Who would win a race war?

who would win a race war?

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no holes barred.

We outnumber everyone.
We invent shit.
We fight dirty.

Gun trained hillbillies vs. Certified street niggas

>false, unless you assume for some reason mexico and brazil wouldnt help their amigo's out in a race war.
>true, but so do others
>false when compared to other races. Whites cling to this thing called honour

>implying Florida is Mexica

No they are Cubicans of course

Whites, I live in dirty water So. CA. and I have become the minority, but by the power of God and my AR-15 and a couple of my buddies it would be the last Alamo

is this race war worldwide or only united states?

Worldwide: Whites
Usa: Whites Unless all races unite against us

Likely Scenario will be Whites and our Black Brothers will have to team up to take out asians then fight between ourselves

I think white people, being one myself, are just crazy enough to blow the world up if we were about to lose. At least that's what I'd do at the end as a last case scenario, launch the nukes fucking everywhere!

Niggers obiously, once all other races get extinct because of nuclearwar, niggers will survive like roaches

Found the Mexican

>Can we build a wall now?

Why does this remind me of the end of the Hobbit cartoon?

Because its horrible like this thread?

Easy peasy..The Trump race!

>Michigan black
Sounds like you know nothing of Michigan other then Detroit and Flint,

>out number anyone.
White man to white boy, We're a minority on this plant. Make no mistake.

Take out the nationality.

There are plenty of brown Hispanics but even more Hispanics that are white.

In fact, aside from the native Americans (north and south) most Hispanics look like Spaniards.

This makes sense because Spain pretty much decimated the Central American tribes.

Whites, we would sit back and let the nigger and spices fuck each other up and step in to clean up what's left. If it ain't white it ain't right.

Rock on user!

Have you not been paying attention the last 2500 years?

YYet, pure whites are superior. Just the facts, mamn

>no holes barred
kek sounds like the title of a gay porn

Nigs gotta go user. Asians are A-OK

To see how much influence Sup Forums has, (especially after memeing trump Into power) I say we band together and meme this man into Internet fame:

i dundu yootoob poasts, dickweed............

1/3 of whites will split and side with blacks so i'll be whites vs white / blacks / arabs so Mexicans will play neutral and just set up shop after the war is over.

but none of the whites who defect have guns

neither did communist of the soviet union but yet they found a way.

Whites they own the guns basically and are trained to use them plus many police and military is consisted of mainly whites. Blacks aren't organized at all even if you give them guns to use they still suck ass at war. Blacks have the mentality to do in the moment wheras whites always have a plan and always think forward its why one group ruled the world while the other sat in the jungle not doing anything until whites came and conquered them

1917 != 2017

minorities would lose