Is anyone else disappointed with Season 2 of pic related?

>is anyone else disappointed with Season 2 of pic related?
>edgy Adderall propaganda for Pfizer, kids think it is cool
no more S1 edgylord;

>muh oppression:
>Elliot has a good job
>boss takes him in private jet
>pet dog bro
>good apartment in city
>literally kicks women out of apartment
>girlfriend supplier
>muh morphine addiction
>childhood cuckold friend
>not starving
>E-corp = Evil corp (bravo Esmail)
>shit he hacked me, got to sanitize
>literally cashed up to buy a new motherboard every week
>pathological liar
>i forgot to hack today
>wheres my mind cover
>dude, ddos attack
>tongue my sis
>bud, I'm my own father

his mental illness gets pretty boring i must say

Who cares ? The entire show is just hallucinations

yeah, this sort of fetishization is probably the best form of marketing various companies can use to push their products.

I like this season. His interactions with Leon in the diner are probably my favorite.


>pure white blonde girl gets blacked literally the second episode of second season

why does the media hate pure christian white couples.

I got bored watching episode 2. Will not continue.

It's like the purposely make everything so god damned slow and uninteresting

there was zero quips this season
fuckin 2/10 at best

I'm pretty sure that there is a secret so far with the second season, and we aren't looking hard enough. On the surface it's a very slow and weird second season, feels like they dropped the ball. BUT WHAT IF NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS!

S2 has been excellent so far

>that forced as fuck female fbi agent new character

god dammit, just end this show already

kill yourself

Conman quip was excellent though.

they want the reddit audience

boring pacing
drawn out scenes with shit music
muh hallucinations


S2 is an even bigger pleb filter than 1 was

>little white girl gets reamed by big black guy for literally no reason or purpose in E2S2

Fucking Egyptian kikes

Also the scene with him frantically swallowing adderall after digging it out of his own vomit on the floor made me gag.

this, fucking DROPPED for these 2 reasons.

>for literally no reason or purpose

Enlighten me on the importance of Angela getting fucked by a nig nog

Though, to be fair... the show is making a point of her sinking lower and lower and becoming more degenerate. Is Sam Esmail actually hiding his true power level? Holy shit!

it was shallow sex born of self-loathing, the literal next scene is her watching self-help videos to try and convince herself she's not worthless.

yes, the nigger makes the random hookup seem even more degenerate

Did you just jerk off on your keyboard and then click New Thread before wiping it down? I can't cobble together what the shit you're trying to say

He's just having an autism fit


I hope angela is killed off. I cant even look at her character anymore ,knowing she was black stained.

I dropped it because of this too. A shame that this show has sunken this far. Kinda enjoyed season 1.

no you didn't
no you didn't
no you didn't
no you didn't

>Dude we go Merryl Streeps daughter, no need for plot, the fem's will rate 10/10

Mr. Robot is a show genetically engineerd to appeal to imdbspawn Sup Forumsedditors with no sense of sophisication who laud meme dialog, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier meta capeshit "entertainment" sensibilities and a meme tv series aesthetic. This is a flick show at best and will rightfully ruin rami maleks career.

Elliot is in prison.
>Watching basketball in the yard
>eating every day with a dindu
>does boring "chores"
>Craig Robinson is the Warden
And the whole "I'm crazy" angle is fucking boring. No one cares and it was a weak twist. No plot progression and since Elliot is isolated, no real protagonist.
Throw in the some BLACKED and "le quirky" FBI girl, this season is off to a horrible start

Fucking christ you all are a bunch of autistic edgelords aren't you.


You literally can't pass up an opportunity to pretend to be racist.

Good show, excited to see where this season goes.

its by far the worst part of the show.

This season is just all over the place, it's a mess. First season was much more focused.

Anyone got a webm of Darlene masturbating?

>edgy adderall propaganda kids think it's cool
Except they already did before the show came out.

its dominique masturbating. saw a gif on the terrible subreddit.

seconded gimme that gummer

Just because you guys are utter fucking retards I'm not posting it

>edgy Adderall propaganda for Pfizer, kids think it is cool

Um did we watch the same show? Elliot's use of Adderall wasn't portrayed in a positive way. Yeah he was like super happy and energized for the first few days but then it all started to fall apart and his mind started regressing back to how it was before. He also didn't sleep for five days. So I don''t see how it was "edgy Adderall propaganda for Pfizer" that will makes kids think Adderall is cool.

I don't mind her, she comes of as the only relatively wholesome character in a show where everybody acts like they're sleep depraved and miserable. And that's my main problem with the series, it's over stylized in both its direction and cinematography to the point where nobody comes off as genuinely human or humane. Everybody is either miserable all the time, robotic or an asshole.

He's in prison for killing Tyrell.

Adderall scene was pretty good.

only to practice my webm wizardry

This took me 2 minutes and i burnt my Tendies.

Say thank-you you cucks!
