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First Female Doctor Edition

Traveled off with Clara:

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who's that nonentity?

>implying Tasha Lem wasn't the first female Doctor coming from the Future

There's nothing wrong with female-led shows. I liked SJA, and picrelated, but I'm against genderbending and so should be you.

If nothing else, women shouldn't have to scrap after men for representation.

>I dont think that having 12 other white male doctors will be interesting
Kill yourself.

Jesus Christ, when are the episode editions coming back? We've done like 5 in the last month.

We don't call eccleston the 10th doctor because war doctor was the war doctor and thus is not numbered. We don't start calling the 10th doctor the 11th or 12th post journeys end because he kept the same body and was still played by David .

>people actually want a female Doctor

he-who-makes-the-threads doesn't make them because he's not a fan of DW really

It's just a meme.

>women shouldn't have to scrap after men for representation.
That's a nice thought, but we live in a world where continuation of old shit is more valued than new shit, and when all the old shit is men, that's a tough deal.


Why? You really want 50 more years of no variations outside of age? Other timelords go through race and gender change all the time, the The Doctor is somehow special?

it's Time Lords

All of my not-we friends who all happen to be women, don't want a female Doctor. And they're feminists.

>The Doctor is somehow special?
50 years of male Doctors says yes.

and we've only seen 2 sex changes in 53 years, is that right?

A female Doctor would be a no turning back point. We could then be stuck with 12 new female Doctors in a row. I don't want that.

Are you saying there's actually a secret in-universe reason for this, rather than the obvious out-of-universe one

Why have a female Doctor?

It wouldn't work. It would be nothing more than a gimmick.

Predictable post-regen scene as well:

>Based Capaldi's tightly buttoned white shirt bursts during the regeneration due to tits
>Button flies off and hits the companion in the head, rendering her unconscious
>New Doctor feels/makes remarks about having tits for majority of the story
>New Doctor makes quips about how being a man for all that time was dull/boring/rubbish
>New Doctor likes the sonic screwdriver alot more
>Because companion was knocked out, she doesn't believe the Doctor is this woman for the whole story
>Story ends with the companion realising it is the Doctor when the female Doctor places both of the companions hands on her tits to feel the double heartbeat.

Moffat's probably already written it.

>A female Doctor would be a no turning back point.
I don't see why. The nature of this series is that you can turn back from anything, including the genocide of the Doctor's own species.

>Peter and Jenna were the last white male Doctor and white female companion duo

And Doctor Who almost died twice in 50 years too. I'm sure that the 50's and 80's would have been really happy with a transexual main hero in a era where killing gay people was somewhat common.

It's 2016. We know Timelords change sex. Probably on a 10-20% chance since a female Timelord complained about being a male for one regeneration.

The people they would be pandering to with a female Doctor would be outraged and stop watching for some reason because they love to complain and HAVE to feel special so if everyone else likes it, they won't be special and will then have to hate it to be special again. It's the special snowflake syndrom, once something becomes mainstream they start hating it.

Yeah. What is your reasoning? We have a old scottish doctor right now. Do you think the next doctor will be Scottish just because the other one is? That make no sense.

Time lord gender swap only happens as punishment/execution

Whenever you make the next thread maybe? Be the change you want and all that? Where were we? Davison somewhere right?
I'm pretty indifferent desu senpaitachi. Its not going to make me drop the show and I'm less than thrilled by the idea. If the actress were truly great for the role and had great writing I'd be just as happy as a male in the roll, HOWEVER at this juncture in time it would seem like capitulation or pandering.
You don't really think we'd get 12 in a row do you? If a female was cast I think it would be a one off, throwing a bone to the PC/Tumblr feminist crowd.

No it does not. The guard timelord became a man by accident.

Because muh feminists would go "We had 12 white male Doctors in a row, give us 12 female Doctors in a row, muh equality"

Was probably executed on the battlefield.
That incarnation was from the Time War after all.

Missy became a woman when the chauvinist Rassilon forced a female regeneration on the Simm Master post-End of Time.

Who the fuck care about what extremists say? Should we have 12 male companions now? No.


Peter and Jenna were the last white male Doctor and white female companion duo

>It would be nothing more than a gimmick.
Increasing the number of options for the Doctor's social coding would increase the number of things that Doctor Who, the TV series, is capable of doing. Expand its vocabulary and box of tools. Force new and untried types of interactions and aesthetics.
We won't make it to the 100th anniversary unless they do it at some point.

Can you provide any source on that? Or you talking out of your ass?


>it's another female doctor discussion
I cannot describe how little I care about this topic. I'm a viewer. I just want to sit back, relax and watch a good tv show. If that show happens to feature a female Doctor, great. If this show features a male doctor instead, also great. Just make it good. It's the showrunner who is in charge of the creative direction, not me. Let the beancounters outweigh the pros and cons. It's their job, not mine.

Now if you'll excuse me, this book and a bit of Faction Paradox stuff has been sitting on my shelf for about half a year collecting dust and I really need to start reading at some point.

Nicholas, this might be hard for you to hear, but the Unbound range is for NON-canonical stories. Nothing you wrote in Exile applies to the main franchise.

>killing gay people was somewhat common
On what planet?

PS It's Time Lord.

>Missy became a woman when the chauvinist Rassilon forced a female regeneration on the Simm Master post-End of Time.
Yeah and it backfired because he ended up loving his new female body. I remember now.

Yeah. Hell. The doctor could even give birth at some point.

He punched a wall made of rock 300 times harder than diamonds for 5 billions of years. But changing sex is somehow "weird and gimmicky"

Talking out of my ass. But it happened. Moffat will elaborate on it in S10.

Screenshot this.

>new and untried types of interactions and aesthetics
Name them.

