The Killing Joke

So what is Sup Forums's verdict on this?
Overall the beginning and introduction to Batgirl was kinda shitty and all of this were the screenshot was taken I guess works alot better in the comic.
6,5/10, voice acting of Conroy and Hamill was fine.

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It was awful, animation was so shit I couldn't make it to the end, babs story was stupid as fuck too

I haven't seen it yet. Did Joker rape Barbara?

no, but she rapes batman

it's too edgy

nah, she rapes batman and Joker just takes a few pics of her after he shot her.

Why the fuck do you keep spamming these threads? The cartoon is less than mediocre. That's the verdict you fucking idiot. You 2 dollar Korean Timm bootlicker fuckers are just as bad as furfags.

She rapes batman? What?

she takes advantage of the circumstances and have sex with him.
And then expects that their relationship is the same after that.
She's a fucking cunt.
I'm a glad she was shot and got crippled.

>takes advantage of the circumstances of being on top of him and wanting his batdick

How dare she!

yes he did rape her

it sucks, just like 99% of these home video level animations DC pumps out.

read the fucking book, and go back to Sup Forums

Are you a fucking moron? It is a spamming samefag.

Yes. They specifically added a scene to the animated movie where Batman interrogates prostitutes who say the Joker normally shows up to see them even before the news announces he's broke out whenever he's out from Arkham and that maybe he saw some "other girl" instead this time. There was no reason to add that scene except to make it clear the Joker raped her.

First 28 minutes sucked ass. Tim's ship is still terrible and creepy and showing in a gay best friend was annoying. Very unlikable version of Barbara. The rest was good enough. I never really liked the story that much anyway, but it was executed very well. Though Hamill's voice has gotten a lot raspier since TAS and Conroy didn't have a lot to work with. Kind of weird with him trying to act like a therapist with the Joker. Never something his Batman has ever done. But I enjoyed the many references such as "SWEAR TO ME!" and the pictures of this Joker as Nicholson and Ledger. So my verdict is probably 7/10. Fourth best Batman animated movie after Phantasm, Red Hood, and Return of the Joker.

No she didn't. That would only be if it was directed by Snyder and written by the mentally ill Devin Grayson.

It's a very overrated story. As is The Dark Knight Returns. As are Alan Moore and Frank Miller as a whole.

>Red Hood
>not shit

You're retarded.

South Park adapted it better

Yeah because the pictures of barbara naked and the comment from the other guy didn't make that super obvious

Naked pictures don't confirm anything, Gordon was naked and he wasn't raped. Joker seems above rape, he just wants to fuck with her psychologically by making her think he is.

my headcanon is that his henchmen raped her, not joker himself

Those were already in the original comic. The scene with the prostitutes was clearly added to the animated film for the purpose of communicating that the Joker raped her.

>Joker seems above rape

He's not above anything. At least in the animated film he was shown as someone who used prostitutes usually as the first thing he does any time he breaks out of Arkham. Except for this time, because maybe he saw some "other girl." As in the last girl he was seen undressing, Barbara.

t. planned parenthood shooter