Did they die?

I thought it was pretty good

but did they all die, really bum ending to be quite honest with you Sup Forums. I liked the characters and was disappointed to see some of them die, but I liked how they took the movie into a different direction from the original and did something new.

What did Sup Forums think, could they have survived?

Bump faggots

Anybody else like this dude, I noticed it's the same guy who is in that family show, couldn't believe who could be so good at being a dick.

Ignore the capeshit for one god damn second you homos

So this was in the end credits. What could it be?


>5 replies
>1 poster

Please don't go, stay for a little while

there is a direct to video sequel...

Nah they got to zombie island and it was chill and nothing bad happened

How can anybody give a shit about the cast in this bloated fuckfest of a remake? George Romero could direct strong drama while Snyder's effort looks autistic in comparison. There's something like 15 characters and they're all just shallow tropes.

>that hairline
I suspect that somebody has been invoking the black magics.

This movie is trash.

Really, didn't know that, is it shit?

Mediocre remake. Stop bumping this

>I can't keep track of 15 characters

Is it hard for you to keep track of people in real life

It's Snyderkino

What's to keep track of? Everybody is just one trait and their interactions are barely comic-book tier. You just saw this movie didn't you?

Yes is that a problem?

George Romero's movies lived and died on their characters and drama, take that away and what's left? A bunch of boring non-people shooting really fast monsters for two hours.

I don't have a problem with that, you don't always need character drama to make an interesting film.

Even if they survived the encounter with the zombies the tapes that play during the credits establish they were running low on food, fuel, and water. Assuming they survive by getting back on the boat, they're in no position to attempt to go anywhere besides the island through a different dock or a place they can shore up the boat.

We don't see how if they docked the boat properly. We don't know if Kenneth retreated quickly enough for escape to be possible. We don't hear many more gunshots after the camera operator drops it and starts running. There is a massive crowd of zombies swarming the camera which makes me think at least one survivor was caught and is being ripped to pieces.

I think what happened is that after the camera is dropped, the boat is already sailing away and the zombies are repelled which is why only a few gunshots can be heard. Though I may be mistaken because I cant remember exactly when Down With The Sickness starts. I think Kenneth is taken down because iirc he says "Get behind me!" This leaves the remainder of the party in a dire situation as the redhead is worse than useless and single handedly caused the deaths of half the survivors. At least they have a nurse.

yeah ok.

Yeah, that's what I figured. I prefer the original ending, there's uncertainty, but still hope, I suppose if your really optimistic, you could have hope at the end of this one.


I could tell this movie wasn't filmed anywhere near Milwaukee from the opening shots, there are absolutely no roads in this city that are that nice.

Omg when that lady was a zombie and the zombie had a baby and taye diggs had to shoot the baby and all the people in the theater were like ohhh damn

This movie fucking sucks. The original is my favorite ever.

Why are so many people butt blasted cause of this movie. I liked it, sue me.