This picture always cracks me up

This picture always cracks me up

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Punished Jim Carrey

I know it's Sup Forums, but you don't really have to be like that about Carrey. He probably made you crack a smile a few times when you were younger.

He only did it to alleviate the blame for her death

tfw ex gf anheroed
feels bad with a gun

Forsaken Carrey

It's just a hilarious photo

Do you think he really cares? He is a bit of an over actor

Jim Carrey's abilities as a comedian peaked during In Living Color

Funny man ain't so funny now!

Seems like you're trying to be an edge lord.

>"Wait till they see me carrying her coffin, that'll show them!"

He did it because he should feel guilty about it but nobody believes he actually does

How so? Because he's sad?


What type of wood is that, ash? Perhaps a hard maple?

Are you 14?


No 22


I think its pine.


How so

Isn't mahogany a shade darker than that? Like a medium brown?

he's gonna have to Carrey that weight

Where is that hand on his shoulder coming from?

So who died?

Could be a yellow pine...

Think about your life and you'll figure it out.


I'm fine with my life thanks very much

who died ?
is it recent ?
poor Jim

>cut it out, joaquin

Legend says he's carreying the coffin of his deead wife. When they took the picture nobody was behind him, but he says he felt his wife's warm touch one last time, as if to comfort him that everything will be fine, and she'll be waiting for you

Like this if you too one day want to die in a motorbike accident


Please tell me someone else gets this

what is that pink creature on his shoulder

>when your edge phase has a 9 year delay

were (((they))) responsible?

is this real?

You're projecting

It's actually just formica and particle board. She's only his EX. Can't expect Carrey to bust out the big bills now.

Simon the Sorcerer?


That sounds like a projection.

Probably the broad he left the casket for.

His gf killed herself and left a note saying it was because she loved him
Nobody noticed she passed away untill a week later. Carrey went about his business as if nothing had happened

yeah, I mean that joaquin phoenix is a real jerk

Oh, nevermind. Thanks for the sauce.

It's pine bruh

How long were they even going out for? Had to be a long fucking time for him to do this at her funeral. Totally did this to make it seemed like he gave a shit when really i could be fucking all the prime blonde pussy he wanted

>posting on Sup Forums Sup Forums
>fine with your life

Fuck off edgelord

I get it

>Carrey went about his business as if nothing had happened
people often leave notes like that as they kill themselves, as a final jab at someone they feel has wronged them.
Carrey showed a lot of courage and empathy when he did that.

As for going on, as if nothing, at some point everyone in that situation is councilled like that .

Never did care for the smell of pine, truthfully.

Fuck off


It smells wonderful, besides the inside probably smelled more like varnish

Pine is a weak wood for weak people. Niggers don't know about my idigbo.


I'd imagine it smelled like formaldehyde


>As for going on, as if nothing, at some point everyone..

Throughout the the entire ordeal though, before, during and right after

Fresh cut pine is slimey and unpleasant to touch, guys.

>he doesn't have a Kaw-Liga statue made out of pine in his din

You ain't a real southern boy I take it

No. I have chipped dago pizza man statue, though.

>tries to be an edgelord
>everyone sees it
>someone calls him an edgelord and he says they are projecting

You've never had anyone mistake you for being clever.

Top Kek!

Never understood why Carey wouldn't make a marriage/GF work.

He seems like a likeable enough guy.

Apparently he's mega cunt irl.

he's probably bi-polar

Did he give a eulogy out of his butt?

It's course and it gets everywhere.

>this thread

We're talking about pine, not your discharge

You've obviously realized you'll never get a girl like that and are lashing out like a child would.
>I didn't want that anyway!

he's bipolar as the mask

like all thinking men he doesnt want to risk 50%+ for no gain

the only gain is she gets to say the government has certified you are in fact married





Why did she really kill herself?

>bang some clingy broad
>try to break up with her when she's a colossal pain in the ass
>she kills herself
>you're the bad guy no matter what you do

Sublime post


Really makes you think


reddit, think of reddit I mean.

You should probably go back there.

Haha bro you got me lol sorry man haha you got me dude lol wow I'm sorry dude lol

Why are you so upset but hiding it behind irony?

You don't know anything about Client Hardwell's Rinker Tinker shop do you?

Lol he probably doesn't

HAHA wow

Jim's carrer




Whenever I see it I imagine that the hand on his left shoulder is actually his right hand bent all the way around to reach it (which is why it looks like it's slipping off) the hand on the bottom of the coffin is someone elses.