"I hear you can talk to fish"

"I hear you can talk to fish"

really? jesus christ

Other urls found in this thread:


>"I need to talk to him. We need to form...the Justice League"

turned it off right there


Ben "Quipman" Affleck


But it's true




>going full MCU
I like it

Marvel rekted dc so hard they have to use quips now

what did bruce say to fishboy so that he puts him down?

That Barry Allen scene was fucking spot on from the leaks.

The entire trailer was absolutely QUIP-TASTIC!

When will they finally get their movie?

yeah, someone has the rest of the leaks?

That wasn't a leak stupid. It was from a press showing.

The leaks about humans/amazonians/atlanteans defeating Darkseid and getting a motherbox looks good.

There is a scene in the trailer with old timey wimey kings burying a Motherbox.

fuck is a motherbox? Is it the DC version of those gem things?

more or less lines were bad too
when its useful line made zero sense

is there anything dc doesn't suck at? lol

The infinity gems provide mastery over some single aspect I believe. One for time, one for space etc.

A motherbox is a smart phone from an advanced alien God race. I've read comics with them in and they never make any sense. They can open portals through space time for teleportation and provide plot armour for whatever arc they are in.

Darkseid will send minions to earth and have them plant Mother boxes, then use them to open portals and invade. Cyborg is made out of one.

>"we want the meme audience"

>Batman: Quip quip quip quip
>Waterman: Quip, quip and quip
>Skellington: Quip?
>Batman: Quip
>Skellington: So, quip?
>Batman: Quip


Why did Bruce sound like a grizzled old sea captain?

Quips sell.

TLDR: Infinity gems give mastery over something, combine them into the gauntlet for God mode. Motherbox is a nerfed infinity Gauntlet.

Underoos is far worse

need to pander to MChildren

Stay mad Reddit.

to this day I still don't know what the hell they were thinking putting that line in the final cut

fuckin' underoos, man.... underooos.


I'm surprised they didn't cut to Aquaman doing something ridiculously savage after that line, like his supermove from Injustice for example:

I guess, they've not got much CGI work done yet.

I thought it was a good line, and pretty solid delivery.

The Flash meeting was a bit more cringe imo.

>they totally change the tone to "Justice Leage of Quipmerica: We want to be the avengers"
>reddit absolutely loves quips and this trailer.

Your post makes zero sense.

>>The Flash meeting was a bit more cringe imo
It's Bart Allen.
>Impulsively join team
>Plays video games
>Young and odd

Is Superman going to be in this? Asking for a friend

Except that's not how someone who's anti-social actually interacts with anyone.

It is. Lot's of anti social people are over zealous when they finally get to meet people.

talk to fish is the only quip

Id never thought that Jason Sudelkis would ever play Batman

It's also fits in universe pretty well. That is exactly the type of surface misconception that would be propagated.

The line is right out of the comics. It's not doctored for 'le reddit' in anyway.

>DC movies are too grimdark where's muh jokes?
>get jokes
>What the fuck why all these quips RRRRE3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

you niggers i swear

>Only martha
>why did you say here name!?
>she's my cuttlefish

wow the amount of quips... they were definitely right with making it less dark as BvS was.

I liked the line desu, and the "I'm real when I'm useful". too many whiny faggots on this board

Honestly this trailer is everything I would have hoped for. The only character that seemed off was Flash and personally I think Barry Allen in the comics isn't a character you want to emulate anyway (he is boring).

Hell, look at Grant, he isn't playing Barry at all.

10/10 for me.

>"I'm real when I'm useful"
I think that dialogue will be expanded to either be Cyborg/batman dialogue from Flashpoint or Batman/Lantern dialogue from the JL animated movie (you aren't just a guy in a bat suit are you?)

Cant wait for the inevitable scene where the bad guy is standing on a bridge or something over water and Aquaman summons a blue whale to launch out of the water in slow-mo and tail slap the shit out of him

He doesn't control whales/dolphins you fucking casual.

>aliens crashing through buildings, people screaming in terror, explosions left and right, heroes comically bashing enemies' heads in, innocents dying
>make joke

>hanging out in room talking
>make joke


The fuck does he do then?


What trailer is this for? Ive only seen the Wonder woman trailer

He compels non mammalian marine life. Great white shark for example. He also has a pet Kraken. I'm pretty sure he has referred to dolphins as dicks before.

Who /outgrowncapeshit/ here?

Haven't seen one of these shitty flicks since Avengers 2, feels good desu

Nah, he can even control people when he uses his powers because we evolved from sea life

since Superman IV you trash-eating pleb

I love how butthurt aquaman writers are about that shit.

