Star Trek '17 Panel in Progress

Live blog says they are diving deep into the progressive end, won't be episodic.

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Seems like it'll be on a science ship

>Star Trek Discovery

trans-niggers and otherkin


Why didn't they just make a model.

Ugh, not the Star Destroyer ripoff design.

fucking terrible. did they get grade schoolers to cgi this shit? what was their budget? a 2-4 and a bag of doritos?

It looks like McQuarrie art for TMP. Fucking utter shit design.

Actually, it's from the Phase 2 tv show that later became TMP

oh shit, forgot all about that

>McQuarrie Enterprise

FUCK YES I love this design

hyped as fuck


It's from the Star Trek movie that never got made in the 70s, "Planet of the Titans"

it looks fucking awful

just fuck my franchise up (again)


Looks like a Klingon battle cruiser and Constitution class starship had an oogly baby.


Are you serious?


What era is this?

Suppose to be post TOS.

the design suggests movie era TOS

nice comparison

The ship design is as 70s as it can get. Dope as fuck.

Now add a 20something captain with long hair, a cat alien science officer and a grumpy 60yo security chief and you have a cult hit.

Not sure I like the design, but then I'm not a huge fan of Voyager or Enterprise-D, either. It'll probably grow on me. Really, my only major complaint is that the nacelles are on a perfectly level plane - they should have been raised slightly.

Hmm, NCC-1031 puts it before the Enterprise, although not all that long before it. I'm going to guess about 20 years or so.

A prequel series is probably the safest bet - it's the least-explored territory in Star Trek's canon history, and it allows them to have a new series without alienating the fans of the JJ films.

I'll agree with everyone that it looks like some kind of hybrid Klingon/Starfleet design, and the music certainly hints towards that as well. I wonder if that's intentional? During this time period tensions are constantly rising with the Klingons, after all, and several conflicts have been fought. I can easily see there having been skirmishes and brushfire wars with the Empire already.

You can do more with a computer-generated graphic than a model, and you don't have to worry about it being damaged in the process.

prime or alternate universe?


>Registration number

Whoops, I fucked up. A registration number of 1031 puts it SIGNIFICANTLY before the NCC-1701. Might be as little as 50 years after Enterprise, or 50 years before TOS.

>a cat alien science officer
yes lord



I find it odd that all of the Enterprise's bridge crew members went to the holodeck to pretend they were the crew of 18th century ship. I mean if I was going to use the Holodeck for something, I wouldn't load up my day job but in a different era. I wonder whether the sanitation officers of the Enterprise use the Holodeck to pretend that they are janitors in another time and place.

Also, wouldn't you want to spend some time away from the assholes you share hours with on a daily basis. I get that they like each but everyone needs space and a time to decompress. Them all jaunting off together, using the Holodeck to do their realworld jobs but in a different era is strange.

If I was on the Enterprise, I would ask the computer on the Holodeck to load up pic related.

oh boy

Close. We as Trekkies will now have our Episode one.

>a cat alien science officer
Why not communications?

>A prequel series is probably the safest bet

I remember them stating it took place after TOS. Considering its registration number I'd say its more likely they're pulling an old ship out of mothballs. They'll probably do an on the fly retrofit.

Well, that particular scene wasn't just a mini-vacation on the holodeck, they were specifically there to promote Worf to Lieutenant Commander. It's just that rather than a normal party in Ten-Forward, they decided to be silly and be the crew of an 18th-century sailing vessel.

They were all officers so it wasn't like they were doing any actual work, that's what they had peons for.

God damn it

I don't give a single shit about this show now because it's not chronologically set after every other show

I just wanted the enterprise f or g

but but a science ship exploring the uncharted universe

That would have been better post voyager anyway

>an 18th-century sailing vessel.
Uh, not just any 18th-century sailing vessel.

McQuarrie's design is pretty cool, I'm glad they went with that instead of another copy of the Enterprise-E.

Why? There are unexplored worlds right on the Federation's front doorstep. We don't need to go into deep space.

Alpha Centauri is a founding member of the Federation, but do you know how little we actually know about the place despite the fact that it's the closest world to Earth? Even non-canon information is scarce.

Tellar has it just as bad despite also being close to Earth and a founding world of the Federation.

Star Trek has always been based on the idea of an optimistic interpretation of the Drake Equation. You don't need deep space to do stories about strange new worlds.

i like those scenes
the humans of the future are romantics

>Star Trek has always been based on the idea of an optimistic interpretation of the Drake Equation.
yes a good post

Well that certainly wasn't what I was expecting. I tend to not like prequels because there is very little surprise or tension because you already know the future. That said that is one strange as duck looking ship, hopefully the rest of the show is strange. Could really use something new in Star Trek.

I'm with this guy, I really was looking forward to some 27th-28th near-magic-level science. Shit like holodecks on steroids, organically grown starships, flying to andromeda, city sized ships

It would have been nice seeing the federation BECOME one of the super advanced alien races the enterprise is always encountering