Can we just take a moment to discuss how fucking great the original ghostbusters movie is...

Can we just take a moment to discuss how fucking great the original ghostbusters movie is? How likable the characters are, how they're all interesting and fleshed out (well, aside from Winston I suppose), how the sets are nice and how the movie has a nice pacing, great comedy and some cool effects for its time?

Man, the original was great.

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You're a cuckold.

Compared to the new movie I actually appreciate Winston a lot more now. The way he was so well grounded and average contrasted well with the other characters


He's just looking for a job, man.

And he wasn't sterotypical at all, unlike Leslie. People say that when he says something along the lines of "If you pay me, I'll believe in whatever you want" when asked if he believes in ghosts is racist or something, but I don't think it is. It's just how anyone from New York would react at the situation. He needed work, if he gets paid, he does it. The first movie is really well written in my opinion.

I love it and it will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I also liked the sequel.

But even Winston, with the little amount of time he has in the movie, managed to show his personality, allowed us to form an opinion on him and show that he's got thoughts in his head.

The talk with Ray in the Ecto-1 is a huge indicator of this.

It's okay. I honestly don't see why it's heralded as one of the best comedy films of all time.

Yeah, he's a religious man but down to earth at the same time. He's basically a common american during the turbulent economic times of the 80's. Just looking for any job he could find, willing to get his hands dirty.

I hate smoking in real life, but man I miss it in movies. It just makes things more...natural somehow.

Upon rewatch I thought the lore was creepy as fuck. This dude who hated humanity wanted to open a portal and let gods from another dimension destroy us.

So glad they left it as background and didn't ruin it by over-explaining it

This right here. A lot of people today don't realize how bad New York was at the time. People would do anything for a steady paycheck. White or Black.

Smoking in public and private was very standard at those times, it only really fell out of favor to just be smoking anywhere during the 90's

For real man, building a building with the intent of making it a portal to another dimension to bring in an apocalyptic god is some fucked up shitt

Sound sort of Lovecraft-ish, but with more boob grabbing

I wonder if hollywood could, with an infinite amount of resources, produce a movie that's as funny and memorable as ghostbusters. Somehow, I doubt it.

And bubbles

Gozer's design is really top notch honestly. Conveys the idea of "this is a god and it just takes any form it wants" pretty fucking well

This is what I like about these movies, the lore is actually pretty "accurate" to occultism and not just made up to serve the plot.

This could be done if they find the right crew, but they rely too much on reboots nowadays to invest in other stuff.

The game went into it a little more but its still cool as hell. The building itself was designed to be a beacon for Gozer.
Dana was also supposed to be revealed as a member of Shandor's bloodline but since Sigourney Weaver didn't want to be involved, it ended up being Alisa Milano's character.

Even his most "black" line, "I have seen shit that'll turn you white!" could (and probably would) have been said by a white actor just as easily.

Ghostbusters 2 also added a bit to his and Louis's characters. Definitely worth watching. Peter MacNicol was great in it too.

As much flak as 2 gets, there were some pretty awesome scenes in it.

The train tunnel was creepy as fuck, especially when Winston tries to echo. That still gives me chills today.

I rewatched the movie again a few days ago and I realized how it had some genuine horror moments to it. The whole interaction with Zuul/possessed Dana was genuinely creepy and unnerving, and it really felt like Venkman was in real danger while dealing with that stuff. I really enjoyed that in the movie, it added a lot to it

It was a really good scene overall and a good study for both characters.
Ray was an irreligious (though not outright atheistic) scientist who seemed to have memorized the entire Bible, or at least the book of Revelations.
Winston on the other hand was an average American Christian who, while not entirely versed in the Bible, knew enough to be reminded of the apocalypse written in Revelation, and his observation that the dead, at least somewhat, were rising from the grave as the ghosts they busted helped Ray understand the gravity of the Gozer situation.

It's a really good moment.

The ghost montage is fucking amazing

It also helped set the tone for what's coming up, I guess it's not that easy to perceive two weirdo possessed people getting together as the end of times

>As much flak as 2 gets, there were some pretty awesome scenes in it.

