I really fucked up guys...

I really fucked up guys. Tomorrow I have to confess to my folks that I dropped/failed out of college 2 1/2 years ago and have been lying about it since then. Looking for some advice/support on how best to break the news

were they giving you money to live while you were "at college"? If so, this is gonna be harder

>He folks, I'm a fag
>Wailing and gnashing of teeth
>lol j/k, I just dropped out of college
>dad gives a sigh of relief

Trips never lie, OP

No, there was no financial aid necessary and no dorm stay. Oddly enough my high school was more expensive. The college I attended was barely $5500 a year

2 and half years? man tell me you didn't spend all the money they gave you for studies

16500 in total, good job

jeez OP, you done goofed big time.
What were you doing the whole time? Pretending to study whilst dossing around or working? Having done LITERALLY anything productive might lessen the blow.
Seriously though how did they not know?

Then just tell them. They should understand if you really explain that it wasn't right for you. That being said, I would be looking for backup careers/training, which is what you should have been doing these past 2 years

So were you getting money during this period without going to classes or anything? Saying you "dropped/failed out of college" implies they would've cut off funding?

I already work in catering on the weekends, and have been working full time as an inventory associate the last six months. They think I graduated at the end of 2015, so it's only been a little over a year since then

Just never tell them. Wait like 10 years when you have a decent job and have your life together. Then tell them. It might even be funny

I wasn't getting any money, the college was cheap and only an hour away by commute. My high school was actually more expensive because it was a private school

2.5 is a long time to maintain such a massive deception. When you come out with the truth, people will unfortunately remember all those times in the past 2 years that you lied through your teeth to them, probably quite elaborately too. Your folks will never trust you again.
My advice? Go to a doctor and attempt to get a BPD or psychosis diagnosis.

Shit, OP.

Better just kill yourself..

So again I'll ask. Where did you get money to live from? Your folks?

I didn't live on campus, they had no dorms. Whatever money I live on usually comes from my two jobs. My folks handled the tuition, everything besides that was all on me

Well at least you've had a job within that amount of time. It's still going to sting but it's at least going to sting less if weren't living the NEET lifestyle. Definitely try doing some form of trade-schooling or something. Don't expect much more financial support education-wise.

Oh fuck so they paid all that money for courses you didn't even go to? So you're saying you flunked yourself, not that you were kicked out? What a fucking waste you poor sod.

To tell the truth, my plan this year is to build up my income from the two jobs, then move my ass out into a studio or find a roommate and get a 1 bedroom. I just want to gtfo of this house. Neither of my parents went to college, and my dad didn't want to even be a father. The only reason he took a hit to his pull-out game is because his mother guilt-ed him into it. I went to college because I thought it made sense at the time, but now after seeing all of my friends who've managed to start careers and futures without a college degree, it just seems like it was a waste of time for me

Luckily, your life is fucked and you just climbed out of the gene pool and walked away.

Congrats... less competition for my grandkids.
Thanks, pitiful family-screwing nobody.

How the fuck did you lie to them for that long, you fool?

Well I was supposed to take out a loan for my last year, which also didn't happen. So I don't owe the school any money, which is probably the only silver lining in all this

wait so you're LIVING with the parents you lied to about going to college for the past 2 and a half years. How the fuck, user?

Join the military you lazy fuck. Seriously I did something similar after I told my parents started working a dead end job as a janitor. Pick a tech job in the military and get your shit together stop being a waste of space.

This thread is absolute bullshit.

The college would have returned the tuition money to his folks, as he was no longer attending the college, therefore there would be no tuition fees to charge.


Take a break and find a job for the time being. Build yourself back up. Be prepared for the consequences from your folks

Lol you're not ever going to have kids
Leave out the 2 1/2 years ago? Honestly you kind of lucked out, you saved yourself 2 1/2 years of debt.

Have to agree with this user. Or there's something else OP isn't telling us.

I've thought about it. The only thing that's keeping me from deciding on it is that my father keeps trying to push me into doing it, since he never got to into the service when he was younger. He literally started working a union job right out of high school in the 70's. I feel like he's just trying to live out his military dream vicariously through me, and I just think that's kinda selfish

So is leeching off your parents. But at least mil life will get you to stop being a neet.

Sux that your folks weren't involved enough to notice that you weren't going to school. On the bright side you're an excellent liar, so there are a lot of career choices for you. You could also try to get back in (maybe work it out with the school). You will get more $$$ w an education... most likely.

poor americunt needs to pay for education and it ain't even worth half of the mighty "europoor" education.
Why live?

"have to confess"
You being blackmailed or something lol?

Be more like double D
