Teaser for Star Trek Discovery

Teaser for Star Trek Discovery


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wow, that's pretty bad cgi

>dat shit CGI

>worse CGI than Enterprise
What did they mean by this?

Ughh so it is another series that takes place pre TOS , fucking helll

What PS2 game is this?

>tfw Phase II confirmed

Is it going to be connected to the movie universe?

It's between TOS and TNG in the original timeline.

They should have just used models again, that's why so many cleaned up scenes in the TNG BDs look so good even after almost 30 years(along with the fact the CGI they use is acceptable as well).

it looks like crap

>make a romulan warbird
>paint it silvery white
>call it a Federation starship

Romulan Federation Alliance? When is this supposed to take place?


>Another fucking prequel

God damn it.

>Ugly as sin ship design

Is it possible to drop a show before it even starts?

Looks fucking awesome.

TNG effects look better than this.

Stop with the fucking prequels if ruins the feeling that Earth could be lost if it takes place in past from prior series

>ugly new logo

yep definitely CBS




the TV series ENT used CGI for ships. of course that was like 10 fucking years ago though, so it's an actual feat to have worse looking CGI in this day and age

Why didn't they use practical effects?

Can't wait for the gay captain too. So progressive and brave!

not just gay but trans and they will somehow mention this each and every episode

Literally perfect.

>They should have just used models again,

Optical effects are extremely time consuming. CG is much easier to edit and faster to produce.

I love the old models of the Refit and E-D myself, but wanting to go back to that is not going to happen.

Imagine people telling you to go back to dial-up internet service.

It's an animated series then?
Huh, interesting


Is this a fanmade trailer from 1997?


Won't lie, I'm really disappointed. I was really hoping for a new Enterprise based show set decades after the Enterprise E.

Jesus Christ how horrifying. They should've just posted a cleaned up version of this still rather than exposing us to that CG work. That would've been a good tease.

>available on Netflix everywhere but the US

Yeah, I don't give a fuck about your shitty service CBS. I'm not paying for nu Star Trek and won't watch it on principle.

the new star trek beyond movie was just released, they can't really tease much of this show just yet because of that

Are we suddenly going to pretend any Star Trek series had good CGI?

For the time they were made, yes they did. Mostly.

what ps4 game is this?

was fuming when I heard that news. I'm not paying for a shitty service with no app support, and now at least the new show will be much easier to torrent because its on netflix everywhere else but USA and Canada.

>not PS2
c'mon son.

Voyager had great CGI for a network show made in the late 90's/early 00's, especially compared to the flat CGI of its contemporary shows Stargate SG-1 and Farscape.
too bad it couldn't make up for the quality of the writing

I don't think this is final CGI, most likely just a quick mockup for a teaser, the show hasn't even entered any sort of formal production yet.

Models + a mix of CGI is the best imo.

So will the crew wear these uniforms, since its between TOS and TNG? Or will they have some OC unis?

>no formal production yet
>release in January 2017
What did they mean by this?

Relative to its direct competition and for the time? Yes Star Trek had good cgi.

what an ugly ship

and that piss poor cgi

Reboot universe confirmed. Not even going to watch a single episode.

>Why didn't they use practical effects?

Basically no one does motion control photography anymore. It's a skilled trade, and there really aren't any tradesmen left in the field who aren't retirement age.

I can deal with the shape of the ship, but the color is awful.

Federation ships shouldn't be brown.

B5 also had a significantly smaller budget.

It is ugly as sin. My theory is that it is supposed to go into Romulan space to something something, and they are using a romulan engine design so their warp signature won't give them away.

It is ugly as fuck, though.

Second theory is that this ship is sent to test something major, like new engines and weapons or something, and it goes missing. Another ship we would actually give a shit about is sent after it to find out what happened.

If they are in the timeframe I assume they are, this would be Enterprise B era.

It's not gonna be in the reboot universe, literally everyone involved in it has said that it's going to be in the Prime universe.

>star trek series
>takes place on a starship
>doesn't take place on an Enterprise

Also what the fuck was with that 2000-era CGI and why did the music and location make you think the Discovery are the bad guys?

I was about to say that the ship will predate the timeline split, but it might be that's not true. The Kelvin had the registry NCC-0718, whereas Discovery has NCC-1031. So it might be operating at or after the split.

that seriously looked like something someone threw together in one afternoon

>Hey guys, how do we make an iconic ship?
>Eh, just stick a saucer onto a D-5 and call it a day

Jesus christ.

I mean they haven't started filming or anything yet.

CG is usually done basically at the end of a production.

I'll still watch this, especially if I can torrent it and not pay cbs for their new shitty streaming bullshit.

It's the Phase 2 Enterprise from the 1970s by Ralph Mcquarrie.

Great, more Star Trek shit that I'll force myself to watch. I mean, it's obviously going to be " xD pew pew pew SPACE ACTION" the show, but i'm gonna force myself to watch anyways because I pray and hope that glimmers of the original cannon might glimmer through at one point or another.

>HHhhhhey. Hey. Alan. Alan. What shape should we make the fucking... secondary hull. We done cylinder.
>Oh shit. What about like, fucking. Uh. Let's make it... oh look, dude, your badge. Let's make it the shape of your badge.
>Starfleet badge?
>Yeah, dude. Perfect. Starfleet badge. Hahahahaha.

