Alright, let's have an actual discussion about this trailer. Fuck off with the shitty memes.

How do you feel about it? What are your criticisms? Did it meet your expectations? What do you hope the movie delivers?

Also, if you use "reddit" or "quips" to criticize it, fuck off.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's shit.


The trailer for anyone who hasn't seen it.

It looks better then BvS that's for certain

It really doesn't and I don't even like BvS

I like it.

The people crying muh tonal change clearly didn't see the big picture from the start. Their plan has been known for months.

Chris Terrio explains it.
>At that moment, I thought, “I’m not done with this yet. I want to go back and keep telling the story.” “Batman v Superman” is a bit of an “Empire Strikes Back” or “Two Towers” or any similar middle film in a trilogy. The middle film tends to be the darkest one. I do think from “Man of Steel” through “Justice League,” it is one saga really.

>I expect “Justice League” will be tonally not quite as dark as “Batman v Superman.” From that point of view, I felt compelled to go back and try to lift us and myself into a different tonal place because I think when you write a darker film, sometimes you want to redeem it all a bit.


It really does

this is not even a trailer, just some footages they rushed out for comic con

I like it but I don't want to get too hyped after last time. I also don't mind the quips or Flash's custome. It's miles better than the tv show one.

I hope there are some alterations made to Flash and Cyborg's designs. The rest of them look good though

I like it, I hope they downplay berry Allen, but I do like his speed force affects. I think it has potential to be very good. ebil superman when?

no it doesn't you fucking quip apologist faggot.
the grimdark tone did not have anything to do with BvS's flaws. You are film illiterate if you think otherwise.

This sums up my thoughts on it quite well. Also, I'm one of the lunatics that thinks the events at the end of BvS hint at a new era for the world in which they take place, an Age of Heroes.

If Superman comes back and he's PROPERLY Superman, that would represent a significant tone shift.

This looks horrible.

>people on this board think BvS isn't the worst movie of all time



the trailer began to look alright but then the quipening started to happen and it all went downhill from there. jesus christ
it reminded me of those comedic football movies where there is a montage of recruiting players.

It looks like a massive pile of pigshit.

Not the other guy, but it really does contribute to its flaws. Especially applying that tone on SUPERMAN.
Depressing as fuck.

Goya please the marvelcucks and dumb critics who can only process information through quips somehow.

>How do you feel about it?
Underwhelmed. I'm actually more excited for the Wonder Woman movie after viewing its trailer, than for this.

>What are your criticisms?
Tone is way off. How can you have quips and jokes with such a drab, boring color tone to every scene? Also "I believe enemies are coming" is one of the corniest lines I've ever heard.

>Did it meet your expectations?
I know its just a teaser, but honestly I expected more. I liked how light-hearted Flash is though, and Aquaman seriously looks hardcore.

>What do you hope the movie delivers?
Superman's resurrection in the third act, beating the everloving shit out of Steppenwolf and the Parademons, saving the day once again.

Working shift at Disney I see.
Here's your $.5


Fuck you

Anybody else got the Wally West vibe from him? I know he's Barry Allen but I just couldn't helped to think he acted a bit like Wally.

It's not a trailer it's only footage
like for BVS bats turning the signal on to see superman
I liked it anyway
did they announce when a real trailer is showing up

Nigga, you might as well call it a trailer.

its the epitome of capeshit.

I am in pleasure with your presence M'Lady, after seeing many kinos in my day I, and my astute hat, decided that while the trailer has an interesting persuasion to it, the unnecessary quips make it not stand up to the true capekino, the greatest film of all time, Batman v. Superman.


Some guy spoiled the whole flash scene here months ago, everyone said it was too shit to he real

I'm glad it was real

Seems like Snyder did a lot of stuff in BvS as a reaction against the criticisms of MoS and now this entire trailer looks like a reaction to the criticisms of Bvs.

Makes me wonder if he has a clear vision on this or not.

Yes, and I think that's exactly what's happening. Clark hasn't figured out how to project the right public image yet. So far, he's been Superman in name and in action, but not in spirit. He's just Clark cosplaying as Superman, this largely mute "super first responder," and his lack of a public voice and persona has allowed people to project whatever hopes and preconceptions they have upon him.

Communication is a big theme in BvS. Notice how even Senator Finch's opening speech at the hearing is interrupted at the precise moment when she says, "Only by speaking." I take that as an intentional cue to the audience that the final, most ephemeral(possibly least intentional) goal that Lex achieved with his bomb was depriving Superman of his first attempt to really establish his own dialogue with the public.

He's going to have to do that when returns, as the specter of godhood looms ever larger.

I am quite angry at the direction this film has taken. The derivation from actual dialogue and story telling to nothing more than line after line of pleasant witty remarks is disgusting.

Wonder Woman looks more appealing desu.

Why the fuck is Cyborg so skinny?

I can't wait for the sex scene desu.

quiping is an art, you cant quip just because

"i heard you can talk to fish" *smirks

Please don't spoil the whole plot in the next trailer.

I don't see it that way at all. I see consistent, coherent progression.

i expected the tone to be lighter but I didn't expect them to pander to plebs so much.

still looks far better than marvel trash but disappointing after MoS/BvS

reddit-tier quip trash. Waste of Affleck's talent.

>that picture

they look like they're in a band

I wished we had GL Jon Stewart instead. Cyborg works better with the Teen Titans.

