"nobody cared who I was before I pulled out the sword."

Guy Ritchie is my favorite director but his films have been flops lately. Do you guys think this looks good?


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The MAn from UNCLE was good though.

So far this looks like one of the worst movies next year.

Yeah. Not up to his earlier stuff but still fun. It bombed at the box office though.

The crap Cg worries me desu.

whats with all the medieval shit having 2016 characters, 2016 society, 2016 mannerisms, attitudes styles etc. Its really off putting. GoT is like a drama show between a bunch of 2016 social media celebrities. This lookes like shit, charlie is so obviously from 2016 its like they took a load of 21st century people and made them live in mediaval times.

>his films have been flops lately

Sherlock Holmes 2 made half a billion dollars, but whatever.

JACKIE-BOY jaisus chroist

People ask the question:

"What's a RockNRolla?"

That guy's hairline is perfect, how do I get one like that?

Still waiting for that sequel he promised desu.

CIA with that bow.

he promised 2 i believe

Looks like utter shit. Not even trollin.

People like this garbage?

plus the Bane coat

You just fucked with this guy.

What do?

What the fuck? We already have the GOAT King Arthur movie.


I would honestly be more interested in a shot for shot remake of Excalibur.

This is the one with nigger Lancelot, right?

Sorry, but I can't sanction this cuckoldry. Even if it was made by the man who brought us Rocknrolla.

The one with the Lancelot being a nigger is a TV series, dumbfuck.

I think it looks good.

looks fun to me anons


Is RockNRolla good?

I love Snatch and Lock Stock but I remember seeing poor-mediocre reviews for it when it came out so that put me off

>the lads
of course he has black friends, don't you know about moors? :^)

>He cares about reviews

Yeah, this is the one with the nigger Sir Bedivere. Totally different.

If you liked Snatch or Lock Stock, you'll like Rocknrolla. They really work as a triple feature.

this was back in 2008 when I was younger and wasn't really that much into films, and actually trusted others to gauge whether a film is worth watching or not

I now realise that's stupid as fuck


>growing and learning as a person

Check out this faggot.

Just because they didn't make hundreds of millions it doesn't mean they were flops. I consider Sherlock Holmes and man from uncle kino.


Looks sick. Man from Uncle was great, and everything else by Guy Ritchie is even better.

Just had a peek at the IMDB page and apparently Scroobius Pip will be playing an as-yet-unnamed character and pic related will be a Syren.

Colour me hyped.


Is this a meme within a meme?

>King Arthur, Im Archer.

>"nobody cared who I was before I pulled out the sword."
pretty sure no one will care when you're playing in theatres

I liked The Man from the Uncle and this trailer looks really good. The cast is great i hope it turns out as a great movie, i cant wait to see this one

>Guy Ritchie is my favorite director but his films have been flops lately.
>d-do you guys think this looks good?

looking to hop on the bandwagon when he bombs?

You are a sweaty guy.

dude 2016 lmao

Looks like complete shit

Nice they even have Foltest

>uhh, you don't get to bring Knights


>tfw your dream of Guy Ritchie directing a medieval movie with the lads having a pint is becoming true
This is his Rock n Rolla 2

>guy Ritchie is my favorite director
How is it possible to be that bad at watching movies?

>we want the chav and football pudding audience

Stylistically it looks really interesting but visually it looks like a direct to DVD Scorpion King sequel. So fucking cheap and ugly and grimey.

Also when you're making an Arthurian movie you know you're never going to top Excalibur so why even bother

Why do people who pirate movies complain about the visuals?

Why is he your favorite director? He's literally only done 2 good movies.

guy ritchie, turning legends into slapstick buddy comedy
what a pleb

guy ritchie is my favoruite modern director but this movie looks like shiet

i enjoy every guy ritchie movie btw

Hard to believe that less than ten years ago blacks only appeared in comedies about how funny and out of place they would be in medieval settings

Are you me? I was grinning like a fucking mouth breathing retard during the trailer.

Best part is Hunnam from SoA as the bantz leader.

>a black person in Medieval England

That film looks fucking awful
It will bomb
It must bomb

It's going to be amazing.

It's just this trailer that's trying was to hard to look like snatch.

man how far we've fallen since Excalibur

It's like a requirement now to put faggoty music in trailers. Why can't we just have respectable orchestral music anymore? Or just cut the emo vocals?

The low budget cgi will let it down.

As much as I love baneposting I don't think this film will offer much
Let's not try to make this into something it's not just because CIA is in it
Don't force the meme as it loses comedic value that way
Let it happen

post yfw Lancelot is black

>Do you guys think this looks good?

Looks like shit

The problem with adapting such a hugely popular source as the Arturian legends are that people will be incredibly disappointed and angry if it's shit. The stakes are higher, which can be a good thing, if the film's decent.

It wont even try to be the same thing


>a guy ritchie movie witth Baneposting and SoAposting
Jaysus croist hug me brothas

This looks aight. Wouldn't see it in theaters. I'd wait to stream it