I feel a lot of the flak came from its RT score, and casual viewers just parroted the opinions therein. Rolfe's preview of the reboot made me feel this, as he himself said he was basically conditioned not to give it a watch due to its bad reception. A lot of critics back then were much more hardnosed in their definition of a "rehash", so much so that even if the established formula added to itself, it was still considered bad.
Home Alone 2, a movie I'd say is just as good and even better at times than Home Alone 1, got even more critical hate, and it got that hate because it followed the same formula, never mind what was different that added to it.

This isn't to say that Ghostbusters 2 didn't have its flaws, or that it was as good as the first movie, or even that everyone who actually saw it liked it. While it is a solid entry to the franchise and absolutely worth watching, it isn't as good as the first one.

The thing is a lot of people on the Internet who say it was bad didn't actually watch it. I even know people who'll judge a movie based solely on its critical reception, and firmly believe that it's bad just because of what the critics said. It's pretty sad how common it seems to be.

Well said, user

The original was very progressive for its time in a completely unintended way.

Both female characters are strong independent women that don't take crap from the men. They have careers and act professional at all times in a movie where the men make constant fools of themselves. Janine proves that they need her more than she needs them and Sigourney routinely puts Murray in his place. Heck, even Gozer initially presents itself as an all powerful female figure.

The black character is the most grounded and relatable. As a result he becomes the voice/eyes of the audience because the other three are quite clearly crazy. The exposition is directed to the audience via this character.

The white males in the movie are all out of shape schmucks. They're weird (ramis), foolish (ackroyd), goofy (moranis), assholes (Murray).

Again, this was all very much unintentional and unheralded, it's just an observation I had. This movie wasn't exactly crying out for a progressive remake, had they toned down their aggressively antagonistic marketing they might've enjoyed a bit more success.

>This movie wasn't exactly crying out for a progressive remake

I absolutely agree. They were clearly going for a male-starring moneymaking franchise to invert, and inadvertently picked the least macho adventure movie of the 80s to do it. Irony at its finest.

why do plebs think this movie is so good?

it's basically the capeshit of its time

so disposable, a couple of laughs courtesy of Murray and that's about it. it's also aged terribly.

time to grow up guys


>time to grow up guys

Never. Fuck you.

Go to bed Paul, and enjoy it. Before long you'll be nestled back into movie jail where you belong.

No u

you enjoy the same movies that you did when you were a little kid, when you had an undeveloped brain.

that is not okay.

When is enjoying a comedy that's lacking in dick jokes (save one that was actually funny) childish behavior?

I like how they basically at the end of the movie they came all over a guy with that stuff and it made him feel wonderful.

>mature watchers like myself

Watched it for the first time when I was 20. You're just retarded. It's time for you to grow up, kid. You clearly have maturity issues if you care this much about what movies other people watch.

That's cause Aykroyd is super into occultism actually. And vodka...

I'll take your word for it, mr. scientician.

Would it kill you to capitalize your goddamned sentences? Are you nine years old?

Even better, his grandfather was evidently a mystic. The paranormal has been a family thing for the Aykroyds for at least three generations.


>questions someone's age
>defends a movie beloved by children

awesome movie

Children also love Die Hard.

I really like him for that. And the vodka.

Assuming this isn't bait, just take off the sjw googles. There is nothing progressive about this movie, it simply portraits normal human interactions. Reason why the relationships feel so organic you don't have an autistic nu-male like Paul Feig making dialogues and jokes that won't offend people.


>Even better, his grandfather was evidently a mystic. The paranormal has been a family thing for the Aykroyds for at least three generations.
He's a cool guy.

So get this, in the first one she's all over Spengler and in the second, she puts Luis in Spengler's jumpsuit.
Fucking cuuuuucked.

He actually does make a point and also noted that the movie was intended as a portrayal of normal human interaction.

He's just saying that they accidentally accomplished what Paul Feig isn't smart enough to pull off. A movie that portayed equals, regardless of race or gender.


In that case let's stop trying to force this progressive shenanigans in movies. If people back then got along we could too.

That's not completely true. When I was a little girl I totally thought about a female eventually joining the Ghostbusters. She'd have to prove herself and then get in, obviously, but it could have been done with out all the "lets just change everyone to girls" genderswap livejournal tier fanfiction.

