How young is too young?

How young is too young?

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after C cup

16 is usually my cut off, im going to get shit for it becuz thiz iz amerika shere we has morales n shheeiit

but Europe age of consent is 16.. some places 14. its all a matter of legality because getting hit with a SO, youre just done for life.

Whatever the laws say, unfortunately.

she's over 18 right?


6 months into puberty.
There is literally nothing wrong with having consensual sex with a sexually mature human
Legality =/= Morality


did her mother drink a lot of alcohol

Half your age +7 = the ideal age

12 is ok

Viable Zygote

how old is she?


Alcohol free.

her features suggest otherwise


no, just 7

If they're under twelve of course, they aren't ready for the intercourse.

15 I believe

> waiting for the usual pedo debate to crop up

In Scotland you don't even go to prison for having sex with 14yo girls even though it is illegal. He had unprotected sex with her and lived his dream. All he has to do is 160 hours unpaid work. Sucks to be USA. What do you think Sup Forums? Was this justice?

>The 20-year-old from Forfar was sentenced to a six-month curfew and ordered to complete 160 hours of unpaid work.

Well, each age has its own benefits. Infants, for instance, can't get away like toddlers can, and are just the right size to be used like a fleshlight.


15 is fine, I don't know. It's hard nowadays because they're developing so much faster than girls did historically. Some girls that are 13 look 18.

I think it's more a mental maturity thing as opposed to a physical thing now. So I'd say 15 - 16 is a good age (16 is legal in my country). Before that age I'd say they're usually too young to properly consent. But it's difficult because maturity is also a spectrum.

If the FBI knocks on your door, that means she was too young.



brb moving

Yes, a case like this is fine. Age of consent laws in most Western countries are borderline retarded. Where I am, it's perfectly legal for a 48yo to fuck a 16yo but if a 17 and a 15yo sleep with each other guess who the sex offender is.

20 is a grown man.

>little kids under the age of 25 actually believe this

You don't say.

Shut the fuck up!

> be Canadian
> age of consent age 14
> fuckin rebellious church girls in my 20's
> age of consent rises to 16
> just not the same
> 16yo have already had dick, nothin new
> mfw I'm technically breaking the law now
> that cusp of puberty fuckin is too good to give up

>a grown man

no i'm not! reeeeeeeeee!

When you near the end of your 20's you'll realize how fucktarded that statement is.

Agreed. 12+ is good to go. But I'd never touch anyone under 18. Not interested in being labeled a pedo and going to prison

Yes you are. Stay away from children and find a woman your age.

4 years below is the farthest i ever went.

> that cusp of puberty fuckin is too good to give up
that's pretty fucking gross fam

At 20 I was mature enough to know these limits.

hmmm.... lurking.

>Implying I'd get a woman of any age

Same here son
But at 12 they do get rather horny

I don't know why would you want to mess with anything under 20

the age of consent in my state is 17
I'm 32

So, I'd say 17 to fuck. 21 to date in public.

12 is too young

I got tricked when i was about 19

Got with some girl that lied about her age and was seeing her for about 6 months, she was 14 during the whole thing but i eventually found out and ended it. am i going to get a knock on the door?



Did you fuck her?

No. At 20 you were old enough to follow arbitrarily decided age laws and societal pressures. You didn't have the depth of experience to trully "know" much of anything.
Thinking of your past self as some special snowflake with advanced thought processes is a human condition almost everyone has. Harsh truth is, few of us are actually ahead of the curve.

>I got tricked when i was about 19
Is this some kind of reverse statutory rape?

Yeah I wish 12 was legal. When they really start to develop and are experimenting with different ways to masturbate. It's also not too late to influence their personality and change them to fit your ideals if you have the time and patience

Ahead of the curve doesn't even necessarily mean success. I tested very high in intelligence as a child. Now look at me. No ambition and average intelligence at best. Shit posting on 4chin woohoo

yeah, she wasn't a virgin either

Yes! very true
Imagine being the first guy to go down on her
She would love it

Good work, you're still a faggot for breaking up with her.

McArthur Mall in Norfolk, VA. Great place to look at cute teens.

15 is my state. 16 is the age of consent here.

If I were single and a 16 year old wanted to fuck, I would fuck(if she wasn't a virgin).

