Would you snip the snoot for $88,000

Would you snip the snoot for $88,000

No, because this kills the snootdoggo.

Don't want money from pointless snootdoggo pain.

Forum $88,000.00, I would fuck that dog

That's kinda expensive. But if I had the money, sure!


snootdoggos are people too, i think, right?

If it was a human yes

But $88,000

I would absolutley kill it for that much but I couldn't cut its face off and have it bleeding and screaming and shit.

Nah, not even for a Sup Forums solid gold kek pass

I wish my asshole was full of ants so I could back myself down on its nose while it kicks me out

looks like this one grey dog meme who looks like he has aids and is about to drool and bite you

I would.
Hell,I would even do it for 10$

snip + snoot = doot

Nope, those the coolest kind of sniff snoot doggos

>I wish my asshole was full of ants

you fucking people

pls no snip the snoot

>snipping snoot at all

NEDM, don't you know animals are our friends, newfag?


he is asian. asian kill many animal in harshest way possible

You mention Asians again and I will fuck you with Hope Solo's cavernous pit.

SnooootttDoogggg !!

whales, doggos etc.



Wait there was money involved?


That's your mum.


Watch that edge.

Id snip 88 of them for 1000 a piece

I couldnt


Hmm... 88,000 dollars.... If it's US dollars, yeah sure thing. But only if I'm allowed to quickly put it out of its misery instantly after the snoot was cut. Cut n' shoot in the same second.

To justify: imma spend $10,000 for some animal shelters, in my country a $10,000 in supplies and other upkeep costs can mean the shelter operating for years. The rest I'll use for myself.

So you'd snip the snoot then instantly shoot?

yeah, hopefully with less than a second for delay

I wouldn't do it, there's no price for that amount of guilt afterwards. But I'd gladly cut yours off for free, for being a cuck with no soul......

>cut n'shoot


nice tripdubs

I second the first part but fuck donating some of the money i earned that shit nigga

Probably voted for Trump, so any and all violence against him is acceptable.

So make that $88,000 just $1, and you still have a deal.

Would not snip.
I have learned from experience.
Absolutely would not recommend.

no! I wouldn't do it even for 1,000000 dollar

Tempting but naaa ... couldn't snip it

I'd snip anybody's snoot for 80k

>justifying your actions on Sup Forums

No :(


We are talking about snoots tho.

>Would you snip the snoot for $88,000

I'd snip it strait off and snicker while collecting my cash. Fuck that thing!
