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Quicksilver going to be BTFO...




this episode was so fucking funny

lol the laugh track xd

I hope he will bring friends.

As tacky as the new power rangers are, they still look better than this.

is this a joke?

>Wearing Hard armor
Should be wearing leather or padded armor desu senpai
SNyder is a hack

This makes me pine for YTMND

Flash doesn't need any armor. Speedforce protects him.

what's with the ropes?

is flash into bdsm?

REMINDER: There are people who defend The Flash and Supergirl CW shows

Of course, but they were never going to stick him a spandex one piece because that's not cool enough for Snyder, so they could of at least stuck him in something that doesn't look like it makes clacking noises when he walks.

why doesnt he use a racecar or a jet or something

very unrealistic

They are very reminiscent of the comics which have existed and thrived since the 1960s. They withstood the test of time. These shitty movies won't.

CW Flash is easily some of the best cape-inspired media of our lifetime.

It was when the flash appeared in Supergirl. Somehow he stopped looking like he was running and all the effects got (even) worse.

The flash is legitimately enjoyable in a weird campy way.
Supergirl isn't. But something about the flash is great
Arrow is the worst shit I've ever seen though

For a minute, I thought this was a Daredevil thread.

Arrow out retards the Snyderverse somehow. I feel bad for the actors on it.

Flash doesn't actually wear anything. According to the comics, he can vibrate the molecules of his body fast enough to alter their electromagnetic properties and can thus appear any way he wants.