ywn get shitfaced with Soph, then have desperate, passionate sex with each other where you each tearfully proclaim your love, only for neither of you to ever bring it up the next morning or ever again, as she goes on with her life and you with yours

Why live broz?

why do /got/ hates jon?

I forgot that Varys and Sam went to comic-con since everything posted about it is shit about Sophie and Isaac

>mainly ships sansan

are you ok

Not really, though you can tell based on Sophie's body language and her touching Iwan Rheon under the table that she probably fucked Ramsay afterwards.

That article is really blowing things out of proportion. If anyone had been Kit receiving that letter they would laugh, too.

4chins hates popular things in general, and Jon, Dany, and Tyrion are too mainstream


Watch from 6:12.

I dont think most of us hate or even dislike Jon, hes just a bit boring

Why is /got/ so shit?

The only possible ways I see Sansa going are:

1. Turns on Jon, gets caught, gets executed

2. Turns on Jon, gets caught, gets exiled

3. Doesn't turn on Jon, marries Robin, fucks off to the Vale never to be seen again

4. Doesn't turn on Jon, remarries Tyrion, fucks off to Casterly Rock never to be seen again

My money's on 1

>it was shots of Mountain Vodka

>she did it in homage to Halfthor so that he could be there with everyone in spirit

Why is Sophie so kind and considerate in her majesty?

I kek'd hard

Then how is he going to get to Dany? Will she come to him?

leave that to robin/sansa/LF

who the ef is he to take back riverland? he's not obligated to do that cuz he's not a tully

cant help it. even hodor was stealth staring at him as he idly played with his nose

/got/ prefers Stannis.

Think about that.

>trusting the person he was told not to trust to conquer land for him
what could possibly go wrong

Also why is him letting the majority of his army go south without him any smarter than him going with them?

>He might feel morally obligated to kick out the Lannisters and Freys since they're in their present state because they swore to Robb, and Jon is all honor.

He'd be losing a lot of men trying to fight the Lannister and Freys and fighting someone else's war.

More than he can spare since he needs his more to fight the Walkers.

And Riverlands isn't needed. The Vale army is already in the North. Vale is safe thanks to Bloody Gate, and Moat Cailin is highly defensible from Southern invasion

5. Goes to turn on Jon, changes mind and turns on Littlefinger instead.

really makes you think

>Vale is safe thanks to Bloody Gate
...that only guards The Eyrie, which is abandoned in winter anyway. There's more than one way into The Vale regardless. It has a coastline.

Why are british girls such sluts?

Also Moat Cailin isn't on The North's southern border. The lands of House Reed and House Flynt lie further south.

Shes not a slut, shes a party girl


Why is he holding a cross? is he trying to exorcise undead Jon?

you mean jon and his 2k army? (heyyy we need more men to fight white walkers here!!)


I'm not sure if you think you're making a counter argument or what. The Vale has declared for The North, as Littlefinger said. Jon is the highest ranking person in that alliance. The KotV are part of his army, at least for now.

So again, why is him letting the majority of his army go south without him a better strategy then him leading them?

>...that only guards The Eyrie, which is abandoned in winter anyway. There's more than one way into The Vale regardless. It has a coastline.

The bloody gate protects the Vale of Arryn, not just the Eyrie

Then the Vale is gonna use the mountains they so famously know to defend themselves.

Don't the Reeds live in the Neck that's around Moat Cailin anyway? They can already keep themselves safe.

Easier to just tell House flint to come North than go South past a point they can keep the Lannister armiesback, to fight and protect them

Only if it still ends with her fucking off.

Sansa has no point in the show anymore for anything but drama

"The Neck" = House Reed
"Cape Cracken" = House Flint
Both are part of "The North"

Moat Cailin is on the northern border of "The Neck"

>Easier to just tell House flint to come North
Yes I'm sure it will be very easy to tell a major vassal to abandon their holdings to the enemies they've spent the recent years fighting against.

Weren't these threads banned until next season? What happened?

