Who's your blackfu?

Who's your blackfu?


More like crackfu




not black enough
does not count





In some pics she looks mixed in others she doesn't.

kerry washington


She is 1/4th black, so it counts.





Once you get into fractions it becomes bullshit. She's white nigga.

...she's only 1/4th white as well, so that kind of ruins your argument.

She's half Dominican.



Like 80% of dominicans are black/white mixed to some degree.

Isn't she half?

IMO the power rankings of women goes...


I thought "once you get into fractions it becomes bullshit"?

That's retarded, Indians are the ugliest people on the planet. I see at least one gorgeous looking black girls every week or so, I've seen like three Indian chicks I consider passable.

I'm from England so I'm p-sure we have as many Indians as you guys have black people. Definitely where I live at least.

Every now and then you see some pretty, high caste, Indian girls. Pretty black girls feels like something rarer.

Ah, good point. Can't remember the time I've actually seen an Indian person just walking around outside.

I awsn't the guy you were talking to, but yes, once you get into fractions it is bullshit. Most "blacks" in America are mixed, categorization according to fractions is a bit pointless.She's black, white, mixed, doesn't really matter.
Just pointing out that "Dominican" is in no way a racial denomination.

I lowkey have an erectile preference for negresses, but I can't think of a single really attractive one in the television/film industry

I mean, blacks are obviously much less attractive on average, but I don't get why Hollywood doesn't manage to dig up the actually hot ones. Any ideas why that is?


Most black women aren't hired to play sexy characters; they are the "tough judges", or "female police chiefs", or "Democratic senator", etc.

That's why Halle Berry was so noteworthy. She was basically playing the cheesecake roles that went to white actresses. There's no modern-day equivalent to her. Gabrielle Union, Meagan Fox, KeKe Palmer? None of them are as famous.

>Hollywood are casting hamplanet sheboons in stereotypical comedy le sassy black woman roles and call it progressive
>they haven't even started casting beautiful young negresses in hot women roles

This is some fucking bullshit I tell you hwat

>white woman with a flattened nose

Misty Copeland, she's got the best arm hair, it's so sexy.

posting favorites in no particular order








gorillas go back to /an/


Don't know about her now, but I found her attractive in the 90s.

Oh sorry, I guess It's a really really really ugly white woman

nicki minaj or serena williams.

Maybe it was just this outfit in this video.


Stacy Dash


No movie got it so right before Clueless, and no movie has gotten it quite as right since.

witchfu blackfu

you know what's good senpai

*dabs gently*


I wonder if she can lick herself down there.

Great taste.

Been my blackfu, since 28 Days Later. When she played Calypso it just sealed the deal.

Name? Is she a porn star?


Sauce? I've literally asked in every thread this webm has been posted & no one seems to know.

gugu. always and forever gugu

loved her since the Tina movie

shes also a sci fi babe so really cant get any better

this little cutie was great in Dope btw



>Not knowing how to reverse image search

I would say back 2 reddit, but even they know how. Uh.. Back to club penguin?

it's a webm retard...


are you dumb

Top taste

That's a man.

Them chicks got horse asses, they've been attractive
Hope when they see me they don't slap me with their tennis rackets

so fucking sexy

whats her other half?


her fappening pics were meh

I claim this chick from Straight Outta Compton


read the thread.

not him but

Her ass seriously needs my dick.


Jazzma Kendrick

Showed up on image search for me tbqh

Despite how annoying she was in True Blood I still would

>Americans will call this girl black.

Wew, that one drop rule.

In my country black people look like pic related.

Like, really black.

African Americans are all mulattos.



>quadrapedal mammals
>having asses

r u dumb

>this Sup Forums-tier thread is still up after 88 replies
>last year /got/ was b& for 8 months
I really REALLY like the mods on this board.

It's an insult in ebonics user

Oh yeah? This () African-American looks a lot like your picture. BTFO

Why don't you call up mommy and cry some, bitchboi

This thread is literally more interesting than 80% of the stuff on this board atm

who is she



She has dark skin but the face and the hair are totally off, she looks like she could be dravidian, she is in any case definetely mixed with caucasoids, most black americans look like they are heavily mixed with whites.

Most black people in America are just shades of light to dark brown.
You rarely see "black" black people walking around.

Jesus. You're both idiots. Search it while it's thumbnailed.