So much of this argument seems to revolve around extremely fanciful guesses about how a certain set of boogeymen would act.

>The doctor could even give birth at some point.

Lynching was somewhat common in the 40-60's. And it came back hard with the AIDS virus being associated to homosexual relations and everybody being afraid of it.

It was a rough climate for transexuals around the world. So a guy becoming a woman, even when the show was dying in the 80's, would have been suicide.

>He punched a wall made of rock 300 times harder than diamonds for 5 billions of years
this episode was gimmicky and shite

>Force new and untried types of interactions and aesthetics.
And that's where we know the idea is shit. If you have to force something in a TV show, then it's shit because it's not what people want.

Reminder that this is the sequence we are in for:

12. Capaldi
13. Non-white man (not black)
14. White man
15. White woman
16. Non-white man (still not black - there will have been multiple black companions by this point though)
[Assuming the show isn't cancelled by this point]
17. White man
18. Non-white woman (possibly mixed-ethnicity)
19. Androgynous (to keep up with the culture in 2041)
20. Cyborg

Get out normie

Like I said. The Doctor had a female kid clone. He did so many impossible things. But being a girl? That's going over the line? He stayed on a planet for what, 20 000 years? Just to protect it from every single race in the universe that hate the doctor and look at a crack in the wall?

>Lynching was somewhat common in the 40-60's.
Data on this please.

It happened - yes. Somewhat common? YOU MADE THIS BIT UP.

Gay killings in the 80s somewhat common? Nope. You MADE THIS UP too, I'm afraid.

>20 000 years
900 years, get your facts right.

high five m8

Ever think that the doctor doesn't want to end up in earths past as a woman and end up getting fucking raped?

About 10 times as common as terrorist attacks on US soil. So like 10-20 times a year it happened?

Even IT have a scene where a gay guy get thrown off a bridge for being gay.

Skinheads and extremists went around towns with baseball bats just to hit on gay people. That's not fiction.

He won't automatically get raped. That's like saying a woman wouldn't time travel, for fear of rape.

He never got raped as a man, even if it was pretty common back then too.

>He won't automatically get raped. That's like saying a woman wouldn't time travel, for fear of rape.

>He never got raped as a man, even if it was pretty common back then too.

More mans are raped every year than women bruh. Stop the "I will greentext what he said and use a reaction image! This is a real argument" meme plz.


>lying through your teeth

Amazingly selective statistics here. But even so, your assertion that it was 'somewhat common' followed by you saying 10-20 times a year out of 300 million people? Not common at all.

How many fat people killed and abused every year?

>Skinheads and extremists went around towns with baseball bats just to hit on gay people
In America, right?

Common to see in the news. Anyway, that was the climate. The word faggot and queer was thrown all the time by normal people back then.

It's like having a chinese or Japanese protagonist in the US in the 50's. Not really the best time period.

But now that transexuality is more accepted, I dont see why doctor could not be a woman. I doubt it would kill the series. Sure, Dr who fangirls would freak out, but you could just add a male companion for that or what ever.

Sorry but you are just talking a load of shit now, this has nothing to do with DW at all.

I suspect you are the troll.

>I dont see why doctor could not be a woman. I doubt it would kill the series

Mostly america I would say, yeah.
We are talking about first world countries here.

I doubt South Africa watch a lot of Dr Who.

yeah nice bait there. Have a nice day :)

Transexuality and the climate around it is a big factor. Writers are not idiots. For example, you wont see a show in America where the protagonist is a Muslim good guy.

Know your audience and read the room. Dr Who had a full episode about Islamophobia in the last season, because it's current theme.

So just saw these at tuesday morning. $5.00 USD. Good deal?

>nice bait

I would have thought there wasn't too much fandom in South Korea, but then we got that famous Picasso of 12 and Clara.

Also, found this: facebook dot com slash


it was bait. the clue was the racist term "first world"

Very, pretty sure these cost around £10 in the UK. Although they do come with a magazine here

Damn, didnt know they did. They had a lot of problems with people lynching transexuals and gay people around there. Mostly the south of Africa.

I wonder how they handle the themes of Dr Who.

You can be sure it's bait when someone calls the show Dr Who or calls the Doctor anything other than the Doctor.

>Urine collection
Oh Cybermen

>no watersports Fady


First world is a term that was made in the world wars.
It mostly still apply here. Rich countries vs poor countries or in development ones.

It's not racist, just developmental categorization.

So yes a good deal? There's no magazines here.
Do you think the cybermen would need salt peter? why else would they collect urine?
give it time.

How is the show not Dr Who?
How is that bait? It's a pretty common term people use.


Turkey and greece were better off than mexico after ww2 . Amigo you shouldnt be posting shit you dont know about.

Mexico was an ally of the US after ww2. Allies are first world.

>Mostly the south of Africa
>the south of Africa is not South Africa
>Uganda and Nigeria are the homophobic countries
>black population

Yeah good deal, $4.99 is around £3, and they cost around £5-10 in the UK.

>non canon comics material

Gr8 b8 m8

You have a country called South of Africa that is really devellopped and more educated. Meanwhile, you have other parts like Uganda who are deeply Christians and lynch people.

Anyway, going back to Dr Who. Since the main market is the first world, I dont see why we cant have a female Doctor.

Piss off.

>I dont see why we cant have a female Doctor.

Because it would be shit

You do seem pissed off.

I dont see why it would be any shittier than any of the 13th doctors we had.

We literally just had a thread about this.

And all the arguments were "We never had one, so we cant have one"

Still going, are you? Left when the old thread died and just came back to see you're still banging your head about that.

he's literally the same arsehole trying to keep the argument going m8

>We never had one, so we cant have one