What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Not enough 11
Best boy didn't win

>F-friend? What's t-that?

The monster was kidnapng the people. Didnt you see the thing?

The monster ruined it for me. Probably the most uninspired, non-threatening thing they could've done.

Too short
not enough El

too short

El opened a portal to another dimension thats what went wrong. are you unironically being retarded?


It was pure nostalgia fetish.

Although I'm sure many will find that wrong enough on it's own.

Nothing. It was great.

Get ready for season 2.

To everyone saying it was too short, if they had enough material for the length then its a good thing they didn't add unnecessary scenes to stretch it.

We didn't need long dialogues and character expositions.

why is he so perfect?

Its when you sit on each other's faces. We're friends, right, El?

uh, what did she do in exchange for the food from the Big Guy? people dont just hand out free food and she had no money.

Nothing it was fine you're just a contrarian


what did she mean by this

Not much, it was a lot of fun and feels, even if it was heavyhanded with the nostalgia.

My complaints were that the monster was a bit underwhelming, I was expecting a second form; and "THE" Demogorgon. In D&D, Demogorgon is the name of one unique big demon (pic related). But they kept calling it "The Demogorgon" which is like "The Dracula." They managed to get the correct old school shitty Demo model, but this should have been an easy fix, but instead it kinda fucked up their nerd cred in the first scene. OK back to /tg/ with me.

This felt anachronistic - was that word around then?

It was a lot shorter than I expected. Generic as fuck nothing interesting about it.

wait is your complaint that the D&D figurine in that one scene was slightly incorrect?

Tried to hard to pander to reddit. It worked also considering how many shill threads about it this board has had.

No, the figure was correct and that surprised and impressed me. My complaint is that Demogorgon is its name, there was no need for the "the" article when talking about it. It's like calling someone "The Dave."

>hurr durr reddit dur

the characters are 12 years old

le reddit xDddd le it wasn't edgy enough not enough blood not dark enough le no black metal so its le reddit !! xD

Oh, I realize I'm fully autisming over this minor thing that's not important at all. It's just that I think the kids would have been as anal as I am.

it was entertaining for what it was. However:
1. They didn't leave enough to the imagination. Every single mystery was spelled out for the audience in the most mundane way. it's like the creators have a phobia of confusing the audience.
2. Influences were called out a bit too literally - The Thing, recreation of shots from Stand By Me (walking down the train tracks)
3. Someone should have tried to tell Winona she was overdoing it. Some of her scenes are unwatchable.

Could this thread be any more Reddit? Just because their wasn't any edgy, gritty, unrealistic, "muh flawed anti-hero" characters like your capeshit you guys don't like it. Go do your homework kids.

Well a bit was left unsaid with the egg (and a miscarriage monster?) and the "throathugger" and Will at the end of course. Though it's straight from Alien so not really that mysterious.

If they make a season 2 I want El to come back even if it's some bullshit reason, it would suck to use those same kid characters but not her.

Absolutely nothing went wrong. El is love, El is life.

>they never rescue Will
>he somehow survives and becomes a bad ass, hunting down other monsters with his bear hands and eating their flesh
Season 2
>El is trapped inside
>El is about to be killed by a monster because shes drained of her power.
>Will moving at extremely high speeds swinging from tree to tree snatches El at the last second
>monster confused wondering where his meal went
>looks up
>sees Will standing, his back to the monster, El to his side.
>monster growls
>will turns his head, stares at the monster with an intense look
>the monster knows he fucked up
>Will teleports behind the monster

You've been watching too much Jurassic Park 3

So why does Sup Forums constant shilling this show? Could it possibly be because this show has lots of children?

>Best Boy

You posted the wrong pic.

The fuck do you expect when a new show comes out?

I wish the second season had nothing to do with the first

Ok but at least there must be more Nancy.

Hey friend t looks like you posted the wrong pic and name, here let me fix that for you.
>there must be more El

So I found that my internet is actually decent enough to stream at an ok quality. When would you guys want to do a marathon stream? I was thinking either right now or later today/tomorrow

>It's a Chad is the only character to show any sort of personal growth series

Nancy didn't take her clothes off on camera

Dammit I came here to post this.

Nancy is for warm cuddles, NOT for sexual

right now m8 post link

Looks pretty sexual to me.

that dude in the picture looks like sexual to you? i dont see any boobs

Not sure if it's having buffering problems though.