It should have been set in the 27th or 28th century, with discovery referencing them going to andromeda

Fuck me it really does look like something you'd mod into Bridge Commander, doesn't it?

>CBS All Access

This won't last a season.

>Ralph McQuarrie design

Yes because that's what Star Trek fans wanted, for the new series to be even MORE like Star Wars than the JJ movies.

>Literally What Access
>13 episodes
>A fucking prequel

Just give us a proper new series on TV set post-Nemesis you bastards REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oh also that it's going to be season long story arcs means it's going to be less about sci-fi allegories and more about melodrama. Guys I'm getting worried.

DS9 sort of handled mini arcs well.

Transitioning to the arc format was inevitable.

The ship design is starting to grow on me, but I sincerely hope that the CGI is just an early mock up.

thanks but I will just stick to the films

CGI's pretty capable for this sort of stuff nowadays.

Here's some fanmade CGI that could easily be mistaken for a model (the only real noticeable oversight is the basic looking speculars on the bussard collectors)

don't let the turbolift hit you in the ass on the way out.

Wow, that's quite cool looking.

I like seeing unrealised designs. Here's what Andrew Probert wanted the Enterprise C to be. The final model for the show was very rushed and simplified.


>People being surprised it's a prequel
>Was announced months ago
Kill yourselves for being ignorant

Star Trek '09: Oh, I'll take some pandering to the plebs to get Star Trek Back on the small screen, I can't wait to see what Star Trek CBS will show in '10.

Star Trek 2 Starrer Trek: Oh... so they're just going to run with SPACE ACTION rather than trying to get Star Trek to work on it's own terms. Also "muh over militarization in a Universe where hostile Aliens are just next door"

Star Trek 3 Returner: Oh... It's just "Everything about Star Trek sucks and essentially you're a retard for liking it" the movie.
Oh and NOW you want to do a fucking TV show? When the fucking HYPE for the reboot is gone? Blow it out your ass Paramount.

Yeah it's more like if a Star Destroyer was wearing a sombrero

It's clearly part Klingon.

Cloaking sound.
Klingonesque shape.
Invoking the Pegasus with the ship developed inside an asteroid.

I'm actually kind of excited.

I made a webm.

What is it with Ralph McQuarrie's designs that makes people go back and use them, even if they were dropped for good reason or subsequently refined...?

They did this in The Force Awakens too. Surely you can come up with your own new designs that fit the visual style, rather than giving up and going back to something that's 40 years old...

Wait there was something from TFA that wasn't already used in the original movies? What was it?

X-Wing design and some other shit I think

X-Wings were already in Star Wars. They were some obscure background detail I think but they were there.

The design in TFA is the same as the McQuarrie art, whereas the original trilogy used a modified version.

The new X-Wing is more closely based on his original paintings, with the strange, seemingly split engines.

< This thing on Jakku is from one of his drawings

Earlier designs for the Death Star had the laser hole on the equator, rather than the northern hemisphere, so the Star Killer has has a resemblance to that, although not so much the huge recess it houses.

There's probably other stuff too.


Discovery's NCC-1031 designation is apparently actually a nod to the space shuttle Discovery, which had the designation OV-103. So it may well be out of "sequence" in the style of the continuing use of NCC-1701.

It probably was. The show doesn't start filming until September, I believe, so it's anything but a finished, ready-to-air effect.


Prime timeline confirmed

DS9 actually had fantastic CGI, look at how well a model meant for standard definition holds up in HD with NO alterations whatsoever. this is from almost 20 years ago.

I'm going to go ahead and assume its just slapped together for the teaser. People are so god damn reactionary though, you go on social media and think they just replaced "Star Trek" with "Star Wars" or something.

Looks cool. What else do we know about the series? I haven't really been following it and only started watching Star Trek recently (but it's great)

Well it's obviously around or just before TOS, it's not exactly going to be post TNG, is it?

Not unless they've refurbished and ugly old starship for kicks. Space restoration challenge...

Hey, I'm kind of a retard but did I miss the launches of the Enterprise F and G? (inb4 FAG!!!)

Are those cannon?

i mean, they're the ones putting out the trailer, if it's supposed to sell the series why put out something low quality? a promo shouldn't need an explanation

I remember hearing its an anthology series, so they can jump to different eras, including post DS9/Voyager

Could also be Phase II/TMP era. After TOS and before TWOK.

I think it has to do with the fact that Beyond just came out

I don't think the ones in that image are.

There is a canon Enterprise F though, they unveiled it in Star Trek Online. It's an "Odyssey" class. They're weird, kinda fat Sovereigns


No warp? PSH. Fuck you faggot!

>It's clearly part Klingon.

It's set in the 25th Century, after the Klingons have joined the Federation and Starfleet.

The anachronistic registry number is just a nod to the space shuttle Discovery.

God bless you, Bryan Fuller.

I thought you weren't supposed to have something between the warp nacelles?

LOL. WTF?! It looks like a beluga whale! What's the scale on those things? Is there background story?

I've been out of the loop!

They probably shift up or down.

Sup Forums is so transparent. Hating it today, fapping with it tomorrow...unless it gets super popular, then they turn into hipsterfags and will hate it.

It's a teaser clip, they haven't even started shooting yet.