New SQWD trailer

They just couldn't give Marvel a break aren't they?

Not a fan of the nigger music but it looks cool.

This looks a lot more Snyder than BvS. Who's directing?

You do know comic book companies generally "take turns" at comic con right?

>Twenty-One Pilots

Get these queers off my radio

It's over. Unless they announce they're shunting down the company they'll never top this

>Hey Guys

David Ayer.

Marvel is getting slaughtered today

What do they have to show? Doctor Strange or some Black Panther teaser..yawn

At this point, they've pretty showed the entire flick. Their marketing team are fucking idiots.

same. this movie will either be amazing or absolute shit...

Only thing giving me hope that this isnt true is that weve seen almost zero enchantress. So either shes a total non entity or the movie is at least holding back something.

Hopefully. I thought the same for BvS and shows what I know.

holy shit, that soundtrack

that rap


>most dangerous people on the planet
>this metahumam
Kinda think they contradict them there in the movie logic.
But Ok its what they have in prison at their hands.

And i feel they show too much of the film. i have the feeling i already know it.

The funny thing is that none of them are metahumans except for Diablo and (maybe) Killer Croc depending on his origin in the movie

Enchantress is. And Katana's sword is magic I think?

How many trailers does this movie need?

Yes, its kinda sad.
As the writer or director you could change it by let her say
>most dangerous inmates in our prisons

i feel like the speech of the director builds up to counter metahumans
But imply that they have some heavy metahumans.
At least from the trailer cut.
Its ok, but feels like they try to make the squad more fangerous or metahuman as they are.

Hope in the film they tend more them to being expandable and most dangerous they have at hand.

is enchantress in the squad?
i thought she is the villian
thought katana is more like deadshot just good equipment

so is this the villain we saw at the end of bvs?

Like any big movie they need many to stay in media and in forums.
Thats the reason that you know most scenes, they think they need many trailers with some new scenes for hype andstaying topic under moviegoers

I feel like I got dumber after watching this.

Thought thats just a reason to build the squad.Isnt enchantress the villian?

I read a bit about the Enchantress. She's some regular woman who gets pseudo-possessed by an ancient spirit, right? So what's the difference between that version in your picture and the grimy Pirates of the Caribbean witch version?

His pic is most likely her final form