Better than Twin Peaks

Better than Twin Peaks.

And worse than IT.

I wish the mystery part was better. Everything else was top notch, but the mystery itself was the most generic "evil scientists used Akira girl to open space portal with MONSTER, shit"

Opening a portal was an accident, user.

Her only job was to kill commies with her mind.

Twin Peaks is overrated pretentious garbage. It's average at it's best but it gets worse, for reasons, so it's overall not that great.



Oh look, another shill thread with nothing to say except a single sentence, the same stock image from the last 600 threads, & 'quality' discussion about /ourguy/, boipussy & thinly veiled cunnyposting

>don't make fun of twin peaks
>i only watched it cause Sup Forums said too
>i only like it because Sup Forums likes it

>I wish the mystery part was better

but it was perfect, no unnecessary teasing

if there's one thing i hate about these kind of shows is how they leave you hanging there for like 3 seasons until they decide its time to answer some questions, to which by then you forgot you even asked...

How is it pretentious?

It was good, but I was already bored by the end by the end of the first season.

Monster and government bad guys were underdeveloped and shit.

Most of the characters barely changed at all. Can't say I'm excited for another season, unless they can write a much better arc this time around.

Found the retards who believe OP's bait unironically.

>stranger things climax scene
wow really makes you blink

This is now an El thread.

He's just using buzzwords.

This is now a Steve thread

So since she was able to squeeze that bully's bladder, do you thinks she can also squeeze other body parts?

I think you mean some of its fans have the potential to be pretentious. The series itself isn't pretentious at all and usually doesn't take itself very seriously until it talks about incest rape.

found the pretentious lynchfag
you into transcendental meditation too fag?


This is now an Eggos thread

>steve is so cool
>so smooth
>always says the right things
>is funny but can be serious and intimate
i want to be steve

Why did she call the manager guy at the store a mouth breather? He was just expressing concern for her.

Thanks for clearing that up for me bro. You are actually 100% correct.

Would you say it's the majority of the fans that tend to be pretentious? I think so.

Since when is pretentious a buzzword? I mean it does describe most of Sup Forums so it possibly gets used a bit but it's a pretty accurate descriptor. I mean half you fags can't even enjoy films and just watch artsy foreign shit and say you like it because Sup Forums says it's good.

Go watch fucking Gremlins 2 or something instead of gay arthouse shit.

She was angry.

She's not a very stable girl.

>do you thinks she can also squeeze other body parts?

She can jack you off with her mind, yes.


How did she learn to squeeze a bladder?

Did it just come to her the ability to target certain organs? Or was it mind control?

I'm not even a big fan of Twin Peaks beyond the pilot and the movie, but it's pretty depressing knowing I post on a board where people actually think that not only is Stranger Things good, it's better than Twin Peaks. Get a fucking grip you pedophiles.

It's my favorite thing when plebs see patricians enjoying something, want to be a part of it, get mad that they don't enjoy it, then sperg out

They wanted to use her to kill commies.
Remember them trying to make her kill the cat?

>MP5s and revolvers barely make the monster flinch
>a bat with spikes in it is able to beat the fucker back several feet

Whoa! You need to calm down buddy, hug one of your teddybears

Normies liking this is killing me. Where the fuck were they when NBC canceled Surface? Such similar shows.

>Say you like it only because/tv/ says it's good
This is what's actually pretentious; saying that something you don't understand isn't good, because if you don't like it then there's no way it could fly over your head
And yeah, Bergman, Tarkovsky, and Renoir make better movies than marvel. I don't know why this makes people like you mad

And how she didn't?

I'll concede that she somehow managed to snap a neck, but that's something you can visualize a lot easier "twist their neck". Squeezing a bladder seems a bit harder for a girl who doesn't have knowledge of anatomy or full control over her powers.

Should have gone shotgun for maximum damage.

She was completely able to kill the cat, she just didn't want to. Once someone endangers somebody close to her, she goes into murder mode. Think Iron Giant if that helps you.

You're also going on Dustin's logic, not the possibility that El could have essentially sent messages to the kids brain telling him to piss himself.

>She was completely able to kill the cat
We never saw this.

>Once someone endangers somebody close to her, she goes into murder mode.
That's not refined control, that's a rampage where people are just killed in any ol way.

>You're also going on Dustin's logic, not the possibility that El could have essentially sent messages to the kids brain telling him to piss himself.

I asked that too, whether it was mind control.

I was so happy that he killed the alien and solved all the problems and lived happily ever after.

Really? Im still watching and I thought that he was dead for sure.
Thats a relief.

I don't think she has mind control abilities. I favor Dustin's explanation. She would understand what a bladder is because I'm sure she's experienced the sensation of needing to pee.

I don't think so unless she's had basic school biology taught to her. I mean if u get hit hard enough in the lower stomach u will piss yourself a bit too so many she just compressed his whole lower torso.

