Why is sagging a thing?

why is sagging a thing?

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Cause not everything has the support it needs

Need mo money fo dem belt programs.

its for the gay monkeys to show they wanna get buttfucked

check your belt privilege!

Can we get a nigger in here to confirm

Because niggers picked it up in prison and we all know why they do it in prison.

In b4 some faggot idiot says that it's how they signal they're gay in prison. No idiots. Niggas are poor, can't afford belts. Other niggas copied


Because i abstain from the gym far too often, reminding me of my ineptitude and lack of motivation on a daily basis, contributing to my chronic depression.

niggers gonna nig

bcuz niggas

You can seriously go buy a belt for 10 dollars at target, they arent that poor, just that fucking retarded.

But they'd rather spend that $10 on crack

but they could spend that money on crack u herd?

No amount of context can explain away what is going on here.

It's a form of gay trawling.
Makes it absolutely obvious that you're gay and you're on the lookout for sex.

They probably spent over $100 on a belt. They just wear it loose enough to where they still sag

Easy access (;

Because it was formed in prison and named "flagging", it means you are gay and looking for another lover of the same gender. Niggers invented this. Black men wear their lower coverings at waist level.

Kek, niggers buy a belt for $400 dollars and still sag there pants just like pic related. Fucking retarded.

To hide drugs and guns.

bcoz retards


Because they go to prison, work out and lose weight, when they get out their pants are too big.

Same with the pimp walk or strut, just niggers walking like their legs are still shackled.

Why? Cuz niggas are dumb. That's why!
Seriously, it's prison culture. When you go to prison, they give you a prison uniform and if it doesn't fit; SUCKS TO BE YOU! You can't wear belts and such. That's why they let it sag. youtube.com/watch?v=pHAKCrDGBJs

its brazil and theyre black... that explains everything. hell, just one or the other explains it.


blacks be trollin'

fuuuuck someone actually explained this to me once and it made sense and now I can't remember what it was. and it wasn't the prison thing

fags in prisons would do this to signal anyone who wanted to fuck them that they were available, dumb niggers think it looks cool so they copy it.

Poor people can't afford to constantly buy new clothes for their kids, so they buy them a couple sizes big so they can be grown into. This,combined with prison culture being glorified by the media (you're not allowed belts in prison) helped the style take off. Also, the oversized clothes make an adult look younger, subconsciously triggering a nurturing instinct in certain types of women. That's why so many niggers have fat sugar mom as supporting their lifestyles.

Point is, there's no single cause to point to, but rather a combination of factors.

It's part of the whole 90s fashion revival that has been going on.

Because niggers be nigging


niggers gonna nig, user


It started off in prisons where some inmates who were down to suck cock for favours would wear their pants like this. I guess the fashion is an attempt to emulate the ways of the the "socially superior" like it often is... the definition of socially superior evidently has a wide range.

The whitw man introduced this fad into the population to make it harder for them to run away

Wow :\

Lmao idk dude. Black people a crazy.


Because it confuses the white man.