The problem is that he doesn't really have any story purpose. You couldn't argue exposition but he wasn't even introduced until halfway for the movie.

>So get this, in the first one she's all over Spengler and in the second, she puts Luis in Spengler's jumpsuit.
This genuinely upsets me.

I know Egon was detached from other individuals but I wish he tapped that ass

Not even close. Egon was just as after the bitches as Peter. He said himself that his assistants were interested in his epididymis. He was also friends with Peter, who likely got him laid pretty often in college. The two seemed to be closer friends as well, with Ray being something of a third wheel. They'd usually work angles, often together, when it came to business.

Janine was below his personal standards, and he really didn't give a shit about her advances.

He was written a lot bigger but also for Eddie Murphy.

Maybe, similar to Dana and Peter, they did have something going on but broke up?
In another thread someone said Ramis didn't like the idea.
I think it's adorable.

I'm not even remotely a proponent of SJW "projects," you might even say I despise them.

They are inherently reductive because they make such a big ballyhoo over things that should be treated as mundane and, in doing so, polarize people that never had an issue in the first place.

Alien had a female main character and they never even mentioned it, the character wasn't even written with a gender in mind. The genitals of the character were entirely irrelevant. Nowadays, the entire media campaign would tout "womyn don't scream in space silly boys!"

Sums my point up much more eloquently than I can.

Thanks, appreciate it

There are so many things making the movie great.

I mean you can complain about Paul Feig and Sony all you want but the truth is that it is impossible to recreate.
They couldn't even do it with GB2

He appears earlier then that, at the time when it made sense for a fourth guy to join the team.

I was implying Luis got cucked actually. She clearly wanted Spengler.

Also Spengler mentions wanting to do a gyno exam on Dana, to Venkman's face.

Agreed. It's all tokenism these days, moreso than ever, and idiots are eating it up.

But even GB2 was still good.
It was enjoyable.

It can't be recreated because Hollywood doesn't care about these kind of projects. They only care about catering to demographics and the harder they try, the harder they fail. See Sony.

Fucking lol I forgot about that. Egon was a sexual monster in GB2.

And they actually came close with GB2. Of course you're not gonna make the same movie twice in a row and have the same level of impact. All you can do is add to it. I feel Ghostbusters 2 made quite a few good additions. Enough to make it stand on its own.

>I'm also gonna have to run some gynecological tests on the mother

Egon's a subtle motherfucker. Probably got more pussy than Pete.

>Egon was just as after the bitches as Peter
Well, no. When was that even slighty indicated?

>He said himself that his assistants were interested in his epididymis
That was in the second movie, so probably after Janine, and he was trying to make a smart comeback at Peter to mock him.

>He was also friends with Peter, who likely got him laid pretty often in college.
As if Peter ever got laid in college

> The two seemed to be closer friends as well, with Ray being something of a third wheel.
In the movie it was actually usually Ray and Egon working on something and Peter tagging along.

>Janine was below his personal standards, and he really didn't give a shit about her advances.
That's not true, after they defeat Gozer and he sees her outside of the building, he takes her by the hand and into the car with them.

>This right here.

Hello, reddit.

Murray's character is the initial skeptic of the group, he belittles and scoffs at the other two from the onset of the movie.

After their first few encounters with ghosts he begins to take a separate path in the plot. Just as he starts to pursue Sigourney and drop his "outsider" persona Winston shows up to take on the mantle of the guy that's really not believing what he's seeing.

Even after it becomes routine he still reacts to it as any sane person would...that this is anything but normal. The ecto-1 scene is the culmination (and one of the most effective scenes in the film) this role, he reminds Ackroyd and the audience that this isn't normal. This shouldn't be happening, the gag is that these guys are basically pest removers...but these "pests" are evidence of gods/Devils/higher beings/etc.

Has he been Eddie Murphy mugging for the camera and joking along with the others I don't think the movie would have been nearly as good as it is.

>I feel a lot of the flak came from its RT score

Remember, Ghostbusters II came out in 1989, long before RT was a thing. Its reception was poor even when it came out.

>In the movie it was actually usually Ray and Egon working on something and Peter tagging along.