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't think Dustin is the best character

Nancy the cutests, i wanna hold her when she cries

We know she could kill the cat because she killed at least a dozen humans throughout the series. She was shaking and crying from not wanting to kill a living creature.

Maybe she is afraid of cats?

How come nobody cares about Barbara. Why doesn't Barbara's mom appear more in the story. Going after Nancy and asking what happened and shit???

doesnt give a fuck

>stick body
>giant head

Looks like a lollipop.

I wanted to plant my seed in between Barbaras meaty thighs if that helps.

Go back to your Blacked threads, you degenerate cuck shit.


thank you ms skeltal

It's not even better than Super 8. Stranger Things doesn't deserve a comparison to Twin Peaks.

Until they found out about the demogorgon and asked her to make contact, at least.

They just wanted her to get fucked

>it's a "very special episode" where Nancy becomes bulimic and Eleven has to telikinetically force feed her so she gains weight episode.

She is kinda cute, but sooooo bony. It's unsettling really.

Did you morph her face or something?

no she just has a very sharp chin, thats whate makes it qute

Calling something pretentious when you can't explain why is pretentious

Stranger Things is a hollow pastiche of commercial 80s culture patched together with uninteresting writing and story beats we've all seen before. There is nothing original or interesting about this show outside of its highly refined aesthetic.

This show is only following 80s nostalgia trends. Twin Peaks took soap opera conventions, flipped them and created something so surprisingly original within the framework that people to this very day are copying it, such as Stranger Things.

It's worth noting that the creators of Stranger Things also wrote on Wayward Pines, another obvious Twin Peaks adherent.

You don't even have to like Twin Peaks to realize that it was one of the most important television shows to ever exist.

>hollow pastiche

glib facsimile

No discernible talent.

>that jaw

did we watch the same show you stupid weebfaggot
>opening the portal was an accident
>there is still alot of shit we dont know about the other dimension
>space portal
Kill yourself


In hindsight Steven was pretty GOAT.

My only gripe with the show was

I finished it too fast and now I miss is :(

>a show good enough that it doesn't need to rely on shitty cliffhangers every episode

praise jesus finally.

>I finished it too fast and now I miss is :(


I watched the whole thing in one sitting with increased play speed.

>you will never watch it for the first time ever again.


This. Worse yet, shows usually don't even have an ending until they get canceled and so we get some bullshit excuse of an ending.

>tfw stevechad wins in the end

I watch shows to escape from real life, wtf

Bulletproof intendimensional demon vs Steve with a bat

It was never a fair match

Did chads look like that back in the day?
I'm not american and the whole chad culture really doesn't exist here so I don't have a point of reference.

If Steve fucked it up why did El have to sacrifice herself to kill it?

The multiple monster theory ofc.

Chaddom is more about attitude, really.

He had a Chad demeanor and Chad hair but facial aesthetic wise he didn't look like one

Oh I haven't really got into the theories. It would make sense that there's more than one demon in demon land though

El's powers created the monsters from the mind of people struggling with their sexuality.

Will is gay and his monster appears after he realizes his feelings for Mike at the start of the first episode. It is at Mikes house as shown by the flickering of the lights, but proceeds to follow Will home.

Barbara is lesbian and her monster appears after Nancy goes upstairs to have sex with Steve and she realizes Nancy will never love her the way she does.

El's monster is to do with her transgender issues and troubled childhood of not knowing what to identify as.

When El dies at the end the other monsters cease to exist.

The Upside Down world represents the cold and loneliness all of them felt in their inability to express their real selves.

Why didnt he shake his hand?

Seemed plausible before the transgender part 2bh

Multiple monster theory is shit.

The monster is clearly the upside down version of Eleven who used 'her' powers to destroy that world. This was established thematically with the whole 'El is also a monster too' thing.

Hopper finds one looks to be a busted open egg when walking with Joyce. This is a parallel dimension that is a copy of our world completely. Definitely more than one, or just other kinds of creatures.


>The monster is clearly the upside down version of Eleven who used 'her' powers to destroy that world.
I like this.

I bet you think youre funny huh faggot?
maybe leddit will give you upboats try posting there.


His hands were black

>The monster is clearly the upside down version of Eleven who used 'her' powers to destroy that world. This was established thematically with the whole 'El is also a monster too' thing.
What about all the goop and slugs and the fact that Will can cough into another dimension

>monster is the upside down version of ELEVEN
>multiple monsters theory is shit

Do you see where you went wrong senpai?

>yfw the monster kept Will alive to impregnate his boipussy

>Even in my telekinos Chad gets the pretty girl at the end
Jesus, just drag me to a parallel dimension and kill me already

>Eleven alternate dimensions
>Ours is the only one where she hasn't turned into a monster

We've yet to see the full extent of her powers fampai.
Good point friendo. Hadn't considered that.

Go fuck yourself

There's one way this show defied cliche. That black kid was a fucking asshole.

Chestburster, but this definitely wasn't the only one. Absolutely no reason to show a hatched egg if it was.

Theories about waffles in the box ? What did he put there anyway?