My dad knows about my homemade "flashlight" and maybe my porn and he's coming home soon what do

My dad knows about my homemade "flashlight" and maybe my porn and he's coming home soon what do

I'm really scared

Please help

High school is a pretty rough time eh?

Yes I'm ready to die

I need help

Give him a present. Just put the homemade "flashlight" in the box, put some nice paper around and write "For Daddy" on it. And you could put an USB stick in it to. Copy some hardcore porn shit on it. He surely will like it.

That's what autismo the great would do

I knew this day would come and I thought about changing the password on my computer and destroying the homemade flashlight but I didn't do that


im worried that my father found my gay porn collection, i dont want him to know that his son is a faggot


It was normal porn

screw you for pretending to be me (OP)

are you really so poor you had to make a flashlight?

xdxdddxdxdxd cuck

Pls post the "fapparatus"

Yes I was a cup 2 sponges a glove and 2 ankle socks for tightness

>My dad knows about my homemade "flashlight" and maybe my porn
Fastest fapper is the man of the house.

It looked like this

My dad came home and said niffin so I think I'm good

You know how I can tell you are underage?

Because no self respecting 18 year old gives a fuck if his parents know he is watching porn and making sex toys.

Le mods

porn? Meh

Sex toys? Thats kinda fuckin weird

He seems awfully worried about his parents knowing he watches porn for someone who is of age.

an hero