Except when it came to business, which I made sure to clarify.
Here's a scene where Egon is signalling to Peter how much to charge their client.
Another example is Egon attempting to jew the price of their headquarters down by citing various problems, which Ray subsequently fucked up because it had a firepole.
Ray putting a third mortgage out on his birthplace was also something at least agreed on by Egon, as he didn't seem to give a shit.

As for your first question, you answered that yourself. His sexual drive was indicated in the sequel, which like it or not, is Aykroyd and Reitman's brainchild.

Of course Peter got pussy in college.

And I guess Egon did end up giving her the dick at the end of the day; I'll concede to that. He didn't stick around though, did he?

No shit. And those reviews were posted on RT once RT started, and casual viewers started seeing the score and refusing to watch it on those grounds. It's a sad fact that this does happen. Plebs are idiots who'll believe anything they read without judging for themselves.

>tfw no qt naive volunteer student

My favorite part of that is that the shocks actually did seem to be working. Peter's on the verge of a potential parapsychological breakthrough and drops it.

Can't say I wouldn't have done the same though. She was cute as fuck.

You forgot to mention that critics didn't nearly have the voice in 1989 that they do now, and most viewers didn't give a smooth fart about their opinions. Even as recently as the Man Show, you'd see film critics get booed by audiences. They were, for many, a blight to the entertainment industry with sticks firmly up their asses.

That is not because Ray and Egon aren't close, but because of the characters' different personalities. Peter is calculating and manipulative, Egon is rational and not very social, Ray is naive and innocent.

This is why Ray is not in charge of the business, but him and Ray share a passion for the paranormal while Peter is more in it for the fame and money.

In the second movie Egon fucks slime and looks way too delighted to be kissed on the cheek by some chick.

There's no way he's a womanizer and I guess Janine eventually gave up because he was too much of an autist.

I still wish they would've been a couple in the second film, it didn't have to be a major plot point but it should've been hinted at.

>There's no way he's a womanizer and I guess Janine eventually gave up because he was too much of an autist.

You yourself said they held hands and walked off together at the end of the first movie.

Not exactly a gameshow, but still...pottery

The cool thing is it still holds up really well. The only thing that seems really dated is the sassy receptionists glasses. Those were clearly 80s frames. Everything else still holds up.

Compare that to this new piece of shit, and you will understand why Box Office might be a little under expectations.

True, but starting off a romance and having a relationship are two different things. I guess she was getting tired of only coming second after his research.

He's a firm believer in the old adage, "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks."

The progress of science is obviously more important than women.

>Here's a scene where Egon is signalling to Peter how much to charge their client.

Holy fucking shit, I have seen that movie a dozen times and I have never noticed that before

Thank you for pointing it out to me user

I thought the same thing. That was a good reintroduction to Peter, too.

Especially when you consider that the guy on the left was on the ball. Vigo enacted his plan on New Years Eve.

And this is what makes him great. Combined with something like a kiss on the cheek being able to cheer him up that much.

>The problem is that he doesn't really have any story purpose.

He's literally the closest thing to a protagonist that exists in Ghostbusters. Winston is the only viable audience insert because everyone else is a lunatic.

>You couldn't argue exposition but he wasn't even introduced until halfway for the movie.

Try the start of the second act. Winston being hired is the first thing to happen after the business proves successful.

It got me too for years. He wasn't even being that subtle, but your attention was directly on Peter in the scene. Just like manager of the hotel.

>Even his most "black" line, "I have seen shit that'll turn you white!" could (and probably would) have been said by a white actor just as easily.

It would, but it is just a little bit funnier coming from the black guy cause of the double meaning.

When Winston says, "I love Jesus' style..." that is about as "black guy" as he gets.


>63.8% week over week drop for Friday

That is nearly a Batman v Superman-sized drop

That puts GB2016 on pace for about a $90m lifetime domestic gross, of which Sony will get about $46

>$144m budget
>$130m marketing
>$46m revenue


If true I'm really glad that didn't happen. Murphy would have taken too much from Akroyd and Murray. Winston is the perfect "other guy".

Kino as kino gets.

Love this shot

May I request the floating portal inside the fridge?


That shot was hot as fuck. I've had a thing for women lying spreadeagled ever since.