DC turns into Marvel

My worst fear came true. Marvel fans went into a DC movie expecting a comedy relief superhero movie but when they got a reality dose and a superhero movie that actually has consequences in it. They called it shit and said it was too dark. Lets be real, it wasn't dark, the movie took itself serious. That's the main different between Marvel and DC.

Then you have these same people constantly bitching, the writers will be force to cater to these fucking dweebs. Now we have this Justice Quips. The fact Batman is a fucking Robert Downhere Jr clone is disgusting. Barry Allen being socially retarded, Aqua trying so hard to be a badass and Wonder Woman, well at least here movie trailer looks good. This is what happens when people cry about something they know nothing about and wanting it to be similar to what they already know.

Also to the fucking faggots who say

>You guys complain when DC is dark but now when it is funny and goofy you guys complain

Yeah, not the same crowd queer bait. That's Marvel fagbois.

What now DC bros...I feel lost.

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Whatever DC does it'll forever be compared to Marvel.

What did you expect? The plebs hath spoken.

We are doomed to more capshit for a few more years until the bubble finally pops. But considering the trends, it will simply be replaced by a new shitty fad.

DC gazed too long into the abyss, it's their own fault

>Marvel fans went into a DC movie expecting a comedy relief superhero movie
You are an idiot that doesn't know what people expect from a DC movie. Even a Marvel poser knows they will get subjected to "Gritty-Dark-Nolan" when they see a DC movie.

i'll reserve judgement until i see a true trailer
this is just footage and coming off from the Bvs debacle
they wanted to show everyone that it won't be dark as BvS

ay b0ss Is that FilthyFrankTV?

When will Batman get raped?

It's soul crushing user. The normies and the plebs won

grow up

>muh tonal change

Chris Terrio explains it.
>At that moment, I thought, “I’m not done with this yet. I want to go back and keep telling the story.” “Batman v Superman” is a bit of an “Empire Strikes Back” or “Two Towers” or any similar middle film in a trilogy. The middle film tends to be the darkest one. I do think from “Man of Steel” through “Justice League,” it is one saga really.

>I expect “Justice League” will be tonally not quite as dark as “Batman v Superman.” From that point of view, I felt compelled to go back and try to lift us and myself into a different tonal place because I think when you write a darker film, sometimes you want to redeem it all a bit.


I agree OP, this really sucks.

DC was always more dark, and Marvel more light, but now DC will be light too. Same of the same shit.

Why can't we have nice and diferrents things?

For the last time, dcuck: people didn't hate BvS because it was serious. Dark Knight was just as serious and it got rave reviews. Stop blaming the people for DC's crappy decision making.

he tried to save us and we shunned him

this is the future you chose

It's fine user, stop being so melodramatic.

It will still be better than infinity war, and Sup Forums will still ironically shitpost marvel was better to get a rise out of you.

DC know s how to make good comics and bad movies. Marvel knows how to make good movies and bad comics.

This is simply the way things are.

Why in the holy hell does 'a little levity via dialogue' have to equal 'lighthearted,' or some other shit...'quips.' That shit is retarded. Also, what this guy said...

I actually like Batman with a little wit, honestly. I think the writers are realizing that the brooding autist Batman that we've had for the past decade is getting repetitive to write, and boring to act.

Now the logical thing would be to have Batman take more of a back seat to things and give the new folks some time to shine, but that's too big of a financial gamble since Batman will put the casual asses in the seats.

>tfw I hoped marvel would be the lighter hero universe while DC would be the darker one
>DC decides to just copy marvel
fucking hell, why can't they just dig their niche just like marvel dug theirs?

>good movies

Batman v Superman trailers after the first one had quips. Batman v Superman iteself had quips. Now stop crying like a fag, bro.

My main problem with the movie wasn't that it was dark and serious. My problem was that none of the characters motivations made any damn sense.

I mean, Lex fucking Luthor, one of the smartest men on the planet, thought it was a good idea to make an uncontrollable Doomsday monster as powerful as Superman because he was worried about Superman being an uncontrollable Doomsday monster. What the fuck?

he didnt save anybody, he ruined BvS with his bullshit

who the fuck cares its a comic book grow up faggot

>DC know s how to make good comics
>Marvel knows how to make good movies
Objectively you are a either 13 or a retard. The only saving graces of the entire capeshit industry are Netflix's Marvel and the DCEU.

>tfw I enjoy the lighthearted Marvel movies
>tfw I enjoy the more serious D.C. movies as well

Seriously, it's like saying "Die Hard was great, but why wasn't Saving Private Ryan as light hearted and quippy? We need a remake!"

Netflix's Marvel might be going downhill though if Jessica Jones was anything to go by

>why can't they just dig their niche just like marvel dug theirs?

Because they completely fucked up with Batman v Superman, so now they're overcompensating

>I mean, Lex fucking Luthor, one of the smartest men on the planet, thought it was a good idea to make an uncontrollable Doomsday monster as powerful as Superman because he was worried about Superman being an uncontrollable Doomsday monster. What the fuck?

"hurr durr he's crazy his plans don't have to make sense even if they're a detriment to the movie" - DCuck

>not realizing that batman and superman changes from series to series and that sometimes it's funnier and other times with a differing writer, it's darker.

i loved the video.

>Because they completely fucked up with Batman v Superman, so now they're overcompensating
The sad part is that the ultimate edition wasn't that bad, NOBODY fucking complained it wasn't "light and funny" enough. The core problems of BvS and MoS were simple things in their writing process that wont be fixed by just adding in quips

>"hurr durr he's crazy his plans don't have to make sense even if they're a detriment to the movie" - DCuck

I hope you're aware that I am a DC fan that you just replied to. I don't get this whole DC versus Marvel shit that's sprung up here, but it's just a stupid as it is with comic fans.

>The sad part is that the ultimate edition wasn't that bad

pls god stop this meme

I think the thing most writers forget about him is that Bruce Wayne is meant to be a smart ass, who acts like a typical dumb ass playboy, spouting jokes and fucking bitches. Batman is when he's serious and cracks no jokes, aside from some deadpan lines.

The last few Batman movies have all shown Bruce Wayne to be as brooding as Batman, which isn't right IMO.

>keep insisting there's some sort of brand war
>eventually people stop trying to tell you there isn't a brand war and you're just retarded

based nolan did it right

He explains his reasoning, but his reasoning is gay.

You're very right about that. I think writers are afraid to go with the lighter side of Bruce though because they're worried about camp, which seems to be the ultimate taboo with Batman following Schumacher. Which is pretty ridiculous considering we had the Bruce and Bat you described in the Burton films.

But I think we're going to run into the problem of staleness with Bruce in Justice League considering there doesn't seem to be much reason for him not to be Batman for more than half the film.

We'll obviously have to see how things play out when actual trailers get released, but for now I'm siding with the jokes since it's at least something different to work with

Nah, tbey jist edited that shit into the trailer to bring in the Marvel crowd. My money's on those being some of the only jokes in the movie.

I guess I'll just wait until they release the Ultimate Edition of this.

I didn't mind the "dark" ness to it, but it only made the fact that it was so drab even more apparent.

Justice League will be Quipkino



Where Marvel fag? Stop lying on the internet.

Why is everyone using the word "levity" specifically?