Did all Whitehills fucking shits die in the BoB?


Why are you assuming he can't do both? Why can't he go stabilize the Riverlands and then go back? The WW haven't even invaded yet, and nothing suggests to him the Wall fill just immediately fall even if they show up just north of it. Plus he could send some small forces to repair castles to prepare for larger forces later while he takes his men to the Riverlands.

Beyond that, why assume that the best way to fight the WW is to hurl large numbers of potential corpses at them?


why would he (and his wildling friends) go to south to fight the freys and the lannisters? and why not focus fighting ww instead?

jon is not involved in riverland story.

>Yes I'm sure it will be very easy to tell a major vassal to abandon their holdings to the enemies they've spent the recent years fighting against.

Much easier than going South, abandoning the place you're strongest, to fight a numerically superior army when you've got Walkers and an army of the dead to worry about.

Could Jon go south and fight? sure.

Would he lose possible 10s of thousands of men? Yes

Should he lose those men when there's an army of the dead coming his way? No

He'd be fucked if Walkers got through the Wall while he's somewhere in the Riverlands or near King's Landing

Why wouldn't he want more men and food, and to take territory away from his enemies? Territory that has houses in it rebelling against said enemies.

>to fight a numerically superior army when you've got Walkers and an army of the dead to worry about.
Jaime just left the Riverlands and now will have to deal with Daenerys and her unstoppable legion of doom.

> to fight a numerically superior army when you've got Walkers and an army of the dead to worry about.
What makes you think the best way to fight the WW is by hurling more potential reinforcements at them?

We are talking about the Same Jon that just willingly abandoned the Nights' Watch to go south and take part in political shit, right?

Jon should just acquire some Wildfire, send a boat to the Twins and allahu ackbar that shit. No point in losing men fighting the honourless cunts.

it doesnt even matter. armies are not going to be able to stop the white walkers. any army that fights them is going to get btfo. might as well use his army to fight a war they might win before throwing them to certain death against the army of the dead.

>Jaime just left the Riverlands

And this user said he'd be fighting to kick out the Lannisters and Freys as why he'd be going south, so I'm going along with what he said

>What makes you think the best way to fight the WW is by hurling more potential reinforcements at them?

How else would Jon currently think about fighting them? Dany's not here and he has no dragons.

If Dany takes over the throne how much will things change in King's Landing?

Or will Dany destroy throne leaving all of Westeros in even more war and turmoil as people sort out a power structure?

Azor Rickon

Unfortunately only the Pyromancers know how to make that shit

because jon is not involved in riverland story, just leave it to the vale,sansa,edmure & lf

it's not all about jon fighting ALL the bad guys yknow.

He's still have to deal with dany, cersei, & ww

>Dany's not here and he has no dragons.
There is a way of fixing this, you know.

Also she's clearly just about in Westeros already given the last scene of scene showing Martell and Tyrell sails in her fleet. They wouldn't have sailed all the way to Mereen just to sail all the way back. They're already near the coast of Westeros.

Plus in the books we know he's aware of the dragons from his discussion with Tycho Nestoris.

No, they probably died before that.

jons resurrection was the moment this show really went down the shitter for good

i don't really think the wildlings would go south either, as it is not a direct threat

>might as well use his army to fight a war they might win

Fighting a war when there's no point to it is retarded and short sighted.

Like "yay, we liberated the Riverlands, for about two weeks until the Walkers came and just rolled over our depleted army and killed everyone" It's pyrrhic as fuck.

Jon's planning to fight the Walkers with an army, would've been bigger if the Wildlings hadn't been so stubborn and refused him, but that's his plan, to give them a hell of a fight.

Poor Ethan. He was bestlad.

I bet Littlefinger knows where the caches are

Why did you do this to me? I'm in love with Mom Arms now. I just want to come up behind her, squeeze her fat arms gently while pressing my hard on right up against that fat ass, and whisper something silly into her ear so she snorts from laughter. Kalorissi is my waifu now.