Why does every fucking movie in existence have a kissing scene?

Why does every fucking movie in existence have a kissing scene?

They're never done well, are always pointless and trigger my loneliness.

There are plenty of movies without kissing scenes

>They're never done well
Like you would know. This fuckin' guy!

They're just tastless garbage thrown in because they need that 40 year old mom audience.

Name 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 films where this happens

Police Story
Rush Hour
Rumble in the Bronx

where's the rest faggot

I will post it tomorrow if the thread is still alive

The Plane Scene

Finding Nemo

Shawshank Redemption

The only time I kiss grillz (Yeah, I'm a faggot) is during sex since it's the only time I can feel any level of intimacy.

But every grill I've every been with has told me I'm a very good and passionate kisser.

Which is weird because most of them are just sluts I fuck once and then never talk to again.

I have this little trick where if we're kissing I'll pull away just enough to gently lick their lip.

They go fucking nuts.

I'm dead inside.

Don't ever tell anyone this again.

They are encouraging you to go on Tinder or OKcupid and get a girlfriend!

Dont be a loser that complains on the internet that you never have a girlfriend, those people die alone and miserable and sad they wasted their life, go get a girl, faggot.

what kind of dog is that

It's a shark, user...

because you watch hollywood

gotta keep the breeders interested.

The best kind.


Was it that cringe worthy?

Because normies want things to have romance

Name one movie with a kissing scene.