Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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Brown hair and eyes, so boring.

Fuck off nigger

Not currently on my dick

ocular prosthesis

glass eye

I don't know why but it seems to me that she's kind of an annoying bitch in real life.

hello cuck

Hello cuck

she's not my gf

i'm pretty sure that user is right, if you see how she reacted to her fappening pics being leaked and how boring and pretentious the leaks were

My dick isn't dropping a hot load inside of her tight pussy right now

huge flaw

meeeeew! mew mew!

mostly shitty taste in roles

im not underneath her soels

please go feetfag

She's not currently having sexual intercourse with me.

She has an overly disgusting ass. It's too big.

>dating girls

lol. Listen, no girl will ever love you as much as your mother loves you. Bitches aren't worth your time. Instead of trying to get with stupid bitches, spend more time with male friends. The bond that 2 men that are close to each other share is much more stronger than any female can hope to be. Men that bond with each other know what loyalty and companionship is and will never betray you. Women on the other hand will hop on the next best thing that shows up. The only women in life that deserves a mans time is their own mother.

She is not all sweaty sitting down on my face and peeing down my throat.

Ireland pls



She does not currently have me chained up as her personal slave

>Her eyes are objectively too close together
>Brown is objectively the ugliest eye color
>Her lips aren't very full
>Nose could be a little better

7.5/10 if compared to a prime Angelina Jolie