>Virgins are generally ridiculously clingy, emotional and volatile.
>I'm 21

Kek.. Same boat as myself.
I sympathize with you.
Still I've found topics like this require experience more than theoretics.

Personally.. Young girls bodies are fun to have on my dick. Trying to have a conversation with them.. Not so much fun.

Yeah, I 'm sure you're an awesome conversationalist and not a piece of learning disabled trash.

"conversation" implies you give two fucks about what they think when really it's just a matter of getting the dick wet. cling/dont cling idgaf just open the legs and let Johnny get the prize in between ffs

Far from it.

I had a friends 14yo 90lb ginger sister on my dick for a couple of weeks showing her the sexual ropes. Nothin wrong with enjoying pale acorn tits with tiny pink nips. They are enthusiastic, malleable, and grateful for the experience. I've broken in a handful of young girls, and never had an issue. Besides.. Who doesn't want to be a girls first for multiple things? I got to sink my cock into her tiny ass and unload my nuts in her deep enough that she texted me the next day at school about how nasty it was when it seeped out during first block. Pic not related.

>when virgins come to Sup Forums to play make believe

14 is too young, over 14 should be considered from case to case.

Not much conversation to be had that doesn't veer off into a lecture at that age.
I have no desire to teach these girls how life works.. That's their parents job.

This guy is more accurate.
Minimal conversation to get layed.
They are horny, I am horny, let's do this.

You don't say?

Believe what you want young blood.
I know what I've accomplished with my dick.

>Not much conversation to be had that doesn't veer off into a lecture at that age.
>I have no desire to teach these girls how life works.. That's their parents job.
Hey, stupid. I was insulting you.

>I know what I've accomplished with my dick.

when i was 21, I was hitting on a girl thinking that she should at least be 19, she turned out to be 14
They simply make em better now user

if she doesn't know what an erection is or what it's for.

I agree with you. The age of consent here in Britain is 16 so I see no problem with dating a 16 year old although I am only 19 myself.

I have to value your opinion to feel slighted. Your value to me as a random Sup Forums user is beneath expression.
Keep trying though.. It's calming to see the waves beat upon the rocks.


>be a nigger
>pretend to have personal pride when you're really just too stupid to realize you should feel like a nigger
Whatever you have to tell yourself to pretend people don't laugh at you irl.

You want to be turned into a specific brand of chips?

cute. would fist and fuck

Keep trying.. Maybe something more thought out than grade school remarks?
If you are intent on making suppositions to attack my character, at least make them better than "you're a nigger and people laugh at you."

Anybody feel like continuing the actual thread topic?
I think girls as young as 12 should be okay to have sex with those within two years of age older then themselves.
14 should be legal provided there isn't dependence or coercion.
16.. No holds barred, in addition.. Lower the drinking age to 16 and teach moderation.

jj been filling out since she's been with her bf

But you ARE a nigger and people DO laugh at you. I mean, you don't even know how ellipses work and you're pretending to be on my intellectual level. You're pathetic and people laugh at you in real life because you're too dense to realize this for yourself.

12, according to Milo.

Milo is a faggot.

I'm using ellipses as internet shorthand for continuation instead of a semicolon.
Oh great grammer nazi.. Thank you for showing me the errors of my ways! Kek

Really grasping at straws aren't you now?
Next you'll call me Hitler and officially lose by the rules of internet comment fighting.

Who wouldn't fuck a teen like pic related anyways?


If you have to ask she's too young

When you can get arrested for it.

Yes but he's our pet faggot.

>Next you'll call me Hitler and officially lose by the rules of internet comment fighting.
That's the most reddit shit I've seen on this site all day.

Any of you newfag faggots saying anything younger than your local laws are getting your ip backtraced by the web police as we speak you ignorant fucks. M00t sold this place to the feds who do nothing but backtrace and post honeypot kik threads for dumbasses like you all to fall for.

Only until we gain enough power to gas him

I know, it sucks..they grow up too quick.

theres a saying
>"you age till your 15, after that only your body continues to grow"
best translation i can give so it probably sound fkn retardet

I got tricked too once. I got bored and started looking through her purse and found her high school ID. Freshman. 14 years old. Bitch fucking lied to me! She said she was 12!


There is nothing illegal about talking