>Affleck's talent

>implying it won't be filled with tasty symbolism and Snyderkino themes

I liked it. The scene where flash meets batman was actually posted on Sup Forums by a leaker a while ago (might have been Sup Forums). I guess some leakers really are legit.

That's a sick ass hat tho
Best ship returns.

what is this madman wearing

Wait, who the fuck directed this?




>wonderbat best ship
>implying is not superbat

Fuck off faggot.

This looks like a film. I'm not mememing terms here. It looks more professionally done than all of Marvel's blockbuster capeshit. Between this and Luke Cage I am a happy man.


that music seems out of place

how long are they doing this shit for lmao

I haven't seen the luke cage trailer yet but I agree

Very underwhelming. I did not enjoy MoS or BvS, but if that's the tone DC wants to take with their movies, then I could at least respect their commitment. With this trailer, they show they are now attempting to ride the coat tails of the far more financially successful Marvel franchises.

My issue with that is that from what I see in this trailer, they're going to fail at doing that as well. In the process they're going to alienate both their existing audience and their targeted audience.

I know Aquaman's getting a lot of praise in this trailer as well, but to me, it's really just the appeal of the actor. I don't think he's got the charisma to carry this film.

I'm guessing it will be a 4/10 sort of movie. Better than MoS or BvS in terms of average watchability but worse in terms of any sort of artistic merit or vision.

Not long enough.

Yuck, this just looks really dumb.

Afleqi is all right. Aquaman is all right. The Flash is coming off way too strong on the quip-o-meter. WW is as charmless, talentless and miscast as she seemed in BvS. The black guy's suit looks retarded and utterly uncanny.

I am quite angry at the direction this film has taken. The derivation from actual dialogue and story telling to nothing more than line after line of pleasant witty remarks is disgusting.

If they fuck, will the Israel-Palestine conflict be resolved?

>Affleck with a grey beard

Husbando alert

is this the village?

I agree, they're risking pushing away fans who enjoyed their movies to try and please people who didn't, and these people will probably hate JL too

I thought it was fairly mediocre, but goddamn why are they trying to be grimdark? I thought the quips were okay but it's not toning down the movie. It's as if Frank Miller wanted a shot as producer.

>The scene where flash meets batman was actually posted on Sup Forums by a leaker a while ago (might have been Sup Forums). I guess some leakers really are legit.

Not a leak- WB showed that footage to journalists at a press day in-studio so a lot of them wrote about it.

>far more financially successful

What are you even comparing, the total box office of a franchise with thirteen films to one with two to its name?

I enjoyed it, will admit the tone change/quip after quip threw me off guard but it still looks pretty good.

Autismo Flash is fantastic.

Yeah it's cool. I love Affleck Bats/Bruce, Aquaman seems cool, as a fan of the Flash series I was questioning this guy but he seems alright and the powers look awesome, the batarang scene is dope. Cyborg looks cool. I liked the tone of BvS but I trust in Zach to pull a little lighter off.

>the leaked batman/flash scene was real
wew lad


Listen I loved the BvS trailers...the movie was meh. This trailer also looks okay but it's obviously holding back on Superman which is stupid since they already showed us he was alive.

Cyborg looks okay. Wonder Woman still sucks. Barry actually seems decent in the trailer though. Of course Ben is the best part, shaven or unshaven. Screw Aqua Man


>Snyder caving into quipping

After my rewatch of BvS last night and enjoying it I must say im a little disappointed I like the serious take of DC's films... But nevertheless I am exited to see it. I just hope they realize they can't please everyone before its too late.

Why did they cast Filthy Frank as the Flash?

I trust Zack and Affleck to keep Bruce out of costume noticeably different than Bruce as the Bat.

>Barry Allen, I'm Bruce Wayne.

the quips are fucking awful. I feel like this is gonna be another mediocre movie.

Is the best ship finally returning? Since Bruce and Diana are the only members to start I can only imagine the amount of bantering the two will have.

Also, turns out that script leak of the Barry scene was right. Does anyone have that?

Funnily enough I liked it mostly for Aquaman even though I don't give a shit about him usually. Having him as a crazy sea hobo is great and I can't wait to see what Wan will do with him.

Everything else was fine.

They should just end this franchise with Dr Manhattan just disintegrating the Justice League.

They are more dangerous than Ozymandias.

Is there going to be another Ultimate Cut for this movie as well?

>BvS was a mature and darker movie, filled with deep symbolism. A film, much like a fine wine, that gets better with age, as you rewatch it and notice new and fascinating details
>BvS was too smart for mainstream reddit comic book movie audiences, so they hate it
>greedy WB executives panic they arent getting enough trucks of money from the franchise
>turn Suicide Squad and Justice League into light hearted, quip filled, pop culture loving, dad rock infused flicks to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>BvS was a mature and darker movie, filled with deep symbolism.
Lost already.

>smart and deep
lel. BvS pandered to everybody.
Do you really think that WB invested in a movie that only a few would like?

what'd they change about SS?


The only thing that really bothers me is that Aquaman and The Flash aren't blonde like they're supposed to be.

Go to bed Snyder

t. reddit

I fuckin' love Wonder Womans theme music.

ssshh let them be in denial forever. Its their last line of self defence mechanism.


Of course, they already started building the sexual tension in BvS.

>I believe enemys are coming

Who lex is in jail doomday is dead how would bruce even jump to that conclusion?

Still don't like the Samoan Fishing Machine. Would've like based Dan instead.


I hate to break it to you but old wine becomes vinegar.

You catch more flies with honey.