The Flash

Defend this.


Beat me to it, bro
Here's a pepe for your vigilance

iron-man was really successful and started the mcu therefore this will be really successful and save the dcu

Why can't costume designers ever make the mask look cool? They always come across as gimpish and extremely gay-looking.

Winter Soldier did it best by removing the helmet altogether.

an user in the other thread already said it, but he literally looks exactly like red captain america

It's a shame everything related to him is fucking awful, everything else looks really nice

That colorless costume was because of HYDRA tho.
He came back at the end with his original colors.

Don't see anything wrong.

It's Injustice Flash, dum dum.

Why's he covered in wires?

>red captain america helmet

>They always come across as gimpish and extremely gay-looking.
Are you implying that's not a good thing?

it still looks like shit wherever it's from.

Why does dc have a fetish with weird lines going all over their suits? First the DC reboot, now it's in the movies. Batman's suit looks like it's made of polygons, now the flash has stupid textural lines going all over the place

Looks bretty awesome, tbqhwy

Who's playing him? He looks sort of cute

No. I like it. Much better than the previous live-action armors

Caps mask looks great because it actually looks like a helmut just with a bit of face protection. Honestly Marvel has done a great job with their movie suits. One more thing it has over DC

Could've been worse.

Fix the stupid mask and he doesnt look too bad.

He was in that movie of the guy who shot up a bunch of students with a bow and arrows. And he wanked infront of his mom.

defend this

I honesty don't see a problem with it. You kino fucks are taking yourselves too seriously.

Defend this.

Looks bad, the wires though, they castch the lighteni g so it does not hurt people and things around him, so there is that..

Comicucks purists are the only ones who hate it. All the other heroes have darker pallettes, why not Flash? Now go fuck yourself

>Set pics


The tights distinguish him from the rest of the characters in the MCU.

Meanwhile, Flash looks like everyone else. Armored, dull-colored, and angry.

I dont understand, whats wrong with it?

Can I fuck it instead?

Is he supposed to be gay or something?

Looks dope as shit. Fucking hell of a lot better than the TV show version.

jesus christ that looks worse than the TV show costume

who thought that was a good idea

who saw the concept art for that and was like, "oh yup that's the one"

Fuck what? Dat boi?

>crotch armor
Finally! Batman/Superman can learn a thing or two from this kid.


Defend this.

>all the plebs on twitter love how he looks

and being a Sup Forums contrarian I must say that it looks like shit

The ears should be longer but I like it.

Who wouldn't want a ride on this cowboy desu senpai

It's like DC keeps going back to Chris Nolan's shitty costume designs.

They even gave him the same weird bra like divided multi-color pectorals.

The decision on the ear-thunderbolt things is always crucial and they fucked it up.

He looks too stiff and square to be the guy always running around


a real life walking quip. Shamfur dispray

What was wrong with the CW Flash?

It's right there in your sentence

10/10 MCU costume

Defend this

Honestly looks better.

Don't you dare speak ill of Grant Gustin.

Grant is a shit Flash and you all know it. And his costume is shit too. The tv show is entertaining as fuck, but doesn't change the fact he's not a good Barry Allen, despite some good scenes every once in a while.

Why is his mask made of fruit roll-ups?

It's superior.

>MFW no QT π Tom Holland boyfriend to snuggle with while watching Spider-Man: Homecoming

its batman forever again...

i hate how they don't just give them normal belts anymore. superman has that same faggy hip ornament now instead of a belt.

>Caps mask looks great because it actually looks like a helmut just with a bit of face protection. Honestly Marvel has done a great job with their movie suits.

You know he's not talking about that movie. Does DC stands for disingenuous cuck?

captain russia?

I'm sorry your cinematic universe sucks. Don't take it out on the superior flash tv show though.

>looks like a helmut just with a bit of face protection
Because it is.



That suit was made by Coulson. It's supposed to look cheap. Pic related is his battle suit.






why does this kike fuccboi look so asian

Fuck off, don't shit on Grant just because your cinematic universe is beaten by a single TV show.

Absolutely disgusting


Looks good but flash one is superior imo, looks like it can take more damage.

What did he mean by this?

It's so edgy.

At least it's bright red, but at what cost?

He looks absolutely good. The armor looks badass. I like that their first try he already looks like less of a knob with his condom cowl (I'm looking at you Captain America and Daredevil). It's real easy to make the Flash look retarded. Although, just like Captain America, I'd prefer a simple helmet in place of the condom cowl. Rather SEE THEIR WAR FACE AAAAAAH

>costume looks fine
>Sup Forums bitches about not muh flash
This is why we have no orginality you fucking faggots

People actually defended that mask. Fucking funny now looking back.

what if one string gets cut off? whole suit is useless or what lol.

He looks like a nu-male


He's designed to look like a sports car. Hence the aerodynamic specs on his monitor in the background.

Speed embodiment is a car, or a horse or lightning.

>mfw DC is finally getting their shit together

I hate the CW Flash suit, but it still looks better than the literal edge armor. Why am I reminded of this shit?

This. Marvel fags are literally grasping straws just because their franchise is dead

>this is why we have no originality
>thinks degrading the Flash to being an armored socially awkward trainwreck is the better way to go

Not only is his costume indistinguishable from a 2016 Power Ranger, he's the desperate DC response to Spider-Man

Our last hope rests on CW Flash and Wonder Woman

After me.

Looks cute.

to trap the electrical surge whenever he moves fast

Defend this marvel faggots

They will love it in time, every first impression it's like that

Because you're autistic as fuck I guess. You can't differentiate jack shit.


Defend this marvel fags

It's Captain IronMan

Why would you duct tape metal on someone who can run fast?

Marvel uses too much CGI, I wonder if it will age well or not in the future

Can't wait for the sjw marvel panel tonight, so I can mock you :^)

I'd love a ride

I hate Nu-Marvel. The movies are the only things worth checking out. That being said, Secret War was good.

what the hell marvel

I don't get their obsession with this, who are they trying to market to? People who will never buy their comics anyway? Meanwhile they alienate and insult their core audience. Fucking idiots.