What are some decent movies that deal with loneliness?

What are some decent movies that deal with loneliness?

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No movies really deal with the theme of loneliness very well. I've yet to see a film that truly captures the essence of it.

Prove me wrong

Il Conformista

That's not loneliness.

It is if you aren't a pleb. (you are)

Under the Skin


>names most entry level film every redditor on /r/movies has seen

You're the pleb pal


if you want a tv show too, Bojack's pretty top-tier

Yeah because you wouldn't know any of the real kino I watch. Γλυkιά Συμμορία, 恐怖分子, आदि शङ्कर

Fuck off pleb.


The only work of art that masterfully deals with loneliness that I know of is Climate of Hunter by Scott Walker.

Taxi Driver

Wild strawberries
leaving las vegas
into the wild
let the right one in (swedish version)

Unironically this

What does Leaving Las Vegas have to do with lonliness?

harry potter

Alone in the dark

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

>Bojack's pretty top-tier
Fucking kill yourself pal. It's as shitty as Fargo.

Punch-drunk Love deals with loneliness. Sorta..

How many times do I have to tell you people to watch Detachment?

Or Castaway on the Moon

The tao that is spoken is not the true tao.

really enjoyed this

A scanner darkly

Naked 1993

Oslo August 31st

maybe not super associated but i got the feeling from it

Seconding this.

Why do people list films with the titles not in English?

Before I Leave you

Man goes to Vegas to drink himself to death and has no one but some prostitute. Just the premise alone.

because that's the name of the movie

Also this.

Time Out (2001)

thank me later

Because they think being polyglot and watching obscure films denotes higher intelligence.

I know but just say it in English. No one know what you are talking about if you don't even if they have seen the movie.

You are wrong.

Yeah, but he chooses to do that. He's not lonely, he just wants to die. The prostitute asks him to move in and he tries to warn her off.

Only plebs watch movies with subtitles

If you're not fluent in the language(s) spoken in the movie and have to read, then you're not really "getting" the movie cus you have to keep your eyes away from the scene to read text.

This is why I only watch movies in english until I finish my 4th year of french.

i'm super excited to watch Amelie btw.

its too hard to copypaste this into a search engine

I demand you spoonfeed me

Only 1/3 lead to a movie you fuck.

il homme qui dort

Up in the Air
The Wrestler

It definitely is about social alienation and loneliness


what do you mean by adi shankar?
I am a pajeet and I have no idea what you are talking about, if you wanna watch lonlinesskinos watch Satyajit Ray's movies,you won't be disappointed.

living daylights




Lol do you fags really think The Wanderer deals with crippling loneliness or something?
It's about a Romantic connection with nature.
Learn to art plebs.

4 year of a language isnt enough
as soon as you'll be faced with accents, local words... you'll be lost


the wall

>It's as shitty as Fargo.

Thats why learning a language by consuming tv and movies in that language is an effective way to learn the language conversationally and casually. The human brain is designed to pick up languages by osmosis, so exposure is the key.


Came here to post this

that's true, I will have to move to france now.

Yeah, good one.

Knight of Cups

tv shows, movies and video games are how a lot of my friends learned english
it taught us more than school ever did

>"getting" the movie
art isn't meant to be understood.

I am alone but I don't feel lonely.

What is this feel?


Not being a pussy

Lol. It's just having a good mindset about things.

Fargo is terrible TV-show. Both seasons. For different reasons though.

Both of them are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

kill you are self

>Kull thy self

chungking express

The Fire Within and Oslo 31 August which was heavily inspired by it
most films by Wong Kar Wai
Harold and Maude, kind of

As much as hate it, Lost in Translation.

you're dumb and pretentious lol

kill you are self

it's true tho.
art is meant to be experienced and felt.

So are big black cocks, but I wouldn't exactly call your mom "cultured."

Cliche insult, clever construction. I rate this insult a Tarantino out of Kubrick

The Comedy / Naked