Hey now, A cups are people too.

If no one is going to join I'm going to put this off until later today

You probably should. Maybe like 7:30 or something

Yup, right now is probably the worst time since it's late night for muricans and middle of the night for yuropoors.
I'll probably do this late evening for yuropoors and early for muricans.

Anyone who is watching, is it buffering at all or is it fine?

I have to register an account to chat :/

Anyone else gonna start watching Intruders for more Millie?


t. 80's kid

I disagree with this specifically.

I liked it, but I felt like the entire story...the X-Files could have told it with a solid two-parter or like a 4 episode arc.

The story was rather shallow, the nostalgia seemed too cherrypicked, and the ending didnt really explain anything.

Wasn't bad for 8hrs, luckily they didnt stretch it out for longer like most series.

who the fuck is Millie
I just finished Stranger Things today.

El, her name is Millie Bobby Brown

The high school bully couple were literally unbelievable.

true, there were some mysteries at the end, but they didn't seem important when the ending credits rolled. it would have been nice to have a real mystery (outside of whether El is alive or not, which I assume she is or why would the chief be leaving eggos out for her)

In what way?

Fug I hate finishing shows. I always feel depressed afterwards with nothing to do.

>twirling the bat

Does this power up the bat up or something?

It just shows confidence in your proficiency with a bat.

Much too broad, cartoony and not realistic as characters imo. Every scene with them was an eye roller.

is this from Signs?


>casting Winona Ryder
>the black kid is an an irritating plot hindrance
>Nancy's arc is boring
>why the fuck is Private Joker here playing the scientist guy anyone could play this part
>"Elle" not "Elly"
>too obviously derivative of shit the average normie would recognize (steven king, elfen lied)

>"Elle" not "Elly"
kys Elle was the cutest in Heroes season 2


I was hoping this would be it for this season. Leave on a note that allows the viewer to decide what happens based on the clues that were left at the end. Then start a new seasons with different characters and have some new science fiction story to tell in 7 or 8 episodes. Maybe even in the same universe where this upside down is showing up in other cities.

fuck this
I couldn't even enjoy True Detective after season 1
felt so awful

I actually hated that exchange because Papa literally calls the scientists friends when putting her in in the bathysphere.

>the campaign was short!
They knew, huh?

El didn't kill the bullies because the writers were pussies


Seriously it ruined any chance of a good anthology show coming out anytime soon, so obviously Stranger Things will play it safe

>The girl looks like a boy
>The boy looks like a girl

Also, the scene where the brother and sister exchange lines in one of the later episodes, their voices are literally the same.

Lots of the reactions and actions made by characters were very unrealistic and It was sort of jarring

Ryder is a shit actress

The kid with the hat was annoying

The tension and mystery started to rapidly disappear after about episode 3

The ending was a little underwhelming

Other than that It was pretty decent and very entertaining. I'd give it a 7/10.

CGI was embarrassing, I wish they had just come up with a cheap solution if they were strapped for funds, full practical would have looked better and been more appropriate.

I'm not sure Barbara or the school bullies had to exist at all. There was no scene of the kids going to an arcade.

So OP did you like it or dislike it?

I'm willing to assume he didn't like it.

Same thing that goes wrong with most series like this: the introduction to the central mystery is really well done, but the eventual reveal and resolution just can't pull off the weight to be satisfying. Last two episodes were horseshit and the monster was terrible.

>F-friends, w-what are those?

literally saving this pic to my said folder

It definitely needs more El

Why is she so charming bros? I dont even like kids, but she is cute.

That completely pointless spin was great.


she was the worst part of the whole show, kill yourself pedo scum

The black kid was the worst.

>your friends had the adventure of a lifetime with a telepathic qt
>meanwhile your were deepthroated by demonic slugs in hell
Being Will is suffering

>not the beta cuck father

oh fuck guys. I think I was right
The thing the creature was eating was the egg.

What the fuck.
What does this mean?

WTF? not even a pedo would be actracted to her, she has a shaved head for christ sake!
I like the character as itself, you guys here on Sup Forums are really fucked up

back to red dit


And the shits are still there

I bet you liked her wig parts, you fucking faggot

Is bobbyposting a thing yet?

The white cop with the glasses was the best character in the show

Dat silence

Teacher was the best character

gettin dat asian punani

I did. What's your point?