I have been off tv for a while

I have been off tv for a while

what does Kino mean?

Russian word for flick

It means the best of the best, the epitome of its genre.

It's the war cry you yell out when you cum inside MEW's ass.

It's a new way for moronic shit posters to shit post

It's a German word for telepicture

Jap for 'bad picture'

It means "I'm a simple minded fuck who can't think for myself"

She's a big girl

It's Chinese for kinographical picture

For you

she got chubby

she's crashing my erection with no survivors

German word for cinema

Now post more mew

She was so fucking hot in 10 Cloverfield Lane.

>she wakes up stripped down to her underwear and chained to the wall in a locked basement with no idea where she is and no help coming

I was watching it with my family at the time so couldn't whip it out right there to wank one off.

it means "quality"

pic related. MEW has kino soles.

I know this feeling

so hot in that movie

>the movie wasn't about her being stuck down there with Howard alone
>we didn't get to see two hours of her getting raped by his fat deformed chode
>he didn't have a whole collection of bondage equipment to use on her
>she wasn't trained to be the perfect slave and dress up as his daughter and call him "daddy"

Would this be considered fat?

you asked that question before

and no unless you're gay


It's short for kinotherapy, the thing you go through to treat cancer.

Sailor Jupiter’s surname. Her full name, in western order, is Makoto Kino.

> "I'm a simple minded cuck who can't think for myself"

Fixed it for you, after all... IT IS THE CURRENT YEAR.

>being her slave instead of enslaving her

i want to be her foot slave

>you'll never eat the smegma off her giant horsecock

I don't remember. They keep using it for everything now.

kitschy movies misinterpreted as deep movies.

not even 5 seconds in google faggot

noun: kino
a gum obtained from certain tropical trees by tapping, used locally as an astringent in medicine and in tanning.
late 18th century: apparently from a West African language.

you can categorize moving pictures into several categories but the two big ones are 'story' and 'non-story' (Gone with the Wind versus Un Chien Andalou)

You can further describe story moving pictures into films, movies, flicks, joints, and cinema - each one has some nuance. A film is for mainstream audiences and respects both the artistic vision and the box office appeal equally. A flick is about making money. Cinema tries to win awards, appealing to critics and audiences equally. A movie is for entertainment, it has a story but it's mostly about style over substance - it doesn't care about money or awards, just pure fun. A joint is allegorical and you're not supposed to take the characters seriously, their more like choruses from old stage plays (Spike Lee exclusively uses this form, so does Shyamalan and Terry Gilliam and sometimes Charlie Kaufman).

Kinography is in between story motion pictures and Cinema. It tries to appeal to general audiences, art house audiences, and critics and it often fails spectacularly. Sup Forums tends to call things kino that are so absurd and schizophrenic in the appeal that it's as if the creators were intentionally attempting kinography. Eraserhead is actual kinography while The Pest is 'kino', ironically called kinography because if does seem to try to appeal to all three audiences (but in actuality it's just a fucking mess of a film)

anyone got a screen from the film faults where we get to see mew's bum crack

good god senpai.