Tinnitus thread

Tinnitus thread.

Help each other find CURES for each other's tinnitus. Get support?

Post your situation and see if others can help.

>Had tinnitus since before I can remember.
>Possible causes: wiplash when I fell off a tree, really bad fever, all when I was very young.
>Never bothered me, not one bit.
>I just assumed that was the "sound of silence"
>Notice it into adulthood
>See leddit post about "tinnitus"
>"Oh, that must be what I have"
>Life goes on as normal, still doesn't bother me in the slightest.
>Never think about it, never notice it, never stress about it, it's just normal background noise for me in a quiet room.
>Be exactly two weeks ago
>Laying in bed after watching Hellboy 2
>"Hm, yea, that must be my tinnitus"
>Notice tinnitus for whatever random reason
>"Hehe.. yea.. tinnitus"
>Dwell on it, laying there
>"This sound is not normal, that's what the internet say"
>"It will never ever go away"
>"You will never experience real silence"
>Panic attack ensues
>Spend next two weeks spiraling into existential crisis
>Barely scrapping by in life, everything falling apart

Fuck, help me Sup Forums
You're my last resort.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've had it forever, i can hear it blissfully ringing now! There is no cure, just get a white noise machine.


So I've been reading a bit about tinnitus the past two weeks.

I think "regression hypnotherapy" might be my best best.
I was literally the happiest, giddiest dude. Only consciously noticed tinnitus in super quiet rooms.
I assume my brain had automatically habituated to it growing up.

I'm trying my best to go back to that state of my T not having any negative associations in my mind, but it's difficult. That same thought that caused all this two weeks ago keeps creeping back in,

>"You will hear this forever and never know true peace"

I'm not really "in distress" right now and my T is definitely of the mild variety. I feel so bad for people who have it worse. Like 60% of the day I struggle to discern it even if I look for it. Other times my anxiety makes me notice it and I begin to panic.

I think it's fair to say my anxiety might be the root of my suffering here, i'm such an anxious person.

I'm going to go to the dr to make an appointment right now. Hopefully he can refer me to an ENT just to double check my ears aren't getting fucked up even more. Afterwards I will try to see a hypnotherapist as well as a regular therapist to eliminate the stress problem.

It's a eustachian tube issue, take some special
decongestant (by prescription)

get one of those cheap air cleaning machine, they make the best white noise

it took about 6 months for me but it basically went away

>just get a white noise machine.
does that help?

Oddly enough, before I "noticed" my T two weeks ago, I hated sleeping with fans on. I was THAT habituated to it that I literally could not hear it.

I think in my case it's definitely more of a problem with my perception of it.

I read some studies on it and seems that all the latest research agrees T is caused ultimately by feedback loops in parts of the brain that eventually make their way to the auditory cortex and it's perceived as a noise signal.

My to-do list of treatments I'll try

>Audio notch, notched audio
>Deep brain stimulation

Maybe it is. That's actually the "reason" I'm making my Dr.App.

>ears been feeling full
>lots of liquidy ear wax in mornings and after I eat/chew
>weird deflating/inflating noises when I open my jaw/swallow
>sore near back of my throat

is it some kind of infection?
think it will it go away (my T) if it's taken care of or is the damage done?

I went deaf in my left ear after my ear was damaged from an explosion and couldn't hear for about a year. About 3 months after I went deaf, I started suffering from tinnitus and it was incorrigible. I don't know why or how, but out of nowhere last week I just heard four loud "Pop" noises in my left ear and I could hear again. I'm happy my problem is gone, just very confused.

wow, very weird. so your tinnitus is gone or?

anyways congrats! wish we could all be so lucky

Yeah! My tinnitus is gone and I can hear again. Everything is so much louder than before

that's miraculous

I'm extremely happy. I thought I would never hear again and out of nowhere I just regained my hearing. I don't know how or why but it's the best thing to happen to me in a while.

Thank you for the congratulations by the way, I hope you find solace

I have constant noise in my ears too OP, but it's caused by being married to a woman that won't shut the fuck up

I kek'd.

huge insomniac here

months ago i read in some cases its caused by brain damage.
I started geting a lot of tinnitus after a long period of sleeping 5+ hours only.
>lack of sleep = brain damage

was driving me insane

luckly for me i started sleeping better, and it decreased. Still have some tho, but quiet enough, almost unoticeable.

anyway, when it was loud, i think i began to get used to it. Only made me insane if i focused on it; if i noticed it intentionally...
Moral of the story, distract ur mind.

also, i feel u fams. Its tough shit.

the government of the united states using electro surveillance on people who post on this site by using satellites and and phone masts.

part of this is the hum.

please look up bnci horizon 2000 and the hum.

Dude fuck I have all the same shit except the liquidy ear wax

Hey there had tinnitus since 12 im 26 and its gotten a whole lot worse what you need to do.
Is Sound therapy twice or 3 times a day 10 minutes each. Im not gona lie sometimes I wish I was deaf but the therapy helps also try different frequency s for me between 7000 and 8000 hz helped me out. Just dig up Sine Waves try out different frequencies give it a shot. It has not ruined my life yet but I do get panic attacks now and then. Also depending on how poor it is you it may be considered a handicap free parking etc get checked and all the best buddy.



Give it a go.

>I wish I was deaf
You'd still have it. I just Googled it.

I had a lot of my hearing blocked until I got tubes in both ears but I could still hear that FUCKING PITCH.

u niggas can try getting ur ear wax removed by a pro-
It can be caused by it in some cases

Also sometimes it helped me to think about it as chilli cricket noises at night when i was in bed

Also, some brain meds like antidepressants cause it.
Quit that poison asap


A week ago I went to sleep and woke up with this slight, high pitched noise in my right ear. It's been there since and I dunno why it started after only one night of sleep.
Apparently I have a throat infection (Maybe that explains why I felt so much itch behind my throat the day after the sound started) and my doctor says that the infection is causing that noise, because it almost spread to my ear. It gave me drugs to treat the infection but I don't notice the sound fading or shit.

I'm worried, I don't want this sound to be permanent. Having this shit forever is so soul breaking, even if the sound is not that noticeable while listening to music and shit.

Am I fucked?

chill, it will go away in ur case. Infections cause it temporarily

Ive had it for years. It really only bugged me when I first noticed it. And I only ever notice it when theres complete silence. It's no big deal

Thanks, user. That really helps.
Reading about this problems and finding nothing but "nope its permanent, LOL" gave so much panic for a while.
Gonna have to deal with this and hope it goes away soon.

Mate I have it too... And I've learned to live with it, some days will be better and other's not, if you have a panic or anxiety attack, just take deep breaths and will help you. If you check reddit you'll see some medication is starting to be used, not for tinnitus but for seizures, if you know someone that can give them just take them!! You'll probably not read this but if you do trust me, it's not going to get horse and not going to get better!! If possible clean the inside of ears with a doctor and AVOID AT ALL COST Advil, Motrin, Nurofen and all medication that have that active principle (Ibuprofen)! Stay nice bro and don't worry the cure is almost here!!

Got my tinnitus from rock concerts (watching, performing) and jet engines (crew chief in the USAF).

Got worse about 10 years ago. I acquired a case of trigeminal neuralgia. Made things much worse. Found meds to deal with the neuralgia and kicked my tinnitus back down to a reasonable level.

Tried some herbal supplements that didn't work. Had a good ENT take care of other ear problems but he said there was nothing he could do about the tinnitus.

>just get a white noise machine.

Those drive me up the fucking wall. I have the TV on 24/7, usually with the volume lowered. The the only kind if "white noise" I can tolerate.