Why was it so drastically different in tone compared to the rest of the series? Did you still like it?

Why was it so drastically different in tone compared to the rest of the series? Did you still like it?

>Why was it so drastically different in tone compared to the rest of the series?
no budget to make it the action move it wanted to be

>Did you still like it?
It's not good. The pacing is bad, characterization and story pretty bland. Action is amateurish. Settings are very interesting which allowed a sequel to be made, which was considerably better

Only contrarians who don't actually understand anything about films praise it as the best mad max

theyre all a bit different in tone. it ALMOST flirts with greatness until the kids show up.

then it very clearly doesn't. i still kinda like it and think its a little underrated.

apparently it wasn't supposed to be a Mad Max movie at all and just be an adult stumbling upon a society of kids.
For some reason they decided to take on Mad Max and mix the two together

Went from being a small budget Australisn film to Hollywood.

George Miller's friend and producer Byron Kennedy died in a helicopter crash during scouting for the film. Miller was grieving during filming

I don't know but I fucking miss movie posters like this.

Literally nobody says this is the best one. The fact that you have invented people to call contrarian makes you a contrarian.

You mean before the computer era or the Star Wars style?

Well anytime before the awful, no effort adobe photoshop era, back when movie posters were either epic of cryptic.

>he's so contrarian he calls people who call contrarians contrarians contrarian
nice, very contrary

Yes, yes well done contrarian, well done contrarian...

So do I, I absolutely love them, they used to be pieces of art, now posters are just cheap things slapped together on a computer in a few minutes.

inb4 the minimalistic blade runner post

I don't get the hate for the kids to be honest. The goofiness I understand, that bad guy who wouldn't die was annoying as fuck, but the kid tribe didn't bother me

Then again I don't like Road Warrior nearly as much as everyone else seems to and I think the original is by far the best film of the trilogy so what do I know

Why make a real piece of artwork when you can make some fucking pretentious minimalist garbage?

That fucking guy, he cheated death more times than Max. Absolute tosser.

this reaction image is my favorite thing from that poster

It's awful, just awfula

Only remotely good part is Master Blaster and the fight in the thunder-dome

Everything else is dogshit

>Why was it so drastically different in tone compared to the rest of the series?
Maddive amounts of cocaine and Hollywoodification
>Did you still like it?
Yeah it's actually still pretty good besides the whole cargo kid cult thing. Could've been good but it was obviously being aimed at a younger audience which didn't really work at all.

What were they thinking aiming it at a younger audience when you look at the last two films? Must have truly been a massive mountain of cocaine.

the first mad max is like a student film

I liked the chick.

Ew, why?


I liked the guy.

Yeah it felt like that to me, still liked it though. Though hanging the dog was uncalled for.