JUSTice League

>since Avengers 2
more liek iron man 1 you nerd

>Nah, he can even control people when he uses his powers because we evolved from sea life
No he can't. He can give people strokes because he fucks with the part in the brain similiar enough to marine life for him to make a connection. It's evolution lad.

It's just dispelling misconceptions, most reboots will have a character provide a bit of exposition to explain themselves.


Deadpool, CW, BvS, Apocalypse all fucking shit

Im done with capeshit completrly across the board

Google it you fuck.

>I'm superior because I don't watch movies that you watch

damn son, are you this much of a faggot off this board as well?

>drawing a fat ugly neckbeard saying these things
no man. they are mad as fuck
Its funny because nerds are the fucks who always talk about how he doesn't just talk to fish and normies just think that.

Yes comics do get meta. It is the pasty neckbeards at comic conventions who hassle the writers with this kind of stuff. That character is obviously and intentionally an insert.

It was Days of Future Past that did it for me. And I used to be a huge comic book fan as a kid. Played all of the games, watched all of the movies pirated all of the comics I could get my hands on. Now superheroes became real garbage as of late.

>Another fresh review!
>t. DCuck

This post is the weirdest shit. Are you genuinely wondering why shit made for children appealed to you as a child but doesn't now?

Of course you liked shit for children as a child. And of course you don't like it now.

Why is he eating fish & chips? Isn't he bros with sea life?

brb guys. I'll be back in about 2 hours to keep talking, fucking love this capeshit

those complains don't come from the same people

The sad part too is everything leading into that looked promising/serious. The whole "every year he brings fish in winter" thing..

and then, quips. Tons of fucking quips. Quipity quip quip.

We're so fucked as a society. So absolutely fucked.

please respond

He helps the lobsters escape, he sees fish as little cucks to do his bidding.

>I judge society based on the seriousness of comic book movies made for children

Don't worry. You can fix society.
Just get sterilized

Comics are really fucking bad now, just read current Marvel. There hasn't been any new Marvel games as of late besides that new spider-man for the ps4. Blade, XMen 1 & 2, and the Spider-Man trilogy are all better than the movies that get made today minus a few exceptions. Are you retarded? How did you not get what I meant before?

You would not like the spider-man movies and all this other stupid shit if you saw them today.
You are just growing up.
Let me guess. Videogames also got worse?

Can't be you growing up. The entire world changed and everything became shit.

When you're older you'll realize how dumb you sound.

So me not liking Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Miles Morales is me growing up? You're not understanding me. I'm talking about degradation of quality here.

I liked it. I made the mistake of scrolling down to the comments, but it looks good so far.

Hopefully they downplay berry allen

Is this satire? Or are you really this dense? LOL

>Flash: So what are we going to call ourselves?

>Cyborg: How about The Big Guy and his muscles?

>WW: How about the Big Girl and her muscles?

>Aquaman: How about "Three Guys, a Girl, and The Black That Nobody Wanted?"

>Superman: Hey, we both know that you could take him.

>WW: Hey!

>Superman: Hey. What?

>Batman: We've come a long way since the garage.

>Superman: Gotta say, it feels like Justice! Like a League of it's own!

>Aquaman: Say that again...

>Superman: Justice! League of it's own!.

>Batman: Yes, it does. Guys! I got it. Ready?

Bravo Snyder!


Lets go through this slowly okay.

As you grew older you stopped liking stuff for children like videogames and comic books.

Now what is more likely.
All of it got somehow worse and the entire culture is degrading.
You growing up is the reason you don't like it anymore.


I really don't get this board. What exactly do you want DC to do? They made grimm and dark, you niggers complained. Now they're trying to make it a bit more fun and there's still complaining.

>inb4 Marvel formula

>Batman We are the...
>Flash: League of Justice!
>*Batman stares at him*
>Flash: Oh... uh... sorry...

>he thinks the complaints are from the same people
use your brain dipshit

>OMG quippy!

>tv is now defending quips in capeshit.
Dcucks not even once.

I just want Batman the animated series in live action with Hamm or Fassbender but instead I got shit.

Are your eyes aqua, man?

Marvel is absolutely destroyed

>Batman literally watching Reddit & Morty at 1:44

capekino is dead

I'm not a comic expert, but aren't the fish his friends, but in the trailer they say he brings them fish to eat, like does there exist a suicide line for fish, and Aquaman only bring suicidal fish?

its ok to eat fish
cos they dont have any feelings

fish are assholes

Man, that episode aired in July of 2001, and no one cared that they showed Muhammad. Three months later and not a single network would do that. Why do we allow this shit to happen?

that was gay