Biologically a male

>biologically a male
>16 years old
>no hormone treatment or surgery
>looks and talks like a girl

explain this to me?

Other urls found in this thread:


Makeup, now GTFO

Or Asian

I'm pretty sure they stopped his puberty with treatment

One of the very few exceptions to the rule. Probably a legit androgynous with low testosterone and muscle mass.

Still biologically a bloke though.

Androgen insensitivity syndrome

big clit =/= dick
sorry OP youre a girl

show titties

late bloomer
genetical issues

ah yes i have seen this before. you have deliberately uploaded a misleading photograph.

He's a little faggot, what's the mystery?



all white men look like women without facial hair anyway, what's the point?

Who is this?

even without makeup it don't look like a boy.

>looks and talks like a girl
he should have avoided Trump's stylist.

Emma Ellingsen, Norwegian trans youtuber/blogger.

She will start getting female hormones this fall.


there are many different mutations , for example testosterone doesnt work

Dude, it's a dude you fucking faggot. Stop calling him a 'she'

I'd fuck that tranny so hard when it reaches legal age. Fug.

16 is legal in Norway.

having a penis doesn't make you any less of a girl you idiot. not all girls have vaginas.

Probably one of the one in a million with a legitimate hormone disorder

>not all girls have vaginas

Some have beautiful, feminine penises

>What is makeup
>What is changing the pitch of your voice
>What is having a female hairstyle
>What is wearing female clothes
Are you stupid?

this is what homosexuals actually believe

Future waifu material, this one.

Not even gay but i would SMASH THAT with the force of 10 trillion suns exploding.

Still trying to find one that beats this.

A norwegian is gonna get anglonized then.

You must be an endocrinologist. Are you? How would you know all those crazy accurate statistics otherwise?

This made me kek a little
Maybe it's caused by the trips u got


this is so fucking retarded

I bet he's confusing the shit out of the guys at his school. Would fuck hard.

how to find more of her?

name is emma ellingsen, he is taking hormone blocking shit so he doesnt enter puberty, will take estrogen in a few months

And his bone is bigger than yours.

i would really love to see her cock
i´d bet its really cute


>not all girls have vaginas.

This. Whether or not someone is a girl is not determined by their genitals, though unlike what ^ said I would argue that it is one of the factors and is not completely irrelevant. The most important thing, however, is what they perceive themselves as, followed by the way they act. Next comes physical appearance and voice. Penis/vagina is last.


>explain this to me?
All pictures of this guy has loads and loads of makeup, do you think that might have something to do with it?

Also, if you're attracted to him you're gay, just in case there's any doubt about it.

penis is somewhat important but if someone thinks, acts and looks like a girl you can't really call them a man.

Callin bullshit

It's not gay craving boipuci

>looks like girl
>acts like girl
>smells like girl
>thinks is girl
maybe not 100% female but hardly male

Wants straight dick in his asshole, does what's necessary.

That, and attention whore.

So are men who are attracted to Buck Angel heterosexual?


You are in a field, by a tree, you see the city and it's lights in the distance, dusk is upon you.

What do you do?

Dubs decide what you do next, and I'll draw the frames

Why ask angry neck beards with micro penis to explain why he is hotter than them. Contrary to Pepe's hate squad there are more than two sexes. We are now past peak child in our evolution expect shit to get weirder. Us old fagschool with giant balls are a dying breed.

XX = female
XY = male
other combinations = mutant
fabrication errors = legit trans
faulty software = trans degenerate

>no hormone treatment or surgery
>looks and talks like a girl
its called acting and its still a male by design.
probably caused by faulty software (mental illness).

I would fuck that mother fucker in his asshole.

You are a pedophile

You are the rot eating the wood under the scrapings of the bottom of the barrel of society.
Get off the internet and seriously get some help.



pedophile is if you like prepuberty this sexy boi is 16 so he should already be in his puberty

very pass. no clock.

if that's a dude.. I'm so gay right now.

its called SHEmale for a reason faggot


>not all girls have vaginas.


>jean claude van damme face

Klinefelter's disease.

He has XXY chromosomes.

Still a dude.
Still carries XY chromosome.
You still defy nature and attempt to copulate with another XY
Faggot detected. kys

>not all girls have vaginas.

cumslut proof top right

who the fuck cares whats natural and whats not?
If mankind is able to create the perfect human beeng with tits and balls why not sucking his cute benis and penetrating his sweet butthole?

is this the fucking kind of perversity you sick faggots reach down to now?

you sick fucks disgust me.

it knows.

All things are spawned from nature. All things are natural.

>not all girls have vaginas.


god damn you Sup Forums.... i used to be a normal human being.

Here ya go

Check out this boygurl.

And its even German.

Isn't that the shit Alexander Gordon Jahans got?
He is not a qt like Emma

milo would approve.



He is a Sup Forums hero

>get some help.
No such thing is available to Minor attracted persons.

You get treated the same if you confess to being attracted as you do if you rape them.

May as well just rape them.


>You get treated the same if you confess to being attracted as you do if you rape them.

holy shit, i never thought about it that way.

>May as well just rape them.

jesus fucking christ. you are right.


Nat Pagle would be proud of you, user.

Would them succ me, but it's still gay.

But a Y-chromosome does. XX vs. XY, you know?

mind if i ask you some questions?


bitch, i voted for trump. i dont know how to spell.

gtfo with your elitist education.

yes, you mind, or yes ask me some questions?

Oskar ist nicht schwul oder trans, du Nazi!

Ask away but I make no promise of answers